Even Huo Yi didn't escape!

As for Bloodthirsty, the monster didn't kill him again. He glanced at him and didn't care anymore!

Because the monster realized that deep inside Bloodthirsty's body, there was something that scared him!

It was because of this thing that he didn't dare to do anything to Bloodthirsty!

He was afraid that after killing Bloodthirsty, that thing would come out!

As for Yun Fengyi?

He just said that deep in Yun Fengyi's heart, he had an indomitable spirit, and he also had a treasure like Phoenix Essence Blood. These two made him dare not touch it!

After saying that!

All the black beads surrounded the monster!

Hearing a whoosh!

All the black beads entered his body!

The next moment!

The monster's body began to change, and the original six arms and four legs began to turn into two hands and two legs!

The originally terrifying body gradually turned into a human body!

The horn on his head also turned into flowing black long hair, and his face turned into a majestic middle-aged man!

Ah~!"It's so comfortable!"

The monster let out a sense of pleasure!

He opened his eyes and looked at his body, and smiled!

"Although humans are useless, their bodies are very perfect. No wonder so many species like to transform into humans. The feeling of completely controlling the body is so wonderful!"

The monster laughed loudly!

His voice was not as hoarse as before, but it sounded gentle!

Yun Fengyi swallowed the pill and looked at him quietly!


But at this moment!

The nearby void began to shake violently because of something!



A space crack appeared in the air!


A light sound of footsteps came!

In the space crack, the figure of a young man stepped out!

Yun Fengyi looked up at this person, his eyes moved slightly!

There was a hint of confusion on his face!

It seemed that he didn't understand why he appeared at this time.

This young man was Wu Xu!

Wu Xu's deep eyes kept scanning the surroundings as if he was looking for someone!

Until he saw Yun Fengyi half-kneeling on the ground, his eyes stopped!

He moved and appeared in front of Yun Fengyi!

Looking at Yun Fengyi's embarrassed but beautiful figure, Wu Xu smiled and said,"It seems that you are in some trouble. Do you need my help?"

Wu Xu's gentle voice sounded in Yun Fengyi's mind.

Yun Fengyi looked up at him, nodded slightly and said,"Then I'll trouble you!"

Hearing this, Wu Xu laughed and waved his hand!

Then, his eyes were fixed on the monster's figure like an eagle!

The pressure from his whole body pressed the monster to the ground like a flood!


The monster groaned, and a trace of sweat appeared on his forehead!

Then he looked up at Wu Xu with his eyes dim, and said,"As the master of the secret realm and the person who makes the rules, you come to help them for no reason. Don't you know that this violates the agreement of heaven?""

Agreement? Wu Xu laughed, and his figure instantly appeared in front of him. He leaned over and looked at the monster and said,"Agreements are all floating clouds. What do you say? Didn't you violate it? Why don't you stay in the statue and sleep well, but run out to harm everyone?""


The monster snorted coldly and said angrily,"This is different. If this woman hadn't taken the beast bead, how could I have chased her to look for her?"

"And that guy too!"

The monster looked at the bloodthirsty eyes in the distance.

Then he looked at Wu Xu and said:"Unless they return the beast bead to me, I am not afraid even if you do it yourself!"

Hearing this, Wu Xu's face turned slightly cold!

If he was like the sun in spring just now, now he is the ice and snow in winter!

The cold is biting!

Yun Fengyi watched the two people talking with her eyes!

She has understood the conversation between the two!

She will never exchange the beast bead back!

If Wu Xu agrees, Yun Fengyi will directly use the phoenix essence blood to fight to the death!

She will try whether she wins or loses!

After all, how can she easily return something that she has obtained with great difficulty? Is there a monster's name written on the beast bead?

There is no such thing at all.

"You are looking for death, do you know that?"

The monster didn't say anything, and looked at him with an unchanged expression!

The figure of the little thing also appeared on Wu Xu's head!

It said some incomprehensible words!

But looking at the expression of the little thing, you can understand that it is cursing!

The monster probably understood the meaning, but he still stood there with an unchanged expression.

Seeing him like this, Wu Xu didn't want to say anything anymore, and his own sense of oppression began to increase!

"I'm sorry, this secret realm is under my control. What I just said to you was just to give the person behind you a face. Since you are so ungrateful, I don't need to waste my words with you!"After

Wu Xu finished speaking, his figure appeared in the sky!

It was like a god descending!

Then, the monster's body suddenly began to break slowly, like shedding its skin!

The monster was shocked at this scene!

He wanted to resist, but found that he couldn't even control his own body now, and had no chance to resist at all!

After a few breaths of time!

His body began to turn red, until it turned into scattered fragments one by one, turning into its original terrifying appearance!



Wisps of black gas came out of his body!

This was the energy he had just absorbed from everyone's body!

And at this moment, it all began to return to everyone!


The monster opened his palms and roared at the sky unwillingly!

"The person behind me will not let you go!" As soon as the words fell, the monster's body turned into a wisp of bubble and disappeared between heaven and earth!

"Humph!"Wu Xu looked at this scene coldly!

As for the person behind the monster who would not let him go?

Wu Xu was not afraid. He was no longer the Wu Xu he used to be after understanding what happened. If that person dared to come, he would fight with him personally until he died!

He had just talked to the monster. It was the monster himself who was holding on to this matter. Otherwise, Wu Xu would not have killed him and would have spared his life. He did not want to fight with that person now because of this matter. Wu Xu had been sleeping for too long, and his strength from his peak period had not fully recovered. Now he could only exert the peak realm of the Martial Emperor!

Then! He quickly disappeared into the sky and appeared in front of Yun Fengyi!

Looking at the serious injury suffered by Yun Fengyi, Wu Xu couldn't help but chuckle!

"Your injury is a bit serious, do you need me to help you recover?"

Hearing this, Yun Fengyi nodded.

She would not refuse, but she would not forget this favor either!

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