Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 622: Who is sitting opposite?

"I don't know, I'm too young to remember." Qi Xiaoxian began to stutter again.

Hua Zhao got up to go.

Qi Xiaoxian didn't say a word, his teeth were tightly closed.

Qi Shulan looked at this and that, seeing that Hua Zhaozhen was leaving, she was anxious. After finally inviting someone over, Hua Zhao didn't give her medicine, her mother couldn't get better, and she didn't know how to torment her!

"Don't go!" She took Hua Zhao's arm, turned to Qi Xiaoxian and said, "Mom, think about it again! I remember you said that your surname is Yao, your family is from the Shanghai market, a big chaebol, and your cousin is with you. It's a girl's school classmate, what's your name Yao? Two words!"

Qi Xiaoxian stared at Qi Shulan, wishing he could rush over to strangle her. No, after she was born, she should have been strangled to death! Raising her so big is useless! It might even kill her!

"Yao...e!" Qi Xiaoxian squeezed out two words between his teeth.

"Girls' school, what girls' school?" Hua Zhao asked again.

Qi Xiaoxian didn't say anything, and Qi Shulan said again: "I know this, it's the former Beiman Girls' High School!"

Qi Xiaoxian closed his eyes.

Hua Zhao took out a bottle of medicinal wine with satisfaction and handed it to Qi Xiaoxian.

Qi Xiaoxian opened his eyes and took it with his trembling fingers. This wine was bought at a "big price"!

She opened the bottle cap with shaking fingers, and drank the bottle under Qi Shulan's distressed gaze.

Hua Zhao handed her another bottle: "It is estimated that after drinking this bottle today, your illness will be relieved. This bottle is given to you to consolidate. Don't come to me in the future, it will be useless."

Qi Shulan's eyes lit up, she saw the hope of returning to her original position!

Qi Xiaoxian quickly hid the wine in his arms.

Hua Zhao smiled, with this bottle of medicinal wine, it was enough to disturb the Qi family's peace.

The Qi family is annoying, but she can't kill people just because they hate them, and she's not a murderer. Just do something and toss them around.

After leaving Qi's house, Hua Zhao was a little silent on the way back.

"I'm going to find someone to check Yao E and Qi Xiaozhen from Chacha Beiman Girls' High School." Ye Shen said, "I'm afraid that the school's files will be lost due to the age."

Hua Zhao returned to his senses, nodded, and said yes with a smile.

"Beiman Girls' High School, it was famous at home and abroad back then." Hua Zhao said, "There should be classmates of the same age as them still alive in the capital, right? If you don't have files, you can ask them."

Yao E is so beautiful, she must have been famous when she was in school, there should be many classmates who knew her and remembered her.

Ye Shen suddenly remembered a person: "I remember hearing someone say that Grandpa Wang used to be a teacher at Beiman Girls' High School."

"Grandpa Wang? Uncle Wang?"

Ye Shen nodded.

Hua Zhao remembered that it was their neighbor. When she first came, Uncle Wang gave her an antique pocket watch, and now her grandfather often walks with Uncle Wang.

"Go, go and ask him." Hua Zhao immediately drove the car to the door of Uncle Wang's house.

Uncle Wang was about to go out for a walk, when he saw them coming down, he was a little surprised.

"Brother Shen is on vacation?" he said with a smile.

"Grandpa Wang, go for a walk?" Ye Shen responded with a smile.

Wang Bo lifted the bird cage in his hand and said with a smile, "My family Baxi is bored and said to go out for a walk."

The mynah, who was as black as a crow in the cage, immediately said, "I'm bored, I'm bored, let's go, let's go!"

Hua Zhao looked funny, but he never wanted to keep a parrot, so that it would not see a secret when he saw it, and then let her go out bald.

"Grandpa Wang, we are here today because we want to ask you about something." Ye Shen said directly.

Uncle Wang was taken aback, looked at the two of them, turned serious, and turned to enter the door: "Come in and say, there is no one at home."

He thought it was an important matter, and there was no trivial matter worthy of the two of them coming to the door to inquire in person.

Uncle Wang's sons and daughters all have jobs, and their positions are not low.

The yard of Uncle Wang's house is not big, with only two entrances. He lives alone and looks empty.

There are also many bird cages hanging in the yard, keeping all kinds of beautiful birds.

Seeing Uncle Wang, the granny in his hand turned his head and went home again, anxious: "Go, go, go! It's boring! It's boring!"

The myna, parrot, and myna, who were hanging in the yard so they didn't get a chance to go out for a walk, saw them, and they all laughed together: "Haha!" "Haha!" "Come back!"

Hua Zhao...she felt that this little animal had intelligence, so she absolutely couldn't keep it!

Uncle Wang ignored Brother Myna's protest, hung it under the eaves, invited Ye Shen and Hua Zhao to enter the room, turned around and closed the door.

The chattering sound in the yard disappeared instantly.

They have all been trained, and when the owner closes the door, he expresses that he wants to rest. They have to shut up, otherwise the consequences will be serious, and they cannot go out for a walk for several days!

"Actually, it's not a big deal, I just want to ask you about someone." Ye Shen reassured him, not wanting him to be too nervous.

"Who?" Uncle Wang asked.

"About 60 years old this year, Yao E, a student of Beiman Girls' High School." Hua Zhao said and took out the photo and handed it to him.

Uncle Wang took out his eyes and put them on, and recognized it at a glance. In fact, when he heard the name, he was a little impressed. After all, she was such a dazzling girl back then, and she died so miserably.

"It's her..." He sighed a little.

After finishing speaking, he looked up at Ye Shen and Hua Zhao, about to tell about Yao E, and was suddenly stunned.

Who is sitting opposite? Yao E when she was young? !

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