Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 828: You ungrateful animal

It was waiting for her here.

Hua Zhao also realized.

She looked at Wang Jian.

Before, if he directly said that he wanted to invest or borrow money, she could consider it.

Of course, because of the look in his previous eyes, the result of her consideration is definitely not good...

But now that they were playing tricks with her, it was even more unpleasant.

But this is also good, she has no psychological burden when she refuses.

"I invested in Qin Zhuo because he helped me for a few years, and I found that he has good qualifications." Hua Zhaodao.

Ye Dan waited for a long time and found that there was no more text.

She turned her head for a while before she understood that Hua Zhao refused again.

Qin Zhuo helped her for several years before she invested.

Wang Jian didn't help her, so of course she didn't invest.

Ye Dan's temper finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Why are you inconsistent in your words? Didn't you use relatives? Why did you still use Qin Zhuo for a few years? Qin Zhuo is closer than me, right?"

"Xiao Dan! How can you talk?" Ye Ying got angry: "Can Wang Jian compete with Xiao Zhuo? Xiao Zhuo is a child. Of course, Hua Zhao's sister-in-law instructs him casually. He can be beaten and scolded. Let him do some work. Of course it's convenient. Can Wang Jian do it?"

"Why not?" Ye Dan stubbornly said, "I told her that she would be punished for whatever she wanted!"

"That is to say, I am your sister, and Wang Jian and I are separated by a layer, so I have not dared to say a word to Wang Jian for so many years, and dare not slap him! He, just like you to protect the calf, can you not hold grudges?" Ye Ying said.

"Hmph, that's because you think too much, and we won't hold grudges if you say so." Ye Dan said.

"Come on, don't talk about this, what business do you do? Have you asked your parents about this? Have you asked your in-laws? Do they agree?" Ye Ying said.

"Ask them what they are doing." Ye Dan's voice was a little lower: "We are so old, and we are in charge of our own affairs."

"That's what I didn't say! Then I'll go back and talk about it." Ye Ying said.

Ye Dan wanted to say something, but shut up again.

It's better to let her talk, so that she doesn't get scolded for speaking directly.

She didn't agree with her father, but her mother definitely disagreed.

Wang Jian's parents are far away, so don't worry about them.

"It's noon, didn't you make an appointment to eat at a restaurant? Let's go." Ye Ying urged again.

With such a big family, Miao Lanzhi knew how to cook, but she was tiring for one meal, not to mention three meals a day for how many days in a row.

You don't have to do anything every day, just cook.

So she suggested that everyone go to a restaurant to eat.

Everyone has no opinion.

Although it was a relationship that couldn't be more kissable, but as Miao Lanzhi, she was asked to cook for them every day, but they couldn't eat it.

"It's noon so soon, let's eat first." Wang Jian stood up, patted Ye Dan on the shoulder, pulled her up, and smiled at Hua Zhao.

No anger and embarrassment at all.

Hua Zhao also stood up and still "eats first", what is the "later" doing? Continue to attack her?

"I was too euphemistic just now, and even made two excuses."

Before Hua Zhao finished speaking, Ye Ying's face twitched. Is that still called euphemism? What is she going to say now?

"Now I will refuse directly." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Dan's eyes suddenly became round, and he felt that his hair was about to explode with anger.

Hua Zhao continued: "Did the second sister forget the rules of the Ye family? You can't borrow money from relatives, and you can't help the poor. It seems like you said that? I'll ask grandpa during dinner later."

Ye Dan suddenly collapsed like a punctured balloon.

Ye Ying was also stunned for a moment before she remembered this rule. After all, she had not used it for so many years, so she really forgot.

It was the first time that Wang Jian had heard of it. Is there still such a thing?

What's wrong? Shouldn't the family communicate with each other and help each other?

"Then you still invest in Qin Zhuo." He said immediately.

Ah... Hua Zhao looked at him irritably, really shameless.

She refused so much, but he still didn't give up. This is not borrowing money, it is asking for money.

"I invested in Qin Zhuo. What is an investment? If the investment fails, I accept the loss, and I don't need him to pay it back. Listen, it's 'giving', not borrowing."

Hua Zhao said, "I am willing to give it to him, but not to you. Do you understand?"

This time, Wang Jian's face was finally hot.

Ye Dan wanted to lose his temper, but opened his mouth but couldn't find a place to go.

People say they don't want to give you money, why are they making trouble?

It's really unreasonable to make trouble again.

Even Ye Ying felt embarrassed.

"Let's go, let's go to dinner." She pushed Ye Dan out the door.

Wang Jian didn't look at Hua Zhao again, turned around and followed out.

Ye Ying came back to find the children scattered around the courtyard and went out to eat.

"Xiao Dan is just a quick temper, don't take it to heart, I'll talk to her later, and she must not let her mention this again." Ye Ying took the time to say to Hua Zhao.

"It's okay, big sister, don't worry about it." Hua Zhao said: "But I said so, they shouldn't mention it again, right?"

Besides, this face is no longer a face, it is a piece of iron.

Ye Ying's face was also hot: "No, no, no."

Soon, a group of people had arrived at the door of Zhang's private kitchen.

Ye Dan and Wang Jian have already found it here according to the address.

Miao Lanzhi's restaurant is of course here.

Fertilizer water does not flow into the fields of outsiders.

Of course, if you come to a restaurant to eat, you have to give money, which is naturally the best for Zhang Guilan.

Besides, the food here is also the best in Beijing! Miao Lanzhi felt that it was no worse than a state banquet.

At this time, everyone came, and they turned out to be the last wave.

Hua Zhao didn't show any kindness to them, and went straight to the kitchen to help.

Well, not to help, she just wanted to hide for a while.

She is a pregnant woman and has a big temper. Now that she sees Ye Dan and Wang Jian, she is angry.

And Ye Dan and Wang Jian sat in the front and listened to other people chatting, and soon knew that the restaurant was opened by Hua Zhao's mother.

The food is very expensive, it is full every day, and the daily turnover is several thousand.

Thousands per day!

And this house is also Hua Zhao.

They recently learned that the housing prices in Beijing are 10 times more expensive than where they stayed before.

Now such a big yard is worth hundreds of thousands.

Ye Dan rolled his eyes when he saw Hua Zhao coming out of the kitchen.

So rich, but so deductible, no family at all!

Hua Zhao ignored her and didn't turn back, that was not lethal.

She walked directly towards Ye Zhenguo and muttered a few words beside him.

Ye Zhenguo's sharp gaze immediately shot at Ye Shang, making Ye Shang bewildered.

Ye Dan was so angry that he almost jumped out of his chair.

How dare she complain!

But it was only almost, not only did she not jump up, but she shrank and hid behind Ye Ying.

Ye Zhenguo just stared, but did not teach Ye Shang a lesson immediately.

There were also two guests at the family banquet today, Tang Fanghe and Bian Meijuan. He had to pay attention to his appearance.

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