However, Yan Qing actually misunderstood Gu Ao. Gu Ao did not interfere. On the contrary, when Li Ziyun mentioned this force, Gu Ao said that he would help her solve it!

But Li Ziyun did not let him go. Instead, he felt that a force that had just risen not long ago did not need Gu Ao, a strong man at the peak of the Martial Emperor, to go there. It would be enough to send a few Martial Emperors!

The message Li Ziyun gave to the three elders was!

They did not need to take care of this matter. He would send strong men to solve it!

However, because he had to do something with certain people, he did not send strong men immediately, so it was delayed!

But the main reason was that Li Ziyun looked down on the Tianxuan Sect at all!

In her opinion, a sect that had just risen was not strong in itself and could not produce any top strong men!

Li Ziyun was not in a hurry. The threat of the Tianxuan Sect to her was not great. After Li Ziyun solved other things, she would send strong men to deal with the Tianxuan Sect!

So this matter was actually delayed by Li Ziyun.

"How about we wait a little longer? Actually, there is no need to rush. Anyway, there is no martial arts emperor level strongman in Tianxuan Sect. Even if we wait for ten or a hundred days, what will happen? It will just take a little longer to deal with it!"Chu Xuan said.

Well! Seeing this, the two nodded. What Chu Xuan said was right. It was also because Yan Qing was too anxious about this matter.

The main reason was that Yan Qing was too loyal to the Heavenly Palace, so as long as he met some potential sects, he would make him uneasy!

After speaking!

Time passed as fast as the speed of light!

In the blink of an eye, it was already three days later!

The strong man sent by Qin Xuan finally came to the Central Region!

Along with them came the Soul Palace and the Shadow Palace!

In the palace courtyard!

Several people sat in the pavilion!

They are: Soul Demon, Shadow Demon, Chu You, Xiao Ran, Ling Gu!

Chu You is the Martial Emperor sent by Xiao Ran!

And behind them, there are several familiar faces!

For example: Gu Yuntian, Gu Yunfeng, Chu Youlei, Feng Yun, Ji Feng and others!

Ling Gu, who was sitting in the first seat, looked at everyone and said,"I believe you all understand what the sect master has entrusted to us, right?"

"Of course I know!" Everyone nodded.

Chu You had told them before they came.

Seeing this, Ling Gu looked serious and said in a deep voice:"In this case, we don't need to say more nonsense. Quickly mobilize your forces and keep an eye on the movements of the Heavenly Palace!"

"I believe it won’t be long before the Heavenly Palace will take action against us, so I’m sorry to bother you all!"

When Linggu said this, he stood up and bowed to everyone!

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly stood up. They couldn’t bear such a big gift!

They nodded and said,"Don’t worry, Great Elder, leave this matter to us!"

Well! Linggu nodded slightly. As soon as the words fell!

The figures of several people had disappeared on the spot.

Only Xiao Ran and Linggu were left.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

After speaking!

I saw a dark place!

It was full of countless black-robed figures!

The breath emitted by themselves was enough to vibrate the nearby void, but everyone suppressed their breath at all times!

Because here, there are people they are loyal to!

On their chests are written the blood-red words"Soul" and"Shadow"!

Without exception, everyone is the guardian elder of the Soul Palace and Shadow Palace!

They have the power of life and death in their hands. Thousands of creatures will all die as long as they open their mouths!

But they are here, no If anyone dares to be presumptuous, they will see their eyes fixed on two figures on a high platform!

On the high platform!

The Soul Demon and Shadow Demon in black and purple robes each put their hands behind their backs, staring at everyone with a pair of blood-red eyes!

Everyone being watched had a respectful expression and did not dare to be presumptuous!

No matter how powerful they are, they are just ants in the eyes of the two!

The reputation of the two in the Soul Palace and the Shadow Palace is in full swing. If the two dare to say one, no one dares to say two, because the one who says two has already closed his eyes in the nine springs!

The Soul Demon glanced at the Shadow Demon and the meaning was very clear!

The Shadow Demon nodded. Seeing this, the Soul Demon looked at everyone and said loudly:"I believe you all know where we are now, right?"

Everyone nodded repeatedly after hearing this

"The Central Region is the essence of the Tianxuan Continent. It has countless treasures and powerful people, which is completely different from the other four regions!"

"The Central Region has countless geniuses and many powerful forces hidden. I led you here for no other reason than to conquer this place and turn those high-ranking forces into puppets driven by my Soul Palace!"

Speaking of this, everyone's eyes have become full of heat, and they wish they could firmly control that group of forces now!

Every elder and guardian is in high spirits, and their eyes are endlessly emitting dim light, like a demon hidden under hell! Some of them were summoned by Qin Xuan, and some were recruited halfway. Each of them is ruthless and will not be tempted by beauty or wealth!

Before joining the Soul Palace, they were all unforgivable and evil demons. They had countless corpses in their hands, and the blood of death had already filled their hearts!

They all have one goal, which is to become top powerhouses and become people standing above the sky!

The Soul Palace gave them this opportunity and the opportunity to become stronger. Here, they only need to complete the task to get what they want. They don't need to play any human relationships, give any gifts, or What kind of relationship do you need to have!

Because these people are useless in the Soul Palace, and they can only survive here by their own strength and brains!

They were either beggars, or casual cultivators, or slave puppets that were manipulated by the top masters of the aristocratic families, and they had no status at all! The reason why they are so cruel is that they are affected by the laws of the cultivation world. A person's mind has long been firmly worn away by the years, and the passion they once had is no longer there, and all they have is becoming stronger!

They are very loyal to the Soul Demon, and this loyalty has long been deep in their bones.

Looking at the fiery expressions of the crowd and the breath that emanates from time to time, the Soul Demon smiled coldly, paused for a moment, and said:"So this seat only gives you one task, that is, to use your strength and brains to firmly control that group of forces, turn them into puppets, and turn them into our slaves. I hope you won't let this seat down!" As soon as the voice fell, everyone looked respectful and shouted:"Yes!"

The sound was deafening, resounding between heaven and earth, and the void could no longer withstand the momentum of the sound and began to slowly break!

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