Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 658: Wen Jing is pregnant

Miao Lanzhi took a closer look: "It's true, I didn't change it."

The vase had been in her house for many years, so she recognized it.

In fact, Zhou Lihua really wanted to buy two vases and send them, anyway, they don't know the goods! Unfortunately, because of this, she didn't change it.

Hua Zhao was relieved to hear that the bag was not dropped.

As for whether it is true or false, and whether it is worth it, she really doesn't know what it is.

In her previous life, she didn't have enough money to play collections, which was the hobby of the big guys.

"Let's go, let's go to the cultural relic store and sell it!" Hua Zhao said to Ye Shu.

Ye Shu was stunned: "Sold? Don't you just like these things? I heard that the money is almost spent, so just buy these things."

Ye Mao has been dealing with Hua Zhao's money to buy antiques, and after a few days or more, someone sent a box.

It's all bottles and jars, calligraphy, painting and jade.

Her small box for jewelry has been replaced by a large one.

Hua Zhao said: "This is different, you can't keep it, otherwise it will be valuable in the future, worth tens of millions, what if the first three aunts come to the door crying and howling? Even if she doesn't do it, her children will definitely not comfortable."

Ye Shu smiled: "How many tens of millions? Are you crazy about money?"

What is the concept of tens of millions? Two vases are worth tens of millions? She felt that Hua Zhao made a slip of the tongue and said more than a thousand words.

But she was right, it was worth a few thousand yuan, and Zhou Lihua might have to come to the door to make trouble when she thinks of it.

Her three aunts, no, the first three aunts, have lost their face.

"Let's go." Ye Shu and Hua Zhao went out together.

The two went to the cultural relic store, and when Ye Shu heard that the vase was worth 5,000, he suddenly thought of why the third aunt wanted to burn Huazhao scrolls.

Hua Zhao happily sold the vase and carefully received the invoice.

Said to keep it as a souvenir, she also took a photo with the vase in the cultural relics store.

In this way, if Zhou Lihua comes to make trouble in the future, she will give her 5,000 yuan~

Then Hua Zhao bought a pair of vases in the cultural relics store, which were also official kilns, also used for the royal family, and were more expensive and more beautiful.

This pair of vases has nothing to do with Zhou Lihua, she has no reason to make trouble~

There are really too many good things now, not to mention everywhere, at least in the cultural relics store.... So it's not bad for her two vases.

Hua Zhao bought some more gadgets that are now a few dozen yuan, and will be worth five figures in the future, and then left the store satisfied.

Now that she is out, she plans to do the obstetric check-up by the way, otherwise it will get colder and colder, and she will not like to go out very much.

Ye Shu naturally has nothing to do, she has a holiday, a long holiday. She put it for herself. Recently, she just wants to stay at home, stay in a safe place, and doesn't want to go anywhere.

The two went to the hospital and found Ye Fang.

But I found that Ye Fang's expression was a little wrong today.

"Auntie, what happened?" Hua Zhao asked immediately.

Ye Fang is a very stable person. It must be serious that she can be distracted during Hua Zhao's maternity check-up.

Hearing Hua Zhao's question, Ye Fang's expression became even weirder.

This time Ye Shu was in a hurry.

"Auntie, what happened?"

Just as Ye Fang opened her mouth to speak, she heard a sharp noise from an old lady in the corridor.

"What kind of hospital are you? Even a simple gynecological disease can be misdiagnosed for 10 years? It is also known as the most powerful hospital in the capital, so shameless?"

The old lady's voice went straight to Ye Fang's consulting room, and then pushed Ye Fang's door open.

She didn't come in either, she just stood in the corridor and scolded, with the intention of letting more people hear.

"I don't know which famous doctor gave it to me back then, saying that my daughter-in-law is infertile! I haven't seen it for ten years, and she said that she will never get pregnant!" The old lady looked at Ye Fang and shouted sarcastically: "What's the result? My daughter-in-law just got married a few days ago!"

Why didn't Hua Zhao understand the logic of this sentence? Didn't you watch 10 years of infertility? How did it take a few days to get married?

She staggered a step, looked at the person holding the old lady's hand, and instantly widened her eyes.

It's so quiet!

Wen Jing held a B-ultrasound sheet in her hand and stood there trembling with tears on her face.

She had just been married for a month, and as a result, yesterday's unit had a physical examination, and today the call to "announce the good news" came to Du Hanliang's unit.

When my mother-in-law heard about it, she immediately brought her for a review, and it turned out that she was really pregnant.

Wen Jing suddenly turned her head and looked at Ye Fang resentfully.

In the past ten years, is God playing with her? Or is Ye Fang playing with her? !

"Some people, it's just like a wolf's den! It's obviously a man who is infertile, but he has to say it's the woman's fault, and let the woman take the blame!" Du Hanliang's mother said in a strange yin and yang manner.

She never felt that the Du family was worse than the Ye family, and now she looked down on the Ye family.

They even smashed their house!

They want to find a woman who can't give birth to their son to take care of the two children they left behind!

The results of it? This woman has a fertile constitution!

The son said, obviously it didn't happen a few times, and the result was there! Not what is fertile constitution?

Okay now, will this child stay or not?

Stay, there will definitely be conflicts in the family in the future, I'm sorry for her eldest grandson.

Do not stay? This may be a little grandson, many sons and more blessings, reluctant to bear.

Hey, it's a dilemma!

Hua Zhao pulled Ye Shu, and both of them looked at Wen Jing in astonishment.

After Wen Jing watched Ye Fang, she also turned to look at Hua Zhao.

She stared at Hua Zhao for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled coldly, then dragged Mother Du away.

She will pay back the pain the Ye family has inflicted on her over the years.

Du Hanliang's mother didn't want to offend the Ye family in death, so she ran Ye Fang a few words and said that Ye Ming couldn't have children.

As soon as you see it, you can close it, so she walks happily.

Only then did Hua Zhao regain his senses, and his expression was a little weird.

Ye Shu also looked strange. She ran over to close the door of the clinic, turned around and asked Ye Fang nervously, "Is it really my brother's fault?"

Otherwise, Wen Jing has been infertile for 10 years, how could it be possible to change a man and have it right away?

Ye Fang rolled her eyes at her: "What do you think? Am I that kind of person?"

If there is something wrong with Ye Ming, will she blame Wen Jing?

"Yes." Ye Shu reacted: "They have seen many hospitals over the years, and they all say that Wen Jing's fault is not my brother's fault... So what's going on now?"

She looked at Ye Fang in disbelief, and then at Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao suddenly whispered: "Maybe, the medicine I gave her before is useful..."

At that time, she thought Wen Jing was pitiful, and for Ye Ming's sake, she hoped that he would have children of his own, so the concentration of essence was very high.

Treating her infertility should not be a problem.

Wen Jing's infertility is not a congenital organic problem, she just has various small problems accumulated together, or psychological factors.

I feel that I can't get pregnant with Ye Ming, and the psychological pressure is high, and the result is that I can't get pregnant.

When I got to Du Hanliang, there was no pressure, and the minor problems were cured.

Ye Shu looked at Hua Zhao and blinked: "Then she is really... too miserable."

If she doesn't do stupid things, or does stupid things a month later, maybe she will have a relationship with her eldest brother, then she will not do stupid things, and she will not divorce Ye Ming.

As a result, now, it's all life.

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