"Everyone is dead? How long has it been! How is that possible!" Jin Like, who heard this answer from Tiansuo's mouth, was shocked, and he almost couldn't hold the pistol in his hand firmly.

"Well... maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but when I ran, the shelter had been breached and the aliens were killing people. I don't think the situation would be any better than what I said.

By the way, I estimate that the other fleeing guys and the aliens will be here soon - I was able to separate from them because I ran early first, and secondly I took the shelter's car Drive away, otherwise how could we leave the aliens and the others so far behind!

How is the strength of our shelter? If that doesn't work, run away! I guess other fleeing people and alien species are coming soon. After all, although I drove, Xiba, the earthquake disaster destroyed it so badly that it broke down not long after I drove it, and the rest still ran on my legs! So it was pulled open, but not completely! "

After a slight pause, Tadsuo remembered this key point and hurriedly explained.

While asking about the strength, hearing was believing and seeing was believing. Tadokoro looked at the interior of this shelter with his peripheral vision, wanting to check the ingredients, but then he was a little disappointed.

It can be seen from the infrastructure behind the wall that the development of this shelter is not very good. It seems that... it is not as good as its original 'miracle' shelter.

Could it be that he got off the pirate ship and fell into the wolf's den again?

After hearing that it didn't really mean 'all the people were dead', Jin Like breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the alien species is not exaggerated to this extent, otherwise it will be too desperate.

Then he was a little annoyed at this guy's exaggeration, and said in a gloomy and fierce voice:

"Tell me exactly what happened over there, as long as it's absolutely true, without any other fancy embellishments!"

"Wait a minute! I have a video here! Xiba! It's so ironic that we underestimated the alien species. This was originally intended to record the glorious moment when humans successfully fought against the alien species. By the way, we relied on the video to deepen the research on the alien species and facilitate better subsequent battles. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be everyone’s last photo!

I can leave the task of researching alien species to you. "

Hearing this, Tian Suo pulled out a shabby-looking video recorder from his schoolbag and rubbed his brow with some annoyance.

"Don't let go yet, come with me!" Jin Like knew that the situation was urgent. Now he was chatting privately with the guy in front of him. Later, he and he would have to explain it to the other 'seniors' of the shelter. Instead of wasting time, it would be better to Bring Tian Suo directly to those people and explain and describe it together to save time.

Not long after Tian Suo was brought to a room by Jin Like that was still in good condition except for some cracks in the wall, people began to come in one after another and looked at him with scrutiny.

This made Tadokoro feel like a prisoner.

And when a strong man walked in, the others consciously moved out of the way, and even bent slightly and kept bowing. Tian Zao was also a laborer before the era of natural disasters, so he was not familiar with this classic set of classes. The obedient movements immediately distinguished who was the boss here.

So Tian Suo immediately faced the other party with a flattering smile, which was almost flattering written on his face.

Although this shelter doesn't look good, if he shows off, he is just looking for death, and Tadokoro doesn't want to die here like this.

"I am the director of the Survival Shelter, Li Yueming." As expected, the other party said so, but before Tiansuo could introduce himself again, Li Yueming immediately continued in a tone that could not be criticized:

"Are you from the original Vault No. 4? And there are videos of you facing alien species? Now, show it to me."

The other party even came prepared and brought a usable laptop and transmission cable, so that at least everyone didn't have to squeeze in front of the video recorder to watch on the small screen.

Tadokoro quickly called up the video and directly found the more critical part and started playing it.

There was no one on the screen at first, just a wasteland where sticks could be seen everywhere, but the voice of conversation came from outside the screen:

"It's already noon, why can't we see any trace of the alien species? Could it be that they have been killed by the people in the shelter over there?"

"Weren't all the "exotic stones" confiscated by them? We’ve been preparing for so long and we’re just waiting for loneliness, right? Asi, if that doesn't work, let's just kill them in a while and snatch away all the "exotic stones" they collected during this period, so we can reap the benefits, haha. "

The camera began to shift. First, Tadokoro's face appeared for a moment, and then there was a row of people holding various weapons, including firearms, earthen cannons, but also rough weapons such as steel rods and shovels.

“Our Vault 4 was preparing to fight the alien species a week ago. At that time, everyone agreed on a theory that humans could persist for so long in the face of alien disasters without their knowledge.

And how many people could we have at that time? How many weapons can there be? Therefore, the alien species must be very weak. As long as we are prepared, we will definitely be able to win and turn the enemy into material for our growth - after all, everyone has been thinking this way since before the Era of Natural Disasters.

So everyone is more confident. Now think about it, damn, they are a bunch of idiots! " Tian explained while playing the video.

"Stop laughing now, something is coming." At this time in the video, a person interrupted everyone's teasing and looked ahead with squinted eyes.

Everyone followed his gaze and suddenly discovered that at the end of their sight, several figures of marine alien species appeared. They were 'jumping and hopping' at the moment, climbing on the surrounding ruins from time to time, and even starting to rummage around. these ruins.

"Axi, is this the alien species? Is this looking for humans? Hide first!" The group of people who were still mocking the alien species just now, when they met, immediately regarded it as a shrinking turtle and hid in the building for a week. Behind the trench, he carefully spied on the alien species.

There are walls of the shelter behind the trenches, so you can still run away if you can't defeat them.

"Where are you looking for humans like this? What kind of trouble is it to rummage through the ruins? Can we humans hide down here? This alien species seems to have a ridiculously low IQ." Someone looked at the alien species' movements and couldn't help complaining.

In fact, to a certain extent, he is right.

Because there was no trace of humans in the field of vision, these few aliens seemed to be wandering aimlessly, and they would burrow into any small space they could enter.

The rigid 'code' in their actions makes today's aliens behave extremely strangely and stupidly when they cannot see humans.

"They are really uglier creatures than goblins, but they are about the same size. How come these guys got here before the people in the shelter outside? It can't be that everyone is dead, right? There are just a few of them, Can we get rid of them all? Is it different from what we imagined? Or are they too useless? "

someone asked.


Because the distance was too close, the gunfire was deafening, and everyone was frightened.

"Axi, what are you doing?! I'm scared to death! Are you looking for death!" Everyone immediately looked at the guy who shot, a man with a rough face.

However, the other party didn't care. He put his head forward and said with a smile:

"Let me tell you, the aliens are so weak that they died without a single shot to the head."

Hearing this, everyone looked over again and saw that one of his bullets had indeed hit a mutant. Now the mutant had fallen to the ground, its whole body began to twitch, and it was about to die.

But the other aliens, who were slowly moving in different directions, now all looked towards the direction where the gunfire came from.

No alien species cared about the dying species, and some even stepped on the other's body that was still alive and began to walk in the direction of the sound, wanting to find out.

"Damn it! Then you can't shoot like this! Look, our position has been directly exposed!" Someone still said dissatisfied.

"A group of cowards will be exposed if they are exposed. Then you should wait and see how I can deal with these guys! I can do it alone!" He became the first being in the shelter to kill the alien species with his own hands. At this moment, the man is incomparable. He is confident and feels that his actions are enough to be recorded in the annals of human history.

He leaned directly out of the trench and began to tilt the ammunition in his hand at the aliens.

"Da da da da da!" Amidst the continuous gunshots, several more mutants with bullet holes all over their bodies fell to the ground, their flesh and blood disintegrating.

Of course, although there were only a few of the fearless aliens left, after seeing the man and confirming that he was a human, they let out an excited roar and changed from walking to running with big jumps.

"Fuck, there are no more bullets." The gun in the man's hand made a clicking sound, and he said somewhat speechlessly.

However, he refused the bullets offered by the people around him, and instead took the long knife in the hand of one person: "There is only one left among a group of cowards. Bullets for such a guy are a waste."

It turned out that only one of the alien species could still move at this time. The man directly crossed the trench and rushed over with a knife.

In the uneasy sight of others, the roaring alien waved its sharp claws and jumped high towards the man. However, the man just stabbed hard with the knife, and the knife easily penetrated the alien's body.

No matter how sharp the claws are, it's useless if they can't touch humans.


"Hahahaha, is this a mutant? It's weaker than we thought!"

The man smashed the alien on the long knife to the ground. Although his words were arrogant, his hands were very steady and he stabbed the alien's body more than a dozen times with care. After confirming that the alien could not be 'resurrected', he stopped. Stepping on the alien corpse, he raised his sword high and looked up to the sky, laughing.

He even had time to turn his head and pose: "Tasuo, did you record my heroic appearance?"

"Remember, record!"

Everyone who was originally hiding behind the trenches stood up when they saw this scene. Some brave people also walked through the trenches and carefully inspected the corpses of these alien species. What's more, they started digging directly, and they were a little excited. cried:

"There really is a "strange stone"! "

The milky white stone in his hand sparkled in the midday sun.

"This is my trophy, and the decision should be mine! I want to eat this "extraordinary stone," and you guys shouldn't have any objections, right?" And these corpses, maybe they can be eaten? I want them all too, don’t move! "The man rushed over immediately, took the strange stone away from the opponent's hand, and emphasized.

His eyes were still staring at these corpses, as if they were a pile of treasures waiting to be developed.

Everyone had no objection. Another person looked at the "exotic stone" in the other person's hand, licked the corner of his mouth, looked at the people around him, and asked tentatively:

"Otherwise, let's go directly to the place where these alien species appeared. I can see that Mr. "Hope" from the East Kingdom will die in the alien disaster because he has no strength at all! "

"I absolutely support it, I want to kill a hundred alien species! Get a hundred "exotic stones", I'm ready to evolve! "

The man who just took action is the most supportive of this statement, and the others are also ready to make a move.

"We don't need to go over, these beasts are coming for us!" Someone pointed in the distance, and several more mutants appeared. They saw this large group of people and let out a roar.

The number seems to be a bit more than the previous round.

"I'll do it this time!"

"I come!"

"I've shot, mine!"

This time, although the number was slightly larger, everyone was no longer nervous and fearful, and even started to grab heads.

"That's just what I killed! My bullet hit the head!"

"Fart, it's obviously my bullet. Don't I still know your shooting skills?"

In the too dense pouring of ammunition, these alien species completely twitched to death without shortening the distance between them and humans by half.

Continuous 'victories' have made everyone's confidence reach an extremely high level at this moment.

"Holy crap, why don't I go over and kill one too?" Tadokoro's quiet voice came from outside the camera in the video.

Even looking at such a scene, he felt confident.

"I can only say that luckily I didn't go out at that time." When the video reaches this point, Tadokoro and the people in the "Survival" shelter said this with joy.

"Why do I feel that the ground is shaking?" The video continues, almost connecting with Tadokoro's words, a voice is saying this.

"...It seems to be true?" Tian Suo heard this and put his camera on the ground. After doing so, the vibration of the ground directly caused the vibration of the camera and the screen, which could be seen clearly with the naked eye.

And those who were cutting up and searching for the alien corpses were so absorbed in fighting for and distributing the spoils that they seemed completely unaware of it.

"Hey! The ground is shaking! Something big is coming! I have a bad feeling!" Tadokoro immediately shouted to several people outside the trench.

"Ah? What can be coming? Alien species? Come one, I'll kill one, come a pair, I'll kill a pair!" The man with a lot of alien flesh and blood on his face turned his head and said disdainfully.

Later, he found a person standing on the wall behind the trench, whose face seemed not to be very good.

He swallowed a sip of saliva and stretched out his trembling left hand to point at the scene behind the man: "Then what if... there are countless alien species, can they really be killed?"

"What?" The man's mind didn't turn around for a moment, and he didn't understand this sentence, but he subconsciously turned his head and looked behind him.

There is a small slope, and my field of vision is limited, so I cannot see some things that can be seen from high places.

So the man walked forward and walked up the hillside.

"Xibalama!" (End of chapter)

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