Hua Zhao is also going back to live in the mountain compound today. She has been living at her husband's house for a week, and she misses Ye Shen a little.

After such a big incident, it was also a private matter. After the first three days, Ye Shen had no vacation, and the rest was left to his family.

Ye Ming came back from outside.

Miao Lanzhi immediately asked, "Have everything been dealt with?" She asked quietly.

"Yeah." Ye Ming nodded.

"How is she?" Miao Lanzhi couldn't help asking.

In the end, she has been her daughter-in-law for 10 years. Although she cannot regard Wen Jing as her daughter, she also regards Wen Jing as a family member. She admits that she has no regrets about Wen Jing. She feels that she is better than Wen Jing's own mother.

Wen Jing's body was ruined like that in her mother's house. A few years ago, she took her to find a doctor and took her to ask for medicine, and she personally cooked for her.

Wen Jing couldn't have children, she didn't say a word of complaint, and comforted her in turn, she felt that she could do it.

If this was left in someone else's house, Wen Jing would have been divorced 7 years earlier.

"It looks okay." Ye Ming said: "Don't worry about her, she is strong."

No matter how wrong you are, you can see some personalities. Wen Jing is a very resilient person, and won't be overwhelmed by divorce.

"I'm relieved if you say that." Miao Lanzhi breathed a sigh of relief, she was afraid that Wen Jing would do something stupid if she couldn't think of it, and her son would never be able to get over this hurdle in his life.

Ye Ming had washed his hands, changed his clothes, and picked up Cui Wei.

Seeing the two babies, the last bit of ice and snow on his face melted away, the spring flowers bloomed, and he became that gentle and jade-like son again.

Hua Zhao also breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Ye Ming's divorce was really a good thing, he could have his own children in the future, if he wanted to remarry.

"Let's go today?" Ye Ming asked Hua Zhao.

"Yeah." Hua Zhao nodded.

"Tomorrow, I'll drive you." Ye Ming said, "It's a little late today, and I have something to talk to you about."

"What's the matter?" Hua Zhao asked immediately.

"The matter of the Li family." Ye Ming said.


She didn't expect Ye Ming to be so busy and still thinking about the Li family, she felt a little embarrassed.

"How do you want to clean them up?" Ye Ming asked.

"I want to hear your thoughts first." Hua Zhao said, "As long as they can be punished appropriately, I don't want to give orders."

If this is decades later, she will have a reasonable and legal way to clean up the Li family.

But the situation is too complicated now, and it's really not easy to bring matters between her and the Li family to the fore. If you do anything else, she won't.

Ye Ming nodded: "Now the above is reforming, and a group of vegetable cooperatives will be removed and changed into ordinary rural cooperatives."

There is a big plan above. Slowly, all the vegetable cooperatives will be removed, and all farmers will be treated as one in the future.

What vegetables to buy, where to buy vegetables, and how many vegetables to buy are all determined by the "market" and farmers themselves, rather than planning tasks.

But sudden changes are not easy to accept, so there must be a pilot first.

"Lijia Village can be one of the pilots." Ye Ming said.

Hua Zhao's eyes are already bright, this is really a serious conspiracy: "Okay, okay! This method is good! Just use this!"

She knew that it would take 1982 and 1983 to completely cancel the cooperatives, distribute production to households, and implement a market economy.

It's only 77 years old, and the Li family has no front and rear eyes and can't see the future. They will only feel that their jobs have been smashed, and they can't find a way to cry!

Vegetable farmers are treated very well. They have money every month and fixed food rations. Although they are less than urban workers, they are better than other rural people!

Well now, not only is their good treatment gone, it will not be easy to earn some extra money in the future.

People in Lijia Village can use their reserved plots and yard to grow melon seeds, just because they are vegetable farmers, and they are distributed in the vegetable village, and they can spend a little work and money.

But it won't work in the future. In the future, the commune's land will be planted with grain but not vegetables, and their private plots and yards will not be available. Otherwise, the family will not be able to eat a green vegetable a year.

The quota in the city is gone, they can't buy it if they want!

All of a sudden, both paths were cut off.

The next day, the above documents came down. Lijia Village and 2 other villages, as pilots, were disqualified as vegetable cooperatives and returned to normal rural cooperatives.

The people of Lijia Village were all stunned. They wanted to make trouble but didn't dare. This is the policy above. Who are they going to make trouble with? Why are they making trouble?

There are so many rural cooperatives in the world, and everyone works hard and eats well. There is no trouble. What are they making?

But don't make trouble.... I will have no money in the future! Just like other rural people, they work hard 365 days a year, can't earn dozens of dollars, and even owe money to the production team?

Everyone in the village came to Old Man Li to find a way.

Or, come to Old Man Li for an explanation.

The people in the whole village were raped by the old man Li's business, and their brains were relatively lively. They thought, could this be revenge from Hua Zhao?

Otherwise, there are hundreds of vegetable clubs around the capital, and only 3 of them are chosen. How did they choose them?

"What can you do to find me? This is the decision above, and I can't change it." Old Man Li said, "And that woman must not have the ability. This is just a coincidence."

Old man Li killed him and refused to admit it, or wouldn't he have become the sinner of the whole village?

"Yes, you can find out if you ask." The villagers surrounded Old Man Li in the middle and refused to recognize him.

If Hua Zhao really did it, the other party would definitely admit it, which would have the effect of deterring them.

"Where do I go to ask? I can't find anyone right now." Old Man Li said.

Since Zhang Guilan was arrested, the factory over there has also been shut down, and no one has seen anyone selling braised pork in the market recently.

Zhang Guilan really didn't do anything recently. She hasn't recovered from her own affairs with her children. She accompanies Hua Zhao and her children at home every day.

Hua Zhao is not in a hurry to start over, and she has not recovered. She just wants to accompany the baby every day, and has no intention of making money.

"Li Xiaojiang must know."

"We don't care, anyway, you have to find someone and ask."

In the face of interests, the united villagers turned against each other in an instant.

Old man Li was also angry. He hadn't been blocked like this for many years: "What's the use of asking me? Even if they did it, what can we do now?"

"Go and beg her!"

"You admit her wrong!"

"If you arrest her mother, you have to apologize to them! Compensate for the loss!"

"Leave Li Er to others for disposal!"

"Do you still have two freezers hidden in your house? Give them back!"

"If that woman really did it, you should do everything possible to ask her to forgive her and let her cancel the decision of our village again!"

"We still want to be vegetable farmers!"

The crowd shouted.

Old Man Li was almost out of anger and had a brain hemorrhage. Looking at the crowd, he gritted his teeth and said, "Don't forget, you arrested people at the beginning, but you went with them! You all have a share!"

In fact, he really believed in his heart that Hua Zhao brought it up to clean up their entire village.

They are really powerful, they wiped out their entire village in one go, and not a single one was spared.

The villagers shrank a little, but more people became even more angry: "You let us go!"

"You ordered it!"

"You are the mastermind! If you want to blame it, it's also your fault!"

The crowd was even more infuriated, and he forced Old Man Li to go to Hua Zhao to make amends.

Old Man Li didn't dare to disobey, otherwise he wouldn't mix in the village in the future, and their family would be completely defeated.

So even if he is pretending, he has to pretend.

Old man Li went to the city to find Li Xiaojiang himself and inquired about Hua Zhao's whereabouts.

He remembered that Li Xiaojiang had said which hutong Zhang Guilan lived in.

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