Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 657: Ye Jia did not pass the exam

This Hua Zhao is really hard to guess. She really has no confidence in politics. She thinks that the answer is very good. If something is wrong, the teacher will give her 0 points.

There are also language reading comprehension and composition, which is not easy to say.

This year's composition accounts for 70 points, a total of 100 points for the paper...

"It's about 300 points anyway," she said.

She did not take the English test, but only took the other 4 subjects.

It's useless to take the English test, and she doesn't apply for an English major, and her English scores are not included in the total score, it's just a reference, so she didn't take the test.

Otherwise, many problems will be exposed.

"You have no confidence in yourself." Ye Ming smiled and said, "You scored 380 points."

Politics and language are deducted in the end.

"Wow!" Ye Shu exclaimed

Hua Zhao hadn't gone to school when she left. When she comes back, Hua Zhao will be a college student? And it's amazing to hear that.

She quickly inquired about how Hua Zhao went to school in the past two months, and exclaimed again and again after listening.

Miao Lanzhi suddenly said: "No, you can go to university, don't be a literary soldier, it's very dangerous. Go to an art university and stay in school to be a teacher in the future."

Ye Shu immediately shook his head: "No, that earns too little."

Miao Lanzhi: "...When did you lose your money?"

After saying that, I felt that I didn't use the "also" well, so I glanced at Hua Zhao with a guilty conscience.

Hua Zhao smiled at her: "Yes, I just lost my money."

Not ashamed at all but proud.

Miao Lanzhi smiled.

In fact, sometimes she just feels that Hua Zhao loses her money. Looking at the money at home, she can't put it down... She is still thinking about making money when she has nothing to do!

She could hear her chatting with Zhang Guilan, and she was thinking about what business to do next year!

She really got it.


Ye Shu repaired at home for more than ten days, and finally recovered.

When she was trapped before, she felt like she was going through the process of dying little by little, hungry, cold, hopeless...

It was scary at the time, and it's even scarier after that!

Until the last few days, she didn't always wake up from nightmares, feeling that she was still in the world of ice and snow.

On this day, Hua Zhao's admission notice also arrived. It was a simple piece of paper, not gorgeous at all, extremely ordinary.

It can change a person's destiny.

Zhang Guilan was the most excited.

Hua Zhao saw her secretly go to the kitchen and wiped her tears several times.

My daughter finally turned around, got rid of the identity of a farmer by her own ability, and is going to be a college student! In the future, after graduating, you will be a cadre and a person with status.

This time, my mother-in-law's family has no reason to look down on her, right?

She also finally felt her waist straight.

She has a college daughter!

Hua Zhao is not a native of this era, so the joy is less.

She was thinking about another thing, and she asked Ye Ming, who came to deliver the notice: "Has Ye Jia been admitted? What school was admitted to?"

"She probably won't pass the exam," Ye Ming said.

"How is that possible?" Hua Zhao was a little disbelieving: "I think she worked very hard in the past two months, and her grades were in the middle of the class. In fact, she is my student. How could my student fail the exam?"

It's not her bragging. There are more than 50 students in Class 5. She estimates that there are more than 40 students who will be admitted.

First, those who can enter the sixth middle school have a foundation. Second, the schools in Beijing give preferential treatment to students in Beijing. Third, there is her teacher.

She is not blind and has no sense of direction for the upcoming exam. She has grown up in the question sea since she was a child!

And this year's questions are really relatively simple, so there should be a lot of people in their class who can pass the exam.

Ye Jia's grades were not that bad.

"The third uncle checked her scores, and she scored 0 in one subject." Ye Ming said.

"What?" the whole family exclaimed, how could it be possible to score 0 in the test? How many points can Meng Meng also get?

Hua Zhao understands, there is only one possibility for a score of 0: "She didn't write her name?"

Ye Ming nodded.

This can't be saved even if she wants to save it. Even if she finds her paper, she can't write her name and say it's hers now, it can only be 0 points.

"The other three subjects add up to less than 200 points, and the schools she applied for are not enough."

This year, the admission score of Beijing University is 270 points. Other schools are basically lower than it, but almost all of them are above 200 points.

More than 100, may have a college degree? But Ye Jia didn't report it.

"Then she can only wait for next year." Hua Zhao said.

There was no schadenfreude in his tone, but no regret either.

She no longer regards Ye Jia as a relative.

"Then what about my pair of vases... I don't know if they will send it to me." She was struggling with this question: "If I don't send it, wouldn't it be a little bad for me to come?"

This is equivalent to debt collection. In her last life, she never lent money to others, so she never had to pay her debts. It was her first experience, and she was really embarrassed.

"Hurry up and stay at home!" Miao Lanzhi quickly stopped her: "Go to the door with a big belly to ask for debts? Zhou Lihua becomes crazy and hurts you again!

"If they don't give it, they won't give it. It's just right. Who cares about her two broken vases. Didn't the old man say that, he will compensate you."

Miao Lanzhi blinked at Hua Zhao to tell her which one was more valuable!

Of course, the old man's property is more valuable.

Hua Zhao didn't think so: "If I want their share, I'll really offend the third uncle's family to death, not so much."

Miao Lanzhi said this because she didn't know how much the Ye family's property was, and a fraction of it was frightening.

Ye Cheng is Ye Cheng in the end, always the Ye family, the youngest son of the old man, Ye Mao's brother, Ye Shen's uncle.

She still has to give some face.

Besides, she won those two vases, she had to get them.

Can't be cheap Zhou Lihua.....

She wanted her to feel heartache every time she remembered what she had lost in the future.

Seeing that she insisted on going, Miao Lanzhi became anxious: "Okay, okay, I'll go get it for you, don't go."

It's not good for others to come forward, it's best for her to go.

And she didn't have to go in person, she just called Ye Cheng and reminded him.

With Ye Cheng's face, the vase will be delivered soon.

Sure enough, Miao Lanzhi called the next morning, and in the afternoon, Ye Chen brought two vases.

Ye Chen is young, in his 20s, tall, and inherits the good looks of the Ye family. The young man is handsome and silent.

After several contacts, Hua Zhao found that he was not very talkative, much worse than his brother's ability to talk.

I don't know how such an embarrassing task has come to him.

Knowing in advance that he was coming, the others hid in the backyard, and Miao Lanzhi was waiting for him in the front yard.

Ye Chen put down the vase, said hello, and immediately excused himself to go to school.

He didn't take the college entrance examination this year. He has a job and it's not bad, so he hesitated.

Isn't going to college just for a good job? He already has.

But after hesitating for a few months, seeing his peers around him and even those 10 years older than him are working hard for college, his mind was alive again.

Now I also quit my job at home to prepare for the college entrance examination next year.

Miao Lanzhi didn't keep him either, she could see that the child was embarrassed.

As soon as the person left, Hua Zhao came over and took a look at the legendary imperial vase.

It is a pair of 50 cm high enamel painted gold flower and bird vases.

"Is it true?" Hua Zhao asked.

She once suspected that Zhou Lihua would give her a pair of fakes.

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