Ye Jia's face immediately flushed, and she didn't dare to look up at Miao Lanzhi, she pushed Zhou Lihua.

Zhou Lihua said: "What's the embarrassment to say, this is what your uncle promised at the beginning."

She turned to Miao Lanzhi again and said, "It's not about going to school yet. It seems that the school will start in September soon, and Ye Jia has not seen the admission letter yet."

She said nothing out of the ordinary, you're welcome. Ye Mao promises things that she will not regret, so she is not afraid.

This is a serious matter. Miao Lanzhi didn't run against her, but she didn't know about it either. The Ye family's women were not involved in men's affairs, except for Zhou Lihua.

"Brother Ming will come back and ask him later, he should know." Miao Lanzhi said.

"When will Brother Ming come back?" Zhou Lihua asked immediately.

Just as he was talking, Ye Ming pushed the door and came in.

"What do you want to ask me?"

"Ye Jia went to college," Miao Lanzhi said.

"Oh." Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, and said embarrassedly, "I've been too busy recently, I forgot to go to you, and I have something to tell you."

"What?" Ye Jia immediately asked nervously. Has things changed?

Zhou Lihua's face is also not good, really don't treat them as family? Can you go back on what you promised?

"That's right, there may be a major decision to be made, which is to resume the college entrance examination, so I want to ask Ye Jia whether he is now a worker, peasant, and soldier college student, or is he waiting to be admitted to a good university after the college entrance examination resumes." Ye Ming said directly.

Ye Jia was suddenly tangled, and she didn't know what to say there.

The college entrance examination has only been suspended for ten years. Although the intellectuals were attacked at first, they gradually returned to normal.

The society is still very polite to college students, otherwise some people would not want to go to college.

And now what kind of treatment is "worker, peasant, soldier and college student", everyone actually knows, the reputation is not good, and the source of students is too uneven.

One can imagine what level an illiterate person will have after a few years of university study.

Don't want a place in the Workers', Peasants' and Soldiers' University, and take the exam yourself as a college student? The benefits were obvious, but Ye Jia was still undecided.

Because she took the test by herself, she might not be admitted to Beijing University.

No, you will definitely fail the test.

She didn't study very well. In Xijing's high school, she was just above average. Anyway, going to college doesn't depend on hard work, so why should she work hard?

Now let her earn a place in Beijing University with so many candidates across the country, she knows she can't earn it when she thinks about it.

Ye Jia actually had a conclusion in her heart, but she was too embarrassed to speak.

When I say it, I admit that my studies are poor. Before, my mother always told her relatives how good she was in her studies.

Of course, Zhou Lihua also knew what happened to Ye Jia.

"When will the college entrance examination resume? When will the exam be? Are you sure?" Zhou Lihua asked.

"This is not certain." Ye Ming said.

"Then we can't wait. She's 18 this year, and she's already 22 or 30 after graduating from college. Wait three or five years before taking the test? After graduation, she's an old girl! No, no." Zhou Lihua found a reasonable reason.

Ye Ming still persuaded: "It won't be three or five years, at most next year."

"Are you sure?" Zhou Lihua asked again.

"Not sure." Ye Ming shook his head, the meeting wasn't open yet, he really wasn't sure.

"Well then, we can't afford to wait." Zhou Lihua insisted.

Ye Ming looked at Ye Jia and asked, "What's your opinion?"

"I, I listen to my mother." Ye Jia whispered.

Ye Ming nodded: "Okay, I see, I'll get you the notice."

The notice actually arrived a long time ago, but it just happened that he heard about the resumption of the college entrance examination, and the matter was suppressed. After so many things happened at home, he forgot to give it to her for a while.

Ye Jia took the notice, but she was not as happy as she had been expecting.

It always feels unpleasant.

Zhou Lihua looked at the notice and Ye Ming again, and suddenly said, "Why don't you do this? You can get Ye Li another notice and let her go to college with her sister, so that she can be a companion."

Although Ye Ming said he was not sure, she knew that it was because Ye Ming was cautious. Since he said that the college entrance examination could resume next year, it would be next year.

You know what your daughter is like, Ye Jia's grades are above average, then Ye Li is below average!

Waiting for her to go to Beijing University by herself?

As long as she can get into a university, she will burn high incense! So it's better to let her go to Beijing University now!

The worker, peasant, and soldier college student is also a college student, and it sounds better than nothing!

Ye Ming shook his head: "It's too late, it will be September in a few days, and now the letter of introduction can't be opened. Ye Jia's letter was opened in advance."

"Others can't open it, can't you open it? Now that the Ye family is in the capital, what can't you do? What kind of big deal is a small letter of introduction?" Zhou Lihua said.

"The Ye family can't do things outside the rules." Ye Ming Youyan did not enter.

"Can I still open a letter of introduction next year?" Zhou Lihua asked, "After the resumption of the college entrance examination, will the system of workers, peasants, and soldiers continue to be preserved?"

"No." Ye Ming said.

"Then..." Zhou Lihua suddenly looked at Hua Zhao: "What about Hua Zhao? She's not going to college? Did she write a letter of introduction?"

"No." Ye Ming said.

"How is that possible?" Zhou Lihua said sharply immediately, she didn't believe it: "If you don't give her a letter of introduction, how will she go to university? If she can't go to college? Let outsiders know that the second daughter-in-law of the Ye family is illiterate?"

Ye Ming's eyes sank, if it wasn't for the fact that this matter was promised in advance, if it wasn't for the sake of Ye Jia being his cousin, Zhou Lihua's affairs, he really didn't want to care!

He wants to take that notice back now!

Hua Zhao smiled: "What does the third aunt mean? Are you concerned about whether I can go to college? Or do you care if I have a letter of introduction? If I have one, do I have to give it to you? Let Ye Li catch the last one. A chance to go to college and I don't have to?"

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