Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 621: This is ridiculous!

Seeing Hua Zhao's gaze, Qi Xiaoxian quickly retracted the expression on her face, but she was no longer able to flexibly control the facial nerves, and her face froze instead.

Fright was fixed on his face.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Qi Shulan asked curiously.

Qi Xiaoxian glared at her fiercely, she was the only one who talked a lot!

"What? Is the other jewelry related to a horror story? It scares you just thinking about it?" Hua Zhao asked.

Jewelry is a complete set, which she speculates based on experience, because in the past, large families usually made jewelry and liked a set.

And the merchants who sell jewelry also like to sell things in sets, and those who can afford them are not bad.

For a single piece sold to retail investors, the materials used will not be so good, because ordinary people cannot afford it, and ordinary people will not buy gemstone jewelry, but only gold.

That's why Hua Zhao had this speculation and cheated her.

I didn't expect the harvest to be very pleasant, this jewelry is really a complete set.

Horror story... Thinking of the origin of this brooch, Qi Xiaoxian's mouth crooked even more.

"What's the story, this brooch..."

"You think about it before answering." Hua Zhao said, "I'm not satisfied with the answer, so I won't give you the medicinal wine."

Qi Xiaoxian's mouth trembled, why did she ask this? What does she know? She looks just like that guy...

"I just want to get a complete set of jewelry. Where are the other parts, don't you remember?" Hua Zhao asked again.

This sentence gave Qi Xiaoxian a hint. She blinked her eyes and said, "This brooch really has other parts. It's in the hands of my cousin."

"Mom, isn't your cousin..." Dead?

Qi Xiaoxian glared at Qi Shulan again.

Qi Shulan shut up, it seemed that there was something she didn't know.

"My cousin, she is not dead, she, in her early years, went abroad, I dare not say." Qi Xiaoxian said.

This answer is reasonable. She has overseas connections, so she wouldn't dare to say that if she was killed.

And she was telling the truth, her cousin just didn't die. Anyway, when they were still in touch, she wasn't dead.

"This brooch was given to me by my cousin, and the rest are still in her hands." Qi Xiaoxian said, "Go to her if you want."

"Your pole is far away, and you spend 108,000 miles all at once." Hua Zhao smiled.

"I said it, it's the truth!" Qi Xiaoxian's expression was sincere.

This is indeed the truth. After the incident happened that year, the cousin left with the man overnight.

She chased after her and asked her cousin for a favor. The cousin hurriedly gave her a box with money and small yellow croakers in it. But it's a huge difference from what I said before.

She just bullied her as a child!

Qi Xiaoxian refused and dragged her to keep her from leaving. The cousin had no choice but to pull down the brooch he was wearing and give it to her. The man also took out the valuables on his body and gave it to her.

She still refused, and she was beaten...they left.

After so many years, money and other things have been spent, and all she has left is this brooch.

She didn't know why she kept it... As a result, Hua Zhao came.

Qi Xiaoxian was a little dazed.

Hua Zhao analyzed her expression and felt that what she said was probably true.

"Okay, then where is your cousin abroad? The world is so big, I can't find a target without it." Hua Zhao said.

Why is she so persistent? Do you know what to look for abroad? Qi Xiaoxian looked up at her, she was very similar to Sister Yao...

But how is it possible!

Sister Yao is dead!

She is Hua Qiang's granddaughter again, if she is Yao's sister's granddaughter... this is even more impossible! How could Sister Yao marry Hua Qiang? She and Sister Yao ended up marrying the same man?

My cousin stole a man from Sister Yao, and she stole one too?

This is ridiculous!

There are many similar people in the world, and Hua Zhao is just one of them. Qi Xiaoxian comforted himself and said, "The address, my brain is not good, I can't remember it."

She will also talk about conditions!

"I can't remember, forget it." Hua Zhao turned around: "I didn't get what I wanted, and naturally I didn't get what you wanted."

Qi Xiaoxian.....

She opened her mouth and wanted to say an address casually, but she suddenly found out that she didn't know anything about place names in foreign countries.

In my mind, there is only one address that my uncle said in the past.

Qi Xiaoxian gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, and said.

Anyway, going abroad is more difficult than going to the sky. Hua Zhao may not be able to go out, and even if he goes out, he may not be able to find it. Several decades have passed. is the unknown.

Even if they were there, the events of the year might not be exposed. After all, only the three of them knew, and they wouldn't say anything after being beaten to death.

It's all right.

Qi Xiaoxian kept comforting himself, and the expression on his face finally became natural.

"I've already said it, can you give me the medicine?" I'm not afraid anymore, and I speak quickly.

"Your cousin's uncle's family, how many people in the family are called, what time did you go out, and what did you do there, tell me all about it." Hua Zhao said.

Qi Xiaoxian didn't want to ask such a detailed question. But Hua Zhao has a posture that she won't take medicine if she doesn't say it, she can only say it.

For her now, nothing is more important than health.

"This time, okay?"

"This brooch is said to belong to your cousin's best friend. What is this best friend's surname? Where is her home?" Hua Zhao finally asked the most important question.

The panic on Qi Xiaoxian's face appeared again, and she still asked Sister Yao... Is it really just a coincidence?

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