Then he saw bloodthirsty ghost fires constantly emerging!

Dozens of demons appeared in front of him and rushed up with him!

Yun Fengyi also began to summon the phoenix phantom!

The sword in his hand kept waving!

Seeing this, the monster smiled coldly!

"Is that all you have? You dare to fight me! You're really courting death!"

As soon as the words fell, the monster's own aura exploded!

A huge fist blasted out!


A dark fist shadow rushed towards Bloodthirsty with unstoppable momentum!

Wherever it passed, all the summoned demons turned into bubbles, and they couldn't resist even for a breath!

And Bloodthirsty had no time to dodge!

Bang! He took the punch firmly!


I saw his figure constantly retreating! He smashed more than a dozen statues before he stopped!

But at this time, he no longer had the strength to stand up!

His whole body was replaced by blood!

His body was bloody and his cold face was completely destroyed, replaced by a person whose face could not be seen clearly!

"Not good!" Yun Fengyi's face changed!

After calming down, he looked at Huo Yi and said,"Hurry up and find a place to hide. The strength of this monster is not something you can resist!"

"But Sister......!"Huo Yi was a little hesitant when he heard this.

But Yun Fengyi just looked at him coldly and yelled,"If you don't want to die, leave!"

This was said with an irresistible tone, but also with a hint of helplessness!

Seeing this, Bloodthirsty clenched his fists and nodded heavily!

Then he fled to the altar behind him!

The monster naturally saw this scene!

But he just glanced at it coldly and didn't care anymore. For him, there was no difference between running away and not running away. He would go to Huo Yi after dealing with Yun Fengzhong!

Looking at Yun Fengyi's figure, the monster walked towards her coldly!

With every step, the pressure he exerted would become heavier and heavier, until Yun Fengyi was crushed to the ground, without the ability to stand up at all!


The monster smiled coldly!


Yun Fengyi directly spit out a mouthful of blood, her face pale!

Use the sword to pierce the ground to prevent herself from falling!

As for why she didn't run away?

Because she knew that with her current strength, there was not much difference between running away and not running away!

The monster was staring at her. There was no point in her running away. Instead, it would harm others!

It was better to stay where she was!

Because Yun Fengyi had a feeling that even if she encountered the semi-immortal realm, she would not die directly. Instead, she would live for a reason!

She didn't know why, but this feeling gave her great confidence!

As for the Black Demon Python, it had long been firmly pressed to the ground by the monster's momentum. Its huge body seemed so useless!

The monster looked at Yun Fengyi's beautiful face, which was so beautiful that it could make fish sink to the bottom of the water and geese fall to the ground. There was no change in his eyes!

He walked in front of her, looked into her eyes, and said,"The human race is still as useless as always!"

Cold words without a trace of emotion came out of the monster's mouth!

Hearing this, Yun Fengyi sneered and said,"You are just bullying people with low realms. If I return to the peak, how can an ant like you look directly at me?"


Seeing that Yun Fengyi was not afraid of herself at all, she also felt that her life was in danger because she lost!

This approach caused the monster to chuckle!

He did not feel angry because of Yun Fengyi's words!

He nodded and said:"Yes, I did use my realm to suppress others!"

"But? Do you think this is wrong?"

Yun Fengyi didn't say anything, and looked at him with an unchanged expression!

"You are indeed different from that group of people. I feel the spirit of perseverance in your heart, and this spirit will never succumb to others!"

"Moreover, there is an indescribable powerful force in your heart. I have observed it carefully, and I cannot shake it with my current strength!"


At this point, the monster's eyes emitted a hint of red light!

"It's only now, in the future my strength will become stronger, until it surpasses what's in your heart!"

"And you are just an ant now. I can seriously injure you with a flick of my finger, and you have no way to stop it. Isn't the man who was with you just now an ant?"

The monster pointed at the bloodthirsty man not far away.

"He couldn't even withstand one of my blows and was knocked down. What else could he be but an ant?"

"If you have the guts, then improve your strength and fight me openly, instead of saying that you can use your power to suppress others!"

The monster showed a hint of amusement at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were dim!

Since his resurrection, he has slowly begun to turn into a human. He already has human emotions and thoughts. Perhaps it is because he has absorbed human emotions that he has become like this!

This is also his terrifying point. You can understand it by looking at what his clone did!

He did not let the clone kill all these people, but controlled them all!

Because he was going to transform all the thoughts of these people into pure spiritual power and pass it into his body, so as to become more like a human race. Perhaps this is why he was sealed!

His ability is very perverted, and it is a very terrifying ability to transform into a race!

Yun Fengyi did not speak, with her eyes closed.

Seeing her like this, the monster did not care about her anymore, but looked at the people who were controlled!

Looking at these people, he seemed to see some treasure!

"Next, let me obtain that incomparably pure power, and let me see what has happened in the Tianxuan Continent over the years!" After the words fell!

All the monster clones began to transform into black beads. The beads spun in a circle and began to carefully search the bodies of everyone. They found a place that was easier to penetrate into their hearts and passed through them into their bodies!

The moment the beads penetrated everyone, their expressions began to become distorted, and their teeth kept biting, as if they were enduring some kind of pain!


"this...What is this? I can’t seem to control my body anymore!"

"I...Me too!"

The next moment!

Everyone's eyes turned dark, their struggling bodies stopped, their expressions became stiff, as if they had turned into some kind of puppets!

Then, they slowly stood up and began to walk around the altar! Looking down from a high altitude, you can find that the positions of everyone seem to be regular, like some kind of formation!

When everyone found their own positions, the monster moved and appeared in the middle of the crowd!

His body slowly floated in the air, as if it had merged with the void!

Then, everyone's eyes emitted a trace of black light, which turned into the original black beads, and their expressions began to slowly recover!

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