Chapter 167 167· “Above the Blue Star.”

December 31, 2024, Eastern Time, exactly ten o'clock in the morning - there are only the last fourteen hours left before the earthquake disaster ends and the polar night disaster begins.

Outer space, Dongguo Space Station.

Deng Feng woke up from his sleeping bag, rubbed his slightly sore eyes, pulled the curtains next to him, and took a look at the scenery in space through the huge glass porthole.

This scenery is extremely rare for ordinary people, but for Deng Feng, it is just everyday.

Deng Feng floated directly forward - strictly speaking, Deng Feng was actually standing now.

Because in the weightless environment of space, there is actually no difference between sleeping standing up and sleeping lying down. However, for ordinary people, it takes a long time to adapt to sleeping in this environment.

It's already the last day of this year.

Deng Feng looked at the paper calendar made by his son hanging on the wall. After stretching out his fingernails and putting the last mark on it, Deng Feng sighed to himself.

We are about to enter the year 2025. Originally, at this time, I should be happy.

After all, this meant that he was halfway through the space station duty rotation and it would not be long before he returned to Blue Star.

Unfortunately...nothing lasts forever.

After getting out of the sleeping bag and untying the restraints that prevented him from floating around while sleeping, Deng Feng left the sleeping area, looked for his teammates, and prepared to start work today - Dongguo Space Station has a two-shift system.

Passing by other sleeping areas, the teammates who should be resting and on duty with him were not there. They were probably all awake.

Waking up at ten o'clock is not because Deng Feng is lazy. There is no concept of time in space. Day and night are actually the same.

Deng Feng went to the fitness area last night and stayed a little longer, so he ended his shift and went to bed late.

Song Yu, Wen Yi, you've all finished eating.

When Deng Feng came to the kitchen area on the space station, he saw the empty food bags in front of his two teammates, Deng Feng and Hu Wenyi, and said with a smile.

There are a total of six astronauts on the Dongguo Space Station, five men and one woman, so there are three shifts.

Yeah, you got up too late. Hu Wenyi, the only female astronaut, joked with a smile.

It's too late. Deng Feng smiled, floated to the two of them, opened the refrigerator in the kitchen, thought for a while, and took out a package of spicy mutton.

The Dongguo Space Station currently does not lack supplies. Dongguo will conduct two rounds of personnel replacements in March and September every year, and will also use this to carry out two rounds of food supplies.

But it is not that we only prepare food for half a year at a time. This risk resistance is too low. Dongguo usually prepares about nine months of supplies at a time to ensure that if the rotation and supplies do not proceed normally, the astronauts in the space station , you can still persist for a while.

The last replenishment was in September, so the supplies in the space station, even if no savings are made, and no new supplies are produced, are enough to support the six people on it until at least June of 2025.

To a certain extent, this material is quite 'abundant'.

It seems that there are only more than 30 packages of my favorite mutton left. Deng Feng said with a smile as he put the special food bag into the space heating furnace to heat it.

It's all ready for you. I don't like mutton, and I can't stand the smell of mutton. I still think braised pork is the most classic thing in the world but the most delicious thing you won't get tired of. Song Yu responded with a smile when he heard this.

I like black pepper beef fillet. Hu Wenyi raised her hand and said.

Every astronaut is a national treasure. It costs millions to train an astronaut. Therefore, Dongguo has never been stingy in providing materials. Usually, staple food, livestock meat, poultry, vegetables, fruits, drinks, There are more than 100 kinds of condiments, enough to ensure that people above can eat the same thing every week.

The situation of the Dongguo Space Station in space is considered very good.

Blue Star has a total of three space stations. In addition to the Dongguo Space Station, one is the Blue Star Space Station jointly established and maintained by many countries, and the other is the Flying Eagle Space Station.

Among them, the International Space Station has a high number of rotations - in order to allow more countries to participate, they do so every three months. Taking into account international relations, more astronauts go up each time.

However, this resulted in the Blue Star Space Station having an urgent problem that needed to be solved during the Era of Natural Disasters - with the end of the ice disaster and earthquake disaster, although they did not have to experience these natural disasters in the sky, supplies were already stretched thin.

Is it really okay for us to eat like this? Is there really no need to make some savings?

The food was heated soon, and along with the staple food, Deng Feng squeezed out a piece and started chewing it, while saying with some worry.

In order to prevent food residues from floating around and to avoid generating too much kitchen waste, the food on the space station is vacuum-packed and is extremely convenient to eat, one bite at a time. As for the taste, try to maintain it as much as possible.

Since the people from the aviation institute have assured us, they can definitely do it. We just need to follow their instructions, ensure our own health, and don't cause any trouble at work.

Hu Wenyi responded firmly at this time.

Besides, aren't we already working hard to grow potatoes to be self-sufficient? Don't worry. Song Yu also agreed.

In the latest contact with the ground base station, people from the aviation institute conveyed this message to the six people at the Dongguo Space Station - although Dongguo has temporarily lost the ability to launch supplies into space, it can and will be re-established in the short term. Launch station.

Construction will begin immediately after the earthquake disaster is over.

And with the support of new technology breakthroughs based on the exotic stone, it is expected to launch the first round of material supplies to the Dongguo Space Station within a month, that is, before the alien disaster arrives.

It is expected that within three months, the manned rocket will be launched again and six people will be brought home.

If what Dongguo said is true, then there is indeed no need for the six people in space to save materials - of course, not saving does not mean waste.

Is the exotic stone really so magical? Can the launch system be rebuilt in a month? Deng Feng still couldn't help but said.

Their identities allow them to directly know some internal affairs of the East, such as strange stones.

If you ask me, I don't know, but doesn't it mean that we still need to conduct experiments on it in the space environment? At that time, a batch of exotic stones and exotic stones derived technology will be supplied with the supply. We'll find out.

Hu Wenyi said.

After finishing their brunch meal, the three of them headed to the work area together.

We are here, you go and have a rest. Deng Feng greeted after seeing the other three team members.

Okay, I'll leave it to you. Let's go to the gym, take a shower and go to bed. We have to get up early today, and we can't miss the New Year's Eve party tonight. The three teammates didn't show any pretense, they nodded and said immediately.

In order to maintain the basic abilities of the body from deterioration in space, daily fitness is still required. As for the equipment, it is special equipment such as space bicycles and space runways.

Okay, leave it to us. Deng Feng nodded.

After the three teammates left the work area, Deng Feng came to the record table and looked at his hometown, Blue Star, through the porthole.

Pressing the shutter button lightly, Deng Feng recorded today's Blue Star. Looking at the photo, he couldn't help but look at the photo of Blue Star by the window from two months ago. It was also the most beautiful Blue Star he had ever seen.

The blue planet seems to be wrapped in a piece of satin, with dark blue oceans and light blue land clearly visible.

The green forests on the continent are like giant cotton balls, and the mountains are like white clouds. They form a wonderful landscape painting.

Between the jagged mountains, pure rivers, small lakes and waterfalls flow, like strings of pearls suspended on the rocks.

It is a gorgeous gem in space, which warms the place where wanderers like Deng Feng place their refuge.

However, two months have passed, and today's aerial view of Blue Star's space has changed drastically, and this gem has been covered with a little dust.

Even from far away in space, you can feel that human civilization on this planet is being destroyed bit by bit.

At this point, the earthquake disaster in the Eastern Kingdom should have begun to ease. I hope it won't get worse. Deng Feng looked at the comparison chart and said to himself sincerely.

I'm getting ready to leave the cabin, Deng Feng, come and help me. Hu Wenyi had already put on the spacesuit at this time and said to Deng Feng.

Okay, here we come! After looking at the Space Blue Star with nostalgia, Deng Feng came to Hu Wenyi, ready to help her complete today's mission.

Astronauts in space have many things to do. Even after the beginning of the era of natural disasters, many tasks are not required or cannot be performed, but they are still very busy.

A few days ago, a bloated satellite fragment hit the Dongguo Space Station. Although the satellite did not cause any fatal damage compared to the Dongguo Space Station, which is equivalent to the size of two football fields, this undoubtedly aggravated the situation. Six people perform daily maintenance tasks.

However, Dongguo's attitude towards this is that it only needs to maintain key facilities to protect its own safety. If the rest is broken, it is broken. After everything is back on track, repairs will be considered.

Then I will continue to make new materials. Anyway, the raw materials are here. If you don't make them, they won't be made. Maybe they will be useful in Dongguo in the future. Song Yu said when he saw the two of them starting to be busy.

Using the unique weightless environment of space, we can develop, process and produce new materials and products with excellent performance that cannot be produced on the ground.

The processing and production of many new materials and products in space require the participation of astronauts. This is also the reason why Dongguo is trying to send exotic stones into space - it can develop more exotic stone derivative technologies.

Time passes quickly at work.

After checking, there are no new problems. The robotic arm of the space station can still operate normally. As long as we are careful, there should be no space junk attacks like before.

Hu Wenyi returned from space and began to record today's inspection report.

We are the ones who suffer from the garbage created by others. Deng Feng sighed and complained.

As long as our most important relay satellite is not injured, thank God. Hu Wenyi gave a faint smile as if to comfort her.

Then the two of them, together with Song Yu, began to produce new materials, record growth reports of plants in space, and check their health.

The time gradually came to four o'clock in the afternoon.

All three of them were a little absent-minded.

When a machine next to the wall suddenly emitted a green light and beeped slightly, the three people immediately stopped what they were doing and stepped forward to surround the screen.

Then clicked connect.

A middle-aged man's face appeared in front of the screen - the director of the Dongguo Space Command Post.

Deng Feng, Song Yu, Hu Wenyi, thank you for your hard work. Let's start today's report. The director looked at these warriors who could not return home gently and said.

Today's data... The three people immediately began to report.

Time has passed, and it is no longer an era when a signal takes hours and tens of minutes to be transmitted between space and blue stars. Through a space base station composed of multiple relay satellites, astronauts on the space station can also communicate with land Make video calls with virtually no lag.

People on the other two space stations are extremely envious of this, especially the International Space Station.

Their relay satellites may not be damaged, but even if they are not damaged, there is almost no way for the ground to re-establish contact with them.

They became rootless duckweeds in the endless space.

If astronauts had not generally had particularly strong psychological qualities, suicides might have occurred at this point in time.

Naturally, what Deng Feng and the three of them are looking forward to is not the work report with their boss, but -

Okay, I understand. The rest of the time will be left to your families. When the work report was completed, the director said gently.

Deng Feng, Song Yu, Hu Wenyi, this is the order of the three of you.

The director's face gradually disappeared from the screen, and when the camera switched, a child's big face came into view.

The child, who was still pouting a little unhappy, suddenly had a bright light in his eyes as he stared at the camera, and he shouted happily: Dad!

Eh! Eh! Deng Feng's mouth couldn't help but grin.

Deng Feng's wife also appeared at the other end of the video, but she just stood behind the child, looking at Deng Feng with a smile and saying nothing.

Although astronauts on the space station can talk to their families most of the time through relay satellites, just talking is not the same as today's video calls.

Zai Zai, how have you been this month?

It's not bad! Earthquakes are scary, but when there are more people, it's not scary anymore. Dad, look, this is a new calendar I made for you. It's for next year! Those uncles said they can give it to you next month. In your hands!

Okay! Okay! Dad is worried that he won't know the time next year!

It's okay, Zai Zai is here!

Okay! You're a man of integrity, have you made your mother unhappy this month?

I didn't make my mother unhappy. Zai Zai is very good!

Song Yu and Hu Wenyi stood silently on one side, looking at such a heartwarming conversation and smiling.

I am also looking forward to the opportunity to meet my family members.

Happy March everyone.

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