"How did my factory start?" Hua Zhao smiled: "This second brother-in-law may not be able to imitate it."

Her factory was very exciting, the machines were robbed, she even did a fairy dance, and then she was kidnapped, and the 2 million that she had worked so hard to jump in at the end was a slap in the face.

Hua Zhao was still upset when she thought about it, and her tone was a little bad.

Wang Jian didn't know why: "Tell me, how to operate, maybe I can copy one."

Ye Ying knew a little more. She was more concerned about her family, and she liked to chat with her father, listening to what Ye Shang had to say.

And these "snatching" and "stealing" things were not publicized to the outside world. Liu Yuegui didn't know about it if he didn't ask, and Ye Dan and Wang Jian didn't know either.

They just heard that Hua Zhao opened a food factory in the south and made a lot of money.

"You really can't copy that." Ye Ying said, "The machine is all imported, it costs several million, plus the cost of the factory, workers, and raw materials, it is hundreds of thousands. How can you copy it?"

She didn't mean to mock Wang Jian, she just told the truth.

Wang Jian's smile was a little reluctant. Not to mention millions, he didn't even have a few hundred yuan. Ye Dan only gave him 20 yuan in pocket money every month.

He ate, drank and went out to socialize, relying on others to entertain guests, which made him even more embarrassed.

He desperately wanted money.

"I heard that Qin Zhuo is doing things for you?" Wang Jian smiled at Hua Zhao: "What do you think of me? It's not my brother-in-law boasting, I am definitely more reliable than Qin Zhuo."

Ye Ying looked at Wang Jian, is he determined?

She looked at Ye Dan again and found that Ye Dan was sitting peacefully, obviously knowing Wang Jian's thoughts before.

And Ye Dan peeked at Hua Zhao, looking at the expression on her face, as if hoping that Hua Zhao would agree.

The husband and wife are clearly negotiating.

Times are progressing, and they felt the gap in 2 years.

There are more and more rich people around.

In the past, they were nothing, not as good as their friends and colleagues. Now, they either bought a house or a car, and they made a lot of money, not taking money as money.

On the other hand, they are still fussing over the price of pork, which makes them look a bit shabby.

Although the Ye family is rich, the money is still buried in the ground. The real rich person in the Ye family is Hua Zhao.

Well, there is still Ye Shen now, but only Hua Zhao can spend Ye Shen's money, and others don't even know about it.

In a word, no matter who in the Ye family has money or Ye Shang has no money, he earns just that salary. In the past, he seemed to be much more than ordinary people, but in reality, it was not much. He only saved tens of thousands of yuan in his lifetime.

They are still pinched in Liu Yuegui's hands, and he can't vomit at all, just waiting for his two sons to get married and marry a wife.

Looking at Ye Ying and Ye Dan again, it was their own wages, and they had to support a large family with so many children. It would be amazing if they could save twenty or thirty yuan a month.

Ye Ying is still very content. She has food and drink, a house and a job. The children are healthy and healthy, and their life is peaceful and happy.

Ye Dan didn't think so, especially now sitting in Hua Zhao's yard.

The focus is not to say that it is magnificent, but it is warm and elegant everywhere, and this elegance is all piled up with money.

Ye Dan touched the teacup in his hand and suddenly asked, "Where did you buy this tea set? How much?"

Hua Zhao glanced at it and said, "I bought it at the cultural relic store, it seems to be 800 yuan."

Ye Ying and Ye Dan both took a deep breath.

"It's too extravagant." Ye Ying exclaimed in surprise.

800 yuan, her annual salary! You have to eat or drink to afford this tea set.

Ye Dan's eyes brightened.

"I heard that Qin Zhuo is not in charge of that food factory now, but one of your classmates?" she asked.

"Yes." Hua Zhao nodded.

Ye Dan smiled, if Qin Zhuo was in charge, she wouldn't dare to make up her mind.

"I know your brother-in-law best." She raised her head and said to Hua Zhao: "Attentive and serious, he can speak well, and manages employees. I think he is very suitable for business.

"You have to know that no one is as reliable as a relative, a classmate... Would you like your brother-in-law to be a deputy factory manager? Help you watch?"

Ye Ying frowned, wanting to be a deputy director at once? Is the mouth too big?

But she knew that Wang Jian was a deputy factory manager.

She didn't speak and looked at Hua Zhao.

Ye Dan and Wang Jian also stared at Hua Zhao, waiting for her answer.

"No." Hua Zhao's refusal was very succinct, not polite at all, and seemed to give no face.

Ye Dan was stunned, very embarrassed.

Ye Ying didn't find it strange.

She often chatted with her father about the Ye family, and many things in the Ye family were related to Hua Zhao. She listened a lot and knew Hua Zhao's temperament.

Ye Dan didn't know, she only knew that Hua Zhao was beautiful, rich and happy.

Every time I heard it, I was envious and a little sour, so she never took the initiative to ask about Hua Zhao.

It was only after Wang Jian had the idea of ​​going to sea that she remembered Hua Zhao.

I didn't expect people to give me no face at all.

"I don't like doing business with relatives." Hua Zhao said: "When something goes wrong, I can't scold me, I can't punish myself, I can only get angry."

This is really unpretentious truth. . . .

"It doesn't matter, you treat me as a stranger. If something really happened, you should talk about it, and I should be punished. I will suffer!" Wang Jiandao.

Hua Zhao said jokingly: "If I really think you are a stranger, why do I want you to be the deputy director?"

He still suffers, but he still wants to resist?

Although she seemed to be joking, her rejection was already obvious.

Ye Dan's face finally couldn't hold it anymore.

Wang Jian smiled as naturally as no one else said: "Hehe, it's the first time we met, you don't know me, it's understandable.

"Don't listen to your second sister's nonsense. I'm not that good. I just want to learn how to do business as a deputy factory manager. You can let me in and be an ordinary worker."

Hua Zhao opened her mouth, Ye Ying said in her heart, and quickly said: "If you are an ordinary worker, you don't need to go that far, right? Ye Dan and the children have come to the capital, but you are going to Pengcheng? The two places are separated, how many times a year do you see each other? Face, just for those few hundred dollars, it's not worth it."

A few hundred, certainly not worth it.

Wang Jian looked at Hua Zhao, who immediately said, "The salary of an ordinary worker is 40-60 per month."

Wang Jian didn't say anything and seemed to be thinking about it.

Hua Zhao was taken aback, do you still want to go? Then she's going to say something more nasty in a while...

Ye Yingfu understood her expression mentally, and immediately said: "Look, you earn less than you are now! Hurry up and stay at home! Besides, how can you have a decent job as an ordinary worker? It's just being a factory manager. , can't compare, you can do it honestly."

She took Wang Jian as her family and persuaded her sincerely.

Wang Jian was determined and asked with a smile, "I heard that Qin Zhuo got investment from you? You let him do it alone in the future?"

This is the real goal he wants to achieve.

Hua Zhao has already rejected one of his requests, so why not reject another?

And I heard that she is very generous and not bad for money.

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