Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 595: we're done

Wen Jing was subdued after 2 days in, and immediately asked someone to pass a message to Ye Ming, saying that she knew she was wrong and knew how to speak in the future.

But Ye Ming didn't let her out immediately, he felt it wasn't enough.

On the third day, Wen Jing continued to plead.

Fourth day, fifth day...

Her prayers are getting more and more humble day by day.

It wasn't until the 7th day that Ye Ming felt that he was almost done, so he didn't come to see her.

"Have you really thought about it?" Ye Ming asked.

For 7 days, Wen Jing has been emaciated beyond appearance, as if she is more than ten years old, and her eyes are frightened and dull.

She was not given drugs, but she ate, lived and moved with normal mental illness.

This irritated her a lot.

"I figured it out!" Wen Jing looked at Ye Ming, her eyes finally got focus, and she quickly replied.

"You have to think clearly, if you talk nonsense after going out and come in again, you may not be able to go out." Ye Ming said coldly.

Wen Jing looked at him in disbelief. The current Ye Ming was terribly strange. For a moment, she doubted whether his tenderness towards her in the past 10 years existed.

Once Ye Ming makes a decision, he will carry it out to the end.

Since you are going to get a divorce, don't have any more entanglements.

Emotions should be cut off cleanly.

"Have you really figured it out?" Ye Ming asked again.

Looking at his unfamiliar and cold eyes, his quiet heart was numb, and there was some fear.

He really does what he says.

"I really figured it out." She whispered.

"Okay." Ye Ming nodded, took out a small piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Wen Jing.

That's their divorce certificate.

"From now on, our fate is gone, I wish you happiness in the future." After Ye Ming finished speaking, he took a deep look at Wen Jing, turned and left simply.

Wen Jing pinched the piece of paper, her fingers trembled, trembled, trembling, and finally crouched on the ground and cried.

Suddenly, the window on the wall was smashed by someone.

"Mom, mom! Why are you crying?" A man in his twenties leaned on the window and shouted anxiously to Wen Jing.

Seeing Wen Jing looking up at him, the man grinned: "Mom, I'm hungry, I want milk."

"Ah!~~~" Wen Jing's anger, fear, and resentment exploded in her heart, and she screamed and pushed the door open and ran out.

She's leaving this hellish place!

No one stopped her this time, she ran out of the mental hospital in one breath, ran into the street, ran far and far, and finally collapsed exhausted.

She lay on the ground panting heavily, and the countless complicated emotions in her heart receded, and in the end, only hatred remained.

Hate the leaf name.

Hate Hua Zhao.

Hate everyone in the Ye family!

They never looked down on her, they acquiesced that Ye Ming was bullying her, they were partial to Hua Zhao, and they wanted to kick her out.

Now they finally succeeded.

hate it!

"Ah!~~" Wen Jing frantically yelled.

"Oops! Come on, everyone, there's a mental illness out there!" a passerby shouted.

Wen Jing walked in a hurry, and she didn't change her clothes, it was a hospital gown unique to a mental hospital.

"What now? Let's send her back again?" said another kind passerby.

This sentence scared Wen Jing to death, she got up from the ground and ran, this time she ran home in one breath.

When she entered the community, it was inevitable to be seen, but she covered the name of the hospital on her chest, and her clothes were similar to other hospitals.

Fortunately, the key to the home was hanging around his neck, and it did not end up in the mental hospital.

Wen Jing rushed into the house and closed the door tightly.

After taking a deep breath, she found that her family had changed a lot, and everything that belonged to Ye Ming had disappeared.

Clothes, shoes, office supplies, and even Ye Ming's toothpaste and toothbrush, his favorite ornaments, were all gone.

There is no scent of him in this house anymore, as if he never existed.

There were no tears in Wen Jing's eyes, her tears had dried up.

Now she only thinks about how to get revenge on them! Get revenge on them like crazy! Give back the pain they gave her tenfold!

However, it was unexpected.

"Clap clap!" The door behind him slammed again, Wen Jing was startled, and pretended not to move.

"Eldest sister, are you at home?" It was Wenda's voice.

Wen Jing breathed a sigh of relief and mentioned again that she didn't want to see them now.

"Big sister, open the door! We saw you back just now!" This time it was Wen Ming who spoke.

Ye Ming was divorced, and there was no fanfare to announce it to the world, but the Wen family had to inform them and officially distanced themselves from their family.

But it was also just notified, so that they would not go to the mental hospital to make trouble.

As a result, when the brothers and sisters came, they saw Wen Jing running back.

"Big sister, open the door! Don't think about it." Wen Ruo shouted.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with Wenjing?" the neighbor on the opposite door opened the door and asked.

"Oh, it's fine." Wen Ruo said immediately.

The neighbors looked suspiciously at the three brothers and sisters, standing at the door not to enter the house.

Wen Jing in the room was about to die of anger, so she hurried back to the room and changed into normal clothes.

"What are you doing yelling? You can't sleep well!" Wen Jing frowned and opened the door, quickly putting people in.

Neighbors also glanced at her suspiciously.

Wen Jing pretended not to see it, and immediately closed the door.

"Eldest sister, are you divorced?" Wen Ruo shouted in surprise when she entered the room.

The movement is not small, Wen Jing is not sure whether the neighbors across the door can hear it.

"Crack!" With a crisp sound, Wen Ruo received a slap in the face.

The three brothers and sisters of the Wen family were stunned, looking at Wen Jing in disbelief.

Madam, you hit them.

Wen Jing withdrew her hand, wiped it on her clothes, and looked at Wen Ruo coldly: "What are you shouting? Are you afraid others won't know?"

The Wen family brothers and sisters were even more frightened. Is this still their eldest sister? She can't be, is she really crazy?

"Tell me if you have anything, and leave if you have nothing to do." Wen Jing said again.

Now, there is a devil living in her heart. Those things that she couldn't do in the past can now be done at will.

The Wen family brothers and sisters are honest.

Wen Jing gestured to open the door.

Wenda immediately said: "No, big sister, we have something to do with you."

"what's up?"

"The Ye family sent someone to tell you today that you and Ye Ming have divorced because, because... we are just here to ask if it's true? Parents are anxious at home!" Wenda said.

The Ye family did not hide the reason for the divorce. Wen Jing and the murderer partnered to steal Hua Zhao's child. They would never tolerate such a thing.

Wen's father and Wen's mother were angry and scared, and could not walk for a while, otherwise they would have come to question Wen Jing earlier.

"What's your business?" Wen Jing looked at them coldly.

With this look, Wenda was so frightened that he didn't dare to continue asking. But you don't need to ask to know that what the Ye family said is probably true.

"Big sister, how can you..." Wen Ruo was about to complain, but before she could finish her words, she was slapped again on the face.

"What's your business?" Wen Jing asked again.

Wen Ruo was very angry: "It's none of my business! If you love a divorce or not, you won't die if you love it! What's it about me? I'll just watch the fun!"

After speaking, she ran away angrily.

Wen Ming looked at Wen Jing, then at Wen Da, and followed.

Wenda was left alone and insisted on not leaving.

"Why don't you go?" Wen Jing asked.

"Sister, I have something I want to discuss with you..." Wenda whispered.

"What's the matter?" Wen Jing asked.

"Well, in such a big house now, you are the only one living in it, but your parents are crowded to death. No, my family will move here and live with you! It's lively and crowded, and you're not lonely!" Wenda said.

Wen Jing stared at him for a few seconds without speaking, then turned around and went to the kitchen, and came out with a broom.

Wenda was finally beaten out.

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