There are many varieties of sunflowers, including tall ones and short ones. The tall ones are more common in the north, with a height of 2 meters.

In order not to appear special, this is what she took out before.

But that doesn't mean she only has this kind of seed in her hands.

She had spent a lot of effort in order to get the "First Generation". She obtained dozens of seeds, large and small, tall and short, and then chose a dozen or so that she felt good to keep.

Among them, there are short, good taste, high yield and short maturity period.

It's not worse than what she gave to the Li family, and it can breed naturally for several generations.

Hua Zhao estimates that at least within the 5th generation, the taste will not change much, and after the 5th generation, it will definitely be inferior to the first generation.

That's it.

Hua Zhao opened her backpack and pulled out a small bag the size of a palm. For each seed, she only kept this small bag, less than 2 taels.

that's enough.

She climbed up the wall first, and saw that Hua Qiang had brought Zhou Bing to stand by the river 200 meters away, and started fishing, and immediately took action.

She squatted down and "communicated" with the grass in front of her for a long time.

The wild grass, which was already not so green, suddenly became green, and rustled in the breeze, almost trembling with excitement.

"Come on, plant them." Hua Zhao said holding a handful of seeds.

A few green grasses in front of him suddenly bent over, and a few leaves gathered together, took the handful of seeds, turned around, and handed them behind him.

The grass around him stretched out its leaves, and one person took away a seed.

In the rustling, hundreds of seeds were quickly dissipated.

This is not just the self-consciousness of plants, they still do not have such a high level of intelligence, and more of it is the command of Hua Zhao.

Fortunately, their current intelligence can do one command and one action.

Under the command of Hua Zhao, the grasses moved their roots automatically, dug a hole for the seeds, and buried them.

After all the seeds were planted, Hua Zhao instantly activated his ability to exchange energy with them.

Sunflowers grow up visibly to the naked eye, grow to half the height of a person, and then bloom and bear fruit.

A barren meadow instantly turned into a sunflower garden.

Then Hua Zhao asked the surrounding green grass to take away the mature sunflower trays one by one, and the plants left behind instantly withered and turned into energy, which was absorbed by the weeds.

Weeds are more excited and work harder.

Hua Zhao opened the door of the warehouse behind him, let the wild grass in front grow wildly, stretched out the long grass stems, and put the sunflower trays in the corner of the warehouse.

No need to do it all by yourself.

But in the end, she left a few sunflower trays as seeds, plucked them out, and replanted them.

After repeating it several times, there were piles of sunflower trays in the warehouse, 40,000 catties, only a little more.

Hua Zhao clapped his hands and finished work.

She has become more and more comfortable with her plants now, and will adapt herself to allow them to do many things she can't.

Otherwise, point at her to dig a hole and sow seeds by herself, so that it will be planted in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon?

"Thank you!" She smiled at the weeds.

Weeds also responded with a "swoosh".

In more than half an hour, they absorbed a lot of energy, and they were about to become fine...

That is impossible, that little energy is not enough for them to resist the law of survival that one year old and one withering prosperity, but in the coming year, their seeds will be more prosperous and powerful, and this is their pursuit.

Hua Zhao pushed the babies into the warehouse, looked at the mountains of sunflower heads, and then absorbed them, turning them from fresh, freshly picked, to air-dried for a long time.

She will not do the threshing job, she has no time, 40,000 catties! There are no sacks, just tell Ye Ming that they were transported like this.

The two babies were sitting in the stroller and were stunned. They had always been stunned and had not changed for a long time.

"Haha." Hua Zhao squatted in front of them and said to them, "Mom can do magic! This is magic!"

This time it was a last resort, and the two little guys were still young, couldn't speak, and couldn't remember for too long.

In the future, she won't do this in front of them, to save them the trouble.

"Ahhh!" Cuiwei pointed at the hill-like melon seeds and wanted to play with one.

Hua Zhao did not agree, and now they are all air-dried and fall off when touched. And when the two little guys put everything in their mouths, they can't be careless.

"Let's go, Mom will take you to find Grandpa... Not yet, let's prepare some barbecue things first." The details must be handled well.

Hua Zhao started the weeds again, and found many dead branches piled on a small piece of broken concrete, and then pushed the babies to see Hua Qiang.

There was no flat ground outside the yard, so she had to take out the baby carrier she made and carry two little guys one after the other to find Hua Qiang.

When passing by the tall weeds around them, they would give way slightly so that the branches and leaves would not scratch Hua Zhao.

Seeing her coming, Hua Qiang asked with a pun, "It's all done?"

Hua Zhao smiled sweetly: "It's all done, just waiting for your fish."

"Haha!" Hua Qiang also smiled: "There are few people here, and the fish is fat and stupid. In such a short time, we have caught several!"

He pointed to a few big fish that were thrown on the grass and knocked unconscious, including crucian carp and silver carp, each weighing two or three pounds.

Yunfei and Cuiwei clapped their hands in succession, and Cuiwei even said a word: "Auntie!"

She couldn't tell the fish, but after "no", she started to speak out slowly.

"Okay, okay, let's eat fish, fish~" Hua Zhao taught them to speak.

The two little guys know fish and like to eat them very much.

Hua Qiang and Zhou Bing took the fish back with her.

When he arrived at the door of the warehouse, Liu Ming just came back.

There were 6 people, 4 big and 2 small, and had a pleasant picnic. Without salt, Liu Ming drove to a distant supply and marketing cooperative to buy it.

As for the sunflower seeds that suddenly appeared in the warehouse, no one found it. Among the more than 10 warehouses, Hua Zhao chose the most corner, far from where they barbecued.

After eating, a few people went home.

Early the next morning, Hua Qiang brought Ye Name to his house, telling him that he had contacted an old friend yesterday and told him the address. Today, the melon seeds he wanted should have arrived.

He also told Ye Ming that although these melon seeds were cultivated by Hua Zhao, he also saw that she couldn't plant them openly.

Therefore, his previous method was reliable. He contacted old friends and planted a lot of them in secret places.

Originally, they planned to sell it secretly and share the money equally, but now that the country needs it, they will all contribute.

Hua Qiang said a few words to fill up the small loopholes that Hua Zhao left before.

Ye Ming really didn't ask who this old friend was, where he planted it, and how much he planted.

Now that people have taken out the seeds for earning foreign exchange, what else do they want?

"Thank you, Hua Lao, we have written down your great deeds." Ye Ming said sincerely.

"Hehe, no, I'm all buried in the neck. I don't want fame or gain. I just can't bear to spend the children of Showa suffering. You arrange the car as soon as possible, the house or something, don't be in a hurry, and slowly look for a good one. "

Ye Ming: "...Okay, I see."

At first, he thought that Hua Zhao could only take out a few hundred catties of seeds at most, but they could take out 40,000 catties in one go!

Even if these are not seeds, they are only sold for melon seeds. With the quality of Hua Zhao's melon seeds, they can sell for 2 million! So much money, what is a car? What is a house?

The state will not take advantage of the common people in vain. He has to study this reward carefully.

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