Rebirth at the end of the world: I report to the country!

Chapter 166 166 Take a deep breath, dizziness is normal.

Chapter 166 166· “Take a deep breath, dizziness is normal.”

Lin Li's pistol bullets made no sound, not because they were equipped with silencers, but because the sound of fired bullets came from the gunpowder explosion and had nothing to do with the bullets in flight.

And the soft touch that just echoed in the room was an onomatopoeia produced by Lin Li's mouth.


Piazza fell heavily to the ground. The blood from the corner of his mouth had begun to ooze out. He opened and closed his mouth. He raised his trembling fingers and pointed at Lin Li in disbelief, but no sound came out for the first time.

You...why are you doing this.

Finally, Piazza said these words with difficulty.

But what made Piazza even more uncomfortable was that the other party didn't seem to care about what he was talking about.

He didn't mean to talk to himself, but was adjusting the recording camera equipped on his combat uniform.

As if his own life and death were not important at all.

Save— Piazza tried to squirm toward the door of the cabin and call out to his henchmen, but at this moment Lin Li squatted down and covered Piazza's mouth.

But still didn't look at his face.

Lin Li held the recording camera, pointed it at Piazza's wound, and muttered:

The wound has no self-healing ability visible to the naked eye. It is speculated that it will still not survive without treatment. As for the depth of the warhead's entry, it needs to be measured...

Feeling the severe pain from the wound again, and the speed of life passing by at an accelerating rate, the threat of death made Piazza extremely frightened, but his mouth pressed by the steel-like palm could not shout anything, he could only make meaning. Unexplained hesitation.

Extremely desperate.

More importantly, he didn't know why things turned out like this.

Take a deep breath, dizziness is normal.

After recording for a while, Lin Li pointed the camera at Piazza's face, loosened his hand slightly, and said with a smile.

At this time, Piazza was in a very bad state after Lin Li's 'torture', but he had not yet died. At this time, he asked intermittently:


Perhaps because he had lost the ability to speak, what he said could not form a continuous and meaningful sentence.

But maybe he was asking what he was doing. Lin Li laughed, opened Piazza's eyelids with his hands, and even shined a beam of light on the camera, and then began to explain:

It's like this. The Eastern Kingdom currently lacks data on the death process of humans who have eaten multiple exotic stones like you.

It is impossible for us to force this kind of experiment, so... Mr. Piazza, thank you for your noble contribution to the scientific research of Dongguo. I will remember you for at least one minute.

But after all this time, you have shed so much blood, and you are not dead yet. It seems that the strange stone has improved your vitality to some extent. Do you want to give you another shot?

Lin Li was not lying. He was indeed taking this opportunity to record the progress of Piazza's death.

There is very little data on whether there are any abnormalities in the death of the human race after the strengthening of the Eastern Kingdom. Although during this month's operation to collect exotic stones, we have seen many people who have eaten one or several exotic stones. Human beings, but they did not provoke them, and Lin Li and Dong Guo would not forcefully arrest these people to start human experiments.

Although it is an era of natural disasters, the East Kingdom still retains its humanity.

It's a pity that my inner space cannot store living things, and I don't know if I can take your body in.

Domestic scientific research institutes should be very happy that you can join them - thank you again, Mr. Piazza.

Okay, if you are sleepy, go to bed quickly.

Lin Li said extremely strange and cruel words, but his voice was gentle, like a male mother putting her child to sleep.

Who wants to contribute to your country's scientific research - I don't want to die -

Piazza, whose mind was filled with such thoughts, wanted to struggle and resist, but his body was restrained by Lin Li's knees and hands and could do nothing.

At this moment, the door of the wooden house suddenly opened, and Piazza's confidant walked in with a wooden tray in his hand with a smile, and said in a slightly broken gentleman's language:

Master Chief, I have brought the best tea available in our camp. I hope the guests from the East Kingdom will not interfere...

The confidant couldn't go on, because he found that the chief and the visitor were not talking happily about their positions, but——

His chief was now being choked by Dongren with his knees, and there were wounds on his body. The blood had soaked the wooden boards on the ground red. The remaining vitality in his eyes was like a candle in the wind, and he was dying.

This is?

When I was stunned, I saw the Dongren who called himself Lin Li spread his hands in embarrassment, and said to himself with an apologetic smile:

Sorry, sorry, Mr. Piazza just fell down and ended up like this. He was really careless. Then I wanted to give him cardiopulmonary resuscitation because I wanted to save him, not harm him. Trust me, buddy.

However, these words were clearly frivolous and not convincing at all.

Wrestling? Fallen like this? Are even lies so perfunctory?

What's more, his confidant clearly saw his chief mouthing the word help to him!

You bastard!

The tea and pallet in his hands hit the ground with a crackling sound. The henchman took out a pistol from his waist, pointed it at Lin Li's head, and pulled the trigger hard.

Chief, don't worry, I will avenge you! said his confidant.

Da da da da——

Flames rose at the muzzle, and several bullets shot out from the muzzle. The gun was fast seven steps away, and the gun was accurate and fast within seven steps. Although the hands of the confidant were slightly trembling, these bullets still hit the target impartially. Lin Li's forehead.

Go to hell, you bastard—eh?

Just when he thought that he had avenged Piazza, and that from now on this camp should be under his own management, his excited confidants saw a scene that made his liver and gallbladder split apart——

The bullet that hit Lin Li's forehead was bounced away, but Lin Li's head shook slightly backward about a centimeter as if someone had been shot.

There was no wound where the bullet hit!

Who is this! ?

No, what the hell is this! Are the quality of your bullets so poor that they turn into toys?

Da da da--

The confidant did not believe in evil and pulled the trigger crazily, shooting at different parts of Lin Li's body until the gun in his hand only made the sound of the trigger firing - the bullets had been exhausted.

However, Lin Li in front of him still looked like a normal person, unscathed.

The bullets that hit his combat uniform couldn't even penetrate it, but only left a few marks on it. But that's it. His confidants saw Lin Li looking at these marks with some distress, and sighed with regret: I The clothes I just handed out are already defective.

When Lin Li raised his head and looked at himself, his confidant was so frightened that he could not stand and collapsed directly on the ground. He shouted in horror: You... you are not a human at all! Devil, there are devils!!

Congratulations, you said it right, touch.

Along with Lin Li's ritual-like onomatopoeia, a blood hole also appeared on his confidant's chest.

Every one of you has eaten exotic stones. They are all valuable for research. It is better to keep the integrity of the corpse as much as possible. Lin Li's legs crossed the body of his confidant and came outside the wooden house.

The opening of gunshots from the henchmen was a signal of chaos. At this moment, the camp was in chaos, and everyone was running away in panic.

Lin Li turned his head and saw He Pingzhi coming out of the corner from the side.

He Pingzhi walked up to him, saluted him, and then reported:

Reporting to the captain, all gun-wielding survivors have been killed or have lost their ability to threaten. Some of the thugs without guns have surrendered, and some have escaped from the camp. It is expected that within ten minutes, the seven teams responding outside will be able to arrest them all.

As the vice-captain of the Hope team, He Pingzhi certainly has extremely strong abilities to sit in this special position.

When the sound of shooting from his henchmen came out, he knew what the captain was doing inside, so he immediately started taking action outside, and in such a short period of time, he achieved the results just mentioned.

It's broken. You didn't leave Piazza's confidants alive. We didn't bring the exotic stone detector here. Now I don't know where he put the exotic stones. Alas, let's Team 7 will send it over.

Lin Li was not surprised by this result, he just scratched his head and sighed with some regret.

Their group has been ordered to approach us. He Pingzhi replied.


Lin Li nodded, then looked around, looking at the camp survivors hiding in piles of grass, behind rubble, and even blinded by leaves. Facing their frightened eyes, Lin Li clapped his hands:

Webb, Marley, where are you two?

Under He Pingzhi's translation call, Webb and Marley came out.

The bad guys in your camp - the people who oppressed you - have basically been dealt with. Mare, there are two children in that room. One of them should be your sister, right? They are not in a good state now. Well, I suggest you go see her.

Lin Li said calmly,

As for Webb, please explain to these people that we have no intention of harming them.

After hearing Lin Li's words, Mare immediately rushed into the cabin, and Webb also obeyed and began to explain to all the survivors present why things turned out like this.

Perhaps killing Piazza, who had been oppressing and threatening them, was what everyone expected, and soon the fear was eliminated from everyone's eyes.

Not only that, when a person excitedly came to kneel in front of Lin Li, a group of people behind him also started to kneel down in the same way, as if he regarded Lin Li as a god.

Lin Li took a step back.

Not long after, members of Group 7, with several of Piazza's men who had escaped from the camp, arrived from all directions. The number of people was clearly small, but they seemed to surround the camp.

Lin Li held the Strange Stone Detector in his hand and scanned the camp. With the help of technology, he quickly found the hiding place of Piazza's Strange Stone and got the rewards he deserved from his trip.

Not too bad.

Noticing that everyone in the camp was looking at him, Lin Li handed the strange stone to the team members, then came to Webb's side, pointed at Piazza's men and said:

There are weapons in the camp. We have already dealt with those Piazza's henchmen. As for these people, we don't want to kill them anymore. Their fate depends on you. I won't interfere, and don't ask for my opinion. I do not care.

Lin Li raised his hand slightly, and the team members behind him knowingly brought something and placed it next to Webb.

These are the guns and remaining ammunition in your camp. We don't like them anymore.

Lin Li first pointed at the broken guns and ammunition, then pointed at another pile, three backpacks filled with supplies, and said calmly:

These are our rewards for taking these strange stones and those human corpses.

The quantity here is actually less than the price of our transaction, but after all, I am here to help you, and there is no friendship between us, so this is what I will give you.

These things belong to you. As for whether you want to abandon this camp and survive alone with these things, or take Piazza's place and become the leader of the camp, it depends on you.

I still say the same thing, I won’t interfere, and don’t ask me for my opinion, I don’t care.

Finally, we are leaving. We need someone who is familiar with all the surrounding environment to lead one of our team members to add details to the map. If you have anyone you can recommend to me, we will get paid.

He Pingzhi translated Lin Li's words to Webb sentence by sentence.

Most of the people in the camp could understand. At this time, a group of people suddenly knelt down and worshiped Lin Li even harder, and prayed: Angels from the East, please take me away and save us. We don't want to live in this world again. It’s a day like this.”

Lin Li seemed to have not heard such words and had no reaction.

As for anyone who wanted to get close to Lin Li, they would be stopped by the heavily armed Hope members who showed no faces or expressions at all.

At this time, Mare hugged his sister and walked out of the wooden house. He was silent all the way. After walking to Webb, he also knelt in front of Lin Li and prayed:

Mr. Lin Li, I don't ask you to save me, but can you save my sister from this hell? Please take her away, send Buddha to the West, and help others to the end. Can you, please -

Ma Lei kowtowed so hard that he even left blood marks on the ground.

No! Take me with you! Take me with you! The people around him echoed.

Lin Li was not disturbed. He just shook his head and sighed: Sorry, don't kidnap me morally.

I still have many people from my own country to save. In fact, if I come to help you kill him, it's already considered me meddling.

I won't take any of you away, you can only rely on yourselves.

Forget it, we don't need a guide anymore. Webb, let's go and never see you again. I wish you a good life.

Lin Li spoke decisively. Mare seemed unwilling to give up and wanted to step forward, but was blocked by the team members.

He seemed to want to say something else, but Webb wisely stepped forward and stopped him at this time.

After giving his teammates a look, Lin Li took everyone and the strange stones, corpses and other harvests, then turned around and left.

Finish work early and go home early to celebrate the New Year.

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