Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 605: bother you for something

Wen's house is really crowded. The old couple lives with their two sons. There are so many children who cry every night, so much that their brain hurts.

The idea of ​​Hua Zhao's house has been tried so many times before without success. The family has no money to buy a house, and both sons are unwilling to rent the house.

Why do they spend money to go out and live while the other stays at home safely? Eat and drink from your parents? And parents to look after the children!

So things froze.

Well now, Wen Jing has a place.

Originally Wenda wanted to move in, but Wen Jing kicked him out.

Wenda went home and talked with his parents, and simply asked them to move in, so that they would have a quiet place to live.

They are also more spacious at home, and usually have a place to go....

Wen Jing works at the university, and the benefits and treatment are still very good. Before, they only went there for a week to fight their teeth, but now they don't need to look at Ye Ming's face. No one picks up the problem when they go every three days. Is it their own sister's house?

Just a few children's elementary schools are not far from her home, so they can eat at her home at noon and night!

The family discussed it and decided so happily.

Wen's father and Wen's mother didn't say hello, and came to the door with a lot of burdens.

Wen Jing is still resting at home and not going to work.

When she opened the door and saw her parents like this, she guessed something, after all, Wenda reminded her yesterday.

Wen Jing stood still at the door, she was really not the Wen Jing she used to be, and now her heart is very cold.

"Mom and dad, what are you doing?" Wen Jing asked.

"My poor daughter, mom and dad are coming to see you, don't think too much~" Mrs. Wen said with a weeping voice.

With a "swoosh", the door opposite opened, and the neighbors looked at them with bright eyes.

Wen Jing was so angry that she dragged her parents into the room and closed the door.

With the fighting power of Old Man Wen and Mrs. Wen, Wen Jing, who had just been blackened, couldn't do it. Besides, they are parents, they occupy the righteousness, and they cannot be beaten or scolded quietly.

So Wen's father and Wen's mother lived in so grandly.

That night, several children from the two families came to have a meal.

The children of the eldest son who did not live with Father Wen at noon the next day also came to eat.

You can't just be taken advantage of by others, Wen Liang disagrees.

Wen Jing is very confused now, she just wants to be alone, but now she has a bunch of children at home, chatting and chatting every day, and rummaging through boxes and cabinets at home.

There is no aunt in her eyes at all.

Wen Jing erupted, yelling and kicking the children out.

She also wanted to expel Wen's parents.

But two old people have been in front of her all their lives, how can they bear this anger? What's more, there are neighbors watching, and they lose face.

It erupted immediately.

The two parties quarreled, and everything shook out, including Wen Jing's divorce and why they were divorced.

This is good, in a day, everyone who knows the Ye family's Wen family will know.

If you don't know, you've heard that there was a female college teacher who didn't get pregnant for 10 years. In order to have a child, she even stole the child of her younger brother and sister to practice ritual!

I heard that Wenjing's unit is now discussing whether to fire her.

The impact is too bad! University teacher, but also engage in feudal superstition!

Although Wen Jing is only in the administrative department and does not teach, but outsiders do not know that she is working in a university, so she is regarded as a teacher.

Wen Jing is going crazy.

But even so, Wen's father and Wen's mother stayed. They left, didn't they lose? What a shame.

It's just that the kids don't come to eat recently.

These gossips were heard when Hua Zhao came to say goodbye to Miao Lanzhi.

Miao Lanzhi sighed: "It's really a hundred kinds of rice to support a hundred kinds of people, why don't the old couple of the Wen family feel sorry for their daughter?"

"Why? I think my daughter is an outsider, so I can't give them old age." Ye Shu said beside him, "But look, when these two are old and can't move anymore, they have to be quiet and quiet. I Look at the brothers and sisters of the Wen family, they are not good people."

Miao Lanzhi nodded.

Hua Zhao shook his head: "Not necessarily, Wen Jing is not the Wen Jing in the past. If it was in the past, she would have endured it. What happened to her parents? What happened to the family? Now, it's only been a few days since it broke out? You've got a big temper."

"Yes." Ye Shu nodded.

When such a big thing happened, it's strange that people don't change. Even she herself felt that her mentality was different after and before the divorce.

Suddenly a throw pillow smashed over: "Leaf monkey! Where is your object?" Miao Lanzhi shouted.

Ye Shu was stunned for a moment, made a face at Hua Zhao and ran upstairs.

Hua Zhao laughed.

Everyone was so familiar, Miao Lanzhi stopped giving Ye Shu face, and picked up her nickname.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Hua Zhao went to open the door, but was stunned for a moment. Standing outside the door were Zhou Lihua and Ye Jiayeli.

She hadn't seen them for months since the separation.

"The third aunt and sisters are here, please come in." Hua Zhao greeted warmly.

Zhou Lihua was very satisfied with her attitude, but only nodded to Hua Zhao.

Ye Jia and Ye Li obediently called the second sister-in-law.

"Sister-in-law, are you at home?" Zhou Lihua entered the room and greeted Miao Lanzhi.

Miao Lanzhi also exchanged a few words with her.

Everyone's face is very warm.

"Sister-in-law, I heard about the famous brother, is it true or false?" Zhou Lihua went straight to the topic.

She came as soon as she heard the news.

"What's the matter?" Miao Lanzhi asked calmly.

"It's about getting divorced from Wen Jing!" Zhou Lihua shouted.

Miao Lanzhi frowned: "Oh, there is such a thing."

"Why are you in such a hurry! What the **** happened!" Seeing Zhou Lihua's appearance, she was really anxious.

But there was a glint of schadenfreude in her eyes.

This time, Ye Ming was also divorced, and he almost lost Hua Zhao's child, but she laughed to death.

Miao Lanzhi wasn't stupid either. Looking at her eyes, she felt disgusted in her heart. The old **** said, "I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry? Isn't it just a divorce, what a big deal."

"Oh, divorce isn't a big deal, what's a big deal? Look at your family, first Ye Shu left, then Ye Ming left, next time..." She glanced at Hua Zhao.

The words were ugly, and Miao Lanzhi immediately quit: "How do you talk about it? Did you talk like that?"

"Bah, bah!" Zhou Lihua quickly apologized: "I didn't mean that, I mean, your three children have left, let outsiders know, and I thought there was something wrong with our Ye family style, when the time comes. .." Delaying a few children to find a partner!

"Don't worry, we have separated. Yours is yours and mine is mine. If there is a problem with Ye Mao's children, it's none of your business, Yecheng's children!" Miao Lanzhi was furious and directly pierced her heart.

Zhou Lihua couldn't smile anymore.

"Mom!" Ye Jia was so anxious to pull Zhou Lihua's clothes, they weren't here to find fault today! They are here to ask for help, how could my mother forget when she sees someone!

"Anything?" Miao Lanzhi asked directly.

Because she was angry with Zhou Lihua, she had no good face for her children, and these two children, too, were raised crookedly and became the masters of the Three Treasures Hall.

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