February 1, 2025, 17:40 pm - there are only a few dozen minutes left before the end of the first day when the alien species descends on Blue Star.

Bangchao Country, formerly SG Shelter No. 1, is now called the 'Survival' Shelter.

Jin Like stood under dusk, looking far to the northwest. After making sure that no strange creatures appeared in the sky, he continued to turn his head and stare at the southeast.

No aliens, safe.

"Perhaps the first day of the alien disaster can be passed without any injuries?"

Jin Like thought so in his heart.

Compared with him three months ago, Jin Like's condition was much worse. This was inevitable. Jin Like did not believe that anyone could live better in such an era than before the era of natural disasters.

Although the body has become a little weaker, the foundation of long-term fitness is still there. Even though he has lost a lot of weight, he can still be called a strong man. With his rich fighting skills, he is still considered the most capable person in this shelter. Hit one.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to reach his current position and enjoy the best treatment.

"Captain Jin, your dinner has been brought to you." There was a voice behind him, and Jin Like turned around to see a member of the security team of the shelter bringing a plate of food to him.

"Okay, thank you." Jin Like nodded and took the plate.

There is actually nothing on the dinner plate, just two large biscuits, a small bowl of stick kimchi, a national dish, a bowl of plain water that can be regarded as soup with a few broken seaweed at the bottom, and a pack of two months old Just expired ketchup.

After taking the dinner plate, Jin Like started to 'eat'.

When a person is hungry, anything he eats is delicious, unless it tastes really unpalatable to a certain extent.

The taste of this biscuit is really terrible. I don't know if it is because it has become damp. The outside part is obviously still very hard, but the inside is a bit soft. It has no taste except for being sour.

As for the national dish of Bangchao, as the highest etiquette of gifting Bangchao between countries, this kimchi also tastes terrible.

Jin Li Ke even suspected that this stuff was pickled before the Era of Natural Disasters. It tasted extremely sticky. If you smell it carefully, it still has a faint odor.

With many years of experience in kimchi, Jin Like was sure that it had definitely expired, but since there was no white hair on it, the disease shouldn't be serious, so he just had to make do with it.

I still rely on my own strength and status to have these foods. Many people in the shelter can't even eat these.

In order to maintain the last bit of morality and rationality as a human being, the shelter where Jinlik was located had the foresight to prohibit cannibalism - at least not his own people.

According to the current owner of the shelter, once the mouth is opened to eat one's own people, as time goes by, it will no longer be possible for everyone to trust each other, and they will no longer be 'similar people who share the same difficulties', but 'Reserve food for common adversity', human beings will degenerate into beasts.

Sometimes Jin Like feels that his current boss is quite smart and cannot eat humans. The food reserves are already close to being exhausted. The shelter is located relatively far away from the ocean and cannot catch fish. How can he survive?

The answer is to raise maggots.

The famous foodie Bear Grylls once said that maggots taste like chicken, are crunchy and have four times the protein content of beef.

In fact, what he said is not wrong. The protein content of maggots is 60%, while that of beef is only 20%.

Maggots appeared very early. After the ice disaster ended, the ice melted and the frozen beasts on the surface were exposed. Soon after, a large number of maggots were born on their bodies. Jinlik didn't know what these guys were doing. Survived.

The far-sighted shelter owner began to collect and store these, and even began to raise them in captivity.

It is actually quite simple to raise maggots artificially. After all, the shelter produces a lot of feces every day, and some soil can be melted to become a culture medium.

And somewhat ironically, Jin Like also knew that many times the corpses produced in the shelter would also become one of the culture media.

Jin Like, who knew the inside story, thought that the source of the food was dung and corpses. Even if it was beaten into paste, it was still unpalatable. He always felt that this was eating shit and eating people after a half-circle.

Of course, the director of the shelter also refused to eat.

If you sit in this position and still eat the same food and live the same life as the people below, isn't this position in vain?

"Captain Jin, tell me, is our position actually quite good?"

While eating, the member who delivered the meal talked to Jin Like:

"The alien species should have appeared, right? As a result, we don't have one here so far. It seems that both the alien species in the sea and the alien species in the sky have been blocked by people on both sides, right?

On the contrary, we have become the safest existence. It can only be said that the situation has changed. Hehe, in the past, the more internal shelters could have "unusual rocks", and the coastal shelters had rich aquatic resources. Only we, sandwiched in the middle, could have nothing. No, you can only eat maggots, damn, what a fucking day.

But now, they are forced to become our shields and help us withstand danger from the front. "

"That's it. It's...good news." Jin Like nodded, but his face did not show the same joy and gloating as the other party's.

"But I remember Mr. "Hope" said that dealing with a mutant species is easy for adults as long as they have the tools at hand, right?

To put it bluntly, the alien species are actually not strong. If this is the case, then if we defend both the inside and the outside, we will suffer a big loss again! "This member was worried about gains and losses at this time and said: "Well, it would be great if both sides of them could lose, and it would be up to us to end it, and the fishermen would benefit. I hope the aliens can give me some help! "

"You're crazy, don't take me with you. I don't want to face these alien species, and I don't want this benefit either. It would be best if the alien species died as soon as possible." Jin Like disagreed with this statement and shook his head in disgust, then responded Get up and leave directly:

"You eat slowly, and I'll go patrolling the area around the shelter."

At this time, shelters could barely have the concept of walls. After all, before the Era of Natural Disasters, Bangchao Country was not an earthquake-prone country, so its daily buildings still had relatively few earthquake-resistant designs. During the disaster, many buildings in this large-scale shelter were reduced to rubble overnight, not to mention the earthquake that lasted for a whole month.

Jin Like betrayed his original master of the SG chaebol in order to save his niece and father. However, his father died in the earthquake and his body was not found.

With luck, he will become part of the earth.

If he's not lucky, he will be one of the hundreds that have been eaten by shelter members in the past.

My niece has survived to this day, but it is also very difficult. It is the time when her body is growing, but she does not have enough nutrition.

Sometimes Jin Li Ke feels sad for his niece who is not yet a few years old. As long as he can remember, Lan Xing has been in the era of natural disasters. There is no trace of the beauty in the past in today's world.

And once something unexpected happens to him one day, let alone see the beauty, his niece, who is completely a burden in the next second, will follow him to hell.

"Question the plutocrats, resist the plutocrats, overthrow the plutocrats, understand the plutocrats, and become the plutocrats." Walking on the 'wall', Jin Like looked at the refuge and looked at the large number of people who were still struggling to survive despite being in the refuge. On the bottom floor of the shelter, he said softly, feeling a little ironic.

At the beginning, the slogans of resistance to the chaebols were shouted loudly, freedom and equality, and let the light of righteousness shine on everyone. But the result is that most people have become stepping stones in the gutter, allowing the heads of those who step on them to probe. When I came out of the sewer, I saw a light.

In fact, there are indeed such original people with such naive ideas. Jin Like met one, and he was in the "Survival" shelter. He was one of the masterminds who led the overthrow of the SG chaebol.

After the initial victory of the rebellion, the idealist had a conflict with the other masterminds over decision-making.

The former hopes to implement the mutual help in the slogan of resistance, while the latter bluntly admits that it is just bullshit to incite everyone to join together. In the end of the world, this will not work at all, and only the fittest can survive.

The final result was that 'Survival' split into two parts at that time, one to implement the former's ideas, and one to implement the latter's ideas. Of course, the split did not last long, and they were reunited in less than a week, or rather ...was annexed.

The reason is quite simple. Most of those who are stronger than ordinary people do not agree with the bullshit equality at all. It is meaningless to help the weak. They are already strong, so why should they accept being with the weak? treatment?

So in the split, these people naturally joined the survival of the fittest side.

And those beings who know that they are weak, how come they don’t know that if they join the survival of the fittest side, they will definitely not end well and will only become enslaved?

So I joined the former.

But this situation is destined to have a huge gap in strength between the two sides. One is a gathering place for the strong, and the other is a gathering place for the weak.

But the problem is that during the split, resources are equally divided.

So the strong ones were dissatisfied with this. After a few days of splitting, they randomly found a reason to start civil strife, which ended quickly due to the huge gap in strength.

That idealist died with regret.

He himself is actually a strong man, otherwise he would not be able to lead everyone to successfully overthrow the chaebol rule. Regardless of whether he uses a gun or not, in a single fight, Jin Like feels that he cannot defeat that guy. It is a pity to die like this. , he is considered a good man.

Jin Like still admires him a little, but it is just a little admiration, nothing more - he has always stood firmly on the side of survival of the fittest. Even Jin Like knows very well that when he used his niece and father The people who threaten you are the people here.

But since his niece and father did not die in their hands, instead of discussing how to repay shortcomings, it is better to think about how to live.

After all, talking about anything other than living in the apocalypse is a luxury.

Most of the sun has already set under the Western Mountain, and Jin Like is about to turn on the lights in the shelter. After a whole day of sunshine, the solar charging panel has finally provided a lot of power to the shelter. , no longer need to use outdated bonfires like the disaster of the polar night.

"Is there anyone in this shelter? Is there anyone in this shelter?" At this moment, there seemed to be an inappropriate voice coming from outside the 'wall'.

Jin Like had a thought in his mind. As the sound got louder, he was sure it was not an auditory hallucination and immediately turned his head to look in the direction of the source of the sound.

I saw a man carrying a bag, running hard on the rugged road, with a bloody wound on his calf, but I didn't seem to feel anything about it, with anxiety and panic on his face.

Jin Like immediately picked up the small pistol on his waist, first aimed at the opponent, then raised his head slightly and aimed the crosshair at the intersection where the opponent appeared.

This completely unfamiliar face is coming from this direction and seems to be running away. This can only mean...

Can’t you hold on even for a day?

At this time, Jin Like's heart was already beating hard. He was afraid that behind this man, there would be a large number of alien species.

"Hey, hello, are you from this shelter? I'm coming in. I'm carrying some supplies and weapons on my back. Don't worry, you won't lose money if you let me join you!"

The other party also noticed Jin Like, and even noticed that Jin Like was still holding a pistol in his hand. However, the other party did not stop in fear. Instead, he first raised his hands in the air to show his harmless attitude, then slowly stepped forward and said .

Seeing that Jin Like ignored him, but stared in the direction he was coming from, the other party quickly said: "Don't worry, there are no aliens following me...at least not yet, so let me in first, it'll be fine!"

After hearing this, Jin Like's anxious heart relaxed a little. He put away his pistol, moved his head slightly, and motioned for the other party to come in first.

This extremely reluctant wall is actually very fragile. In fact, you can come in directly, but the other party still opened the door made of a completely separated wooden board in the wall with a sense of ceremony.

"Where are you from, a coastal refuge? Did you encounter alien species? How is the situation now? Have you defended it? Or has it been breached?" Jin Li asked immediately after walking down the wall.

"Brother, I can't answer so many questions at once. Drink some water first." The other party took out a water glass from the side of his backpack, took a sip, and then gently wiped his wound.

"Answer my question quickly!" Jin Like, who was eager to know the answer, pointed his pistol directly at the opponent's head.

"Don't worry, brother! Can't I say it now!" Tadokoro quickly raised his hands again, and then said quickly: "My name is Tadokoro, and I am 'Miracle'... Well, I am the former SG No. 4. The people in the shelter, yes, Xiba, those aliens are too scary."

"I don't know the situation right now. I guess... almost everyone is dead." (End of Chapter)

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