Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 602: let them find me later

Ye Ming has been running for a few months, plus the current status of the Ye family, it will be a big deal.

He directly asked for a small commune with 10,000 mu of land. This year, their task of planting melon seeds was melon seeds.

The plant is good, and the scale will be expanded in the future.

It's already August, hurry up and plant another crop, and Ye Ming plans to go to the south to plant melon seeds again, try to see if the melon seeds can be sown at level four, if so...

He must give Hua Zhao a big reward!

Hua Zhao is a little worried now, where did he get the seeds of 20,000 mu of land? It is conservatively estimated that 2 catties of seeds are used for one mu of land, which is 40,000 catties, and 400 sacks are required for large sacks.

Ye Ming dug a hole for her!

And she suddenly remembered that she was cheated yesterday!

In fact, when she moved, she moved a lot of sacks of melon seeds, and her mother sold them for several months! How did you forget? He was speechless after being deceived by Ye Ming.

It's been three years since she was pregnant. She was pregnant one after another, so she was probably quite stupid.

40,000 catties of seeds, where did she get them?

Of course you can get it out, but how do you get it back?

Hua Zhao felt that he had walked into a dead end and couldn't think of a perfect solution. In the end, he had to come to Hua Qiang and ask him to use his current thinking to explain how it would be more reasonable to take it out so as not to surprise outsiders.

Hua Qiang thought about it and asked, "Can you get those seeds?"

"Yes." Hua Zhao said.

Grandpa knew about the big bundle of ten thousand years of ginseng, and didn't ask anything. When she was still as good as before, she had nothing to say.

"Then let's go out and find a place. You give me the seeds, and then let Ye Ming come to me to pull the seeds. I got these seeds through channels. If there is anything in the future, let them come to me." Hua Strong road.

Hua Zhao's eyes suddenly became wet: "Grandpa...this is a little dangerous..."

Hua Qiang smiled: "What danger could there be? Your grandfather and I have been in the army all my life, and have countless relationships. What's the fuss about some of the relationships that I don't want to tell others? Besides, if the Ye family is here, they will stop the trouble. And I am the only one. Bad old man, don't be afraid of anything."


"It's settled, let's act now, you can go back to Ye Shen's tomorrow, I think the two little guys miss their father, and they always look for them at night." Hua Qiang said.

Hua Zhao still wanted to think of other ways, but she soon saw Hua Qiang's action.

When he went out, he called Liu Ming over and asked him to go to the suburbs to rent him a secluded warehouse. The place should be large and secluded. He was useful.

Be quick, take a few hours.

Liu Ming didn't dare to ask, so he went immediately.

Now everything belongs to the public, and it is convenient for the public to use it. Just say hello, and if you want an empty warehouse, it will be arranged immediately.

Hua Qiang smiled at Hua Zhao as if he had come back to ask for credit: "I'm waiting for the seeds to be delivered now."

"Okay." That's all there is to it now.

"I'll go there and see." Hua Zhao said.

To give birth to melon seeds, there must be a place, and it is not impossible at home, but how will she move the melon seeds to the warehouse?

"I'll go with you, and let the Ye family come directly when the time comes."

Hua Zhao wanted to refuse, so he heard Hua Qiang say: "By the way, help you cover, you want to go out alone now, they won't let you."

Since the accident, Hua Zhao has never let go of the children, and takes them wherever he goes, never letting them out of his sight.

And the Ye family will not let them alone, Liu Ming and Zhou Bing will definitely follow.

Hua Zhao thought about it for a while, and then agreed.

In the afternoon, the warehouse was rented, and Liu Ming directly borrowed a car to show them.

Hua Qiang's order was carried out very thoroughly. This warehouse is big enough and far enough away. It is in a wasteland in the suburbs, very far from the surrounding residential areas. It is said that it is for safety.

This is the place where materials were stored and deployed back then. Everything going to Beijing from the south to the north had to stay here, check, store, and wait for distribution.

But now the situation is less tense, many rules and regulations have changed, the venue is no longer needed, and it is idle.

There are rows and rows of tall warehouses, Hua Zhao counted them, there are more than 10 in total, and they can hold too many things. Her 40,000 catties of melon seeds are not enough to hold a corner of one of them.

This is not what pleases her, what she is most satisfied with is the larger desolate yard.

It's useless for her to ask for concrete, she can't let sunflowers grow on concrete. This earthen yard, which was once used as a parking lot, is now overgrown with weeds is the most suitable.

Back then, the conditions were tough, how could there be a cement floor? Good steel is used on the blade.

Hua Zhao made a visual inspection and found that the yard would have 40 to 50 acres. After two rounds of planting, it was estimated that the work would be finished.

"Oh, I forgot to take the baby's bottle." She suddenly panicked.

"I'll go back and get it immediately!" Liu Ming said.

"Well, don't worry too much, they just drink milk and go out, and they won't be hungry until 4 hours later." Hua Zhao said.

"Okay, I see." After Liu Ming finished speaking, he asked Zhou Bing to stay, and he drove away.

Hua Zhao... But I forgot, take one, and the other, they won't let Hua Zhaohe's children and an old man stay alone in such a remote place.

But there is one left.

Hua Qiang has already thought of a solution for Hua Zhao. He said to Zhou Bing: "Come on, go hunting with me! I see that there are quite a few pheasants and wild rabbits in this place, and they haven't been active for a long time."

To build such a large site, it is best not to occupy fertile farmland, so when it was built, it was on a river beach. At first glance, there was no edge of reeds, which was very suitable for pheasants to survive.

Now it is abandoned and not used, and there are reasons why the construction site is not good, and it has been flooded several times.

"Then go ahead, I'll pack up a place to prepare for barbecue." Hua Zhao said: "By the way, catch a few fish, I want to eat grilled fish."

Zhou Bing was a little stunned. He asked for this warehouse and came here to have a picnic?

Well, this place is quite suitable for a picnic. It is far away from people, and there are high courtyard walls. Before they came, the gates were locked, and generally no outsiders would come in, so it was safe.

He now looks at everyone like a trafficker!

"Sister-in-law, we won't go far, you can call if you have something to do." He still said a little worriedly.

"Go, go, grab more, not enough to eat." Hua Zhao said.

Zhou Bing followed Hua Qiang away.

Hua Zhao immediately pushed the babies around in the yard, studying the site, how to plant and harvest, so as to keep quiet.

The wild grass in the yard was lush, reaching the adult's chest, which made Hua Zhao's eyes light up and an idea came to him.

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