Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 580: call someone back

Hua Zhao, Ye Ming and Ye Shu got into the car together and went to Lijia Village.

Miao Lanzhi and Wen Jing stayed to watch the children.

Not to mention Hua Zhaoxin but Wenjing, neither Ye Ming nor Miao Lanzhi. When Wen Jing takes care of a baby, she has to count forward 20 years! What does she remember now?


When they arrived at Lijia Village, they successfully met the Li family.

"Where is my mother?" Hua Zhao asked straight to the point.

This was the first time the Li family saw Hua Zhao, and everyone was first surprised by her appearance, and then overjoyed.

Look at this little appearance, listen to this little voice, it is estimated that the rumors are false, how can such a little woman have such a big temper?

It is estimated that her man is the one who has a big temper. The one next to him?

It looks kind-hearted, but that aura is not something ordinary people can have.

The Li family's business is considered a journey of travel, and they are well-informed, and they can see that Ye Ming is not as friendly as he seems.

What's more, there is no smile on Ye Ming's face at all now, and his eyes are staring at the people around him, with a pressing spirit.

"Where is your mother? We still have to find her!" Old Man Li stepped forward and shouted with a sullen face, "She is going to beat my son to death! If my son dies, she will have to pay for her life!"

"Yes! Lose your life!"

"Pay for your life!!"

Unconsciously, the people of Lijia Village gathered around, and surrounded Hua Zhao and Ye Ming Liu Qian and the others.

"You said my mother beat him, what evidence do you have? Where is the incident? Take me to see it." Hua Zhao said.

The Li family didn't expect her to put forward this condition, but it's not an excessive condition, just look at it, there is still a big pool of blood on the ground!

Hua Zhao came to Li's... abandoned backyard, and saw the pool of blood, which was indeed not small.

I heard it came out of my head.

Not to mention from the head, but from other places, it is enough for a person to lose so much blood.

Hua Zhao's eyes swept around casually, and there was a big elm tree in the corner of Li's backyard.

Hua Zhao communicated with it.

Because it was daytime, Hua Zhao didn't exchange too much energy with the elm tree in front of everyone's eyes, for fear that it would be discovered differently.

If the energy is too little, the expression ability of the elm will be poor.

But Hua Zhao still saw the general situation, but it was not clear.

Two men, one beating, one being beaten; cellar, come out, men and women, go.

Li Er was beaten by a man, and her mother was taken away by a man. Looking at the vague scene at the time, she was carried away on her back.

The mother seems to have lost her mobility!

Does she care about Li Er's life or death? She only cares about her mother!

"My mother is really not in your hands?" Hua Zhao asked.

Old Man Li said, "Don't act here, hand over your mother quickly!"

Hua Zhao turned to Ye Ming and said, "Let's go."

She didn't expect her to leave so quickly, Ye Ming was stunned for a moment, but this is a good thing, just search for Zhang Guilan's presence or not.

But it was definitely messy at that time, and Hua Zhao was definitely not suitable for the scene.

"Let's go." He led someone to protect Hua Zhao in the middle, and was about to get in the car.

They came by car. After arriving at Lijia Village, even if it was a few steps away, they had to drive. They did not let the car leave their 3-meter range, just for the convenience of leaving.

"Want to leave? Then we have to have a good talk!" Old Man Li shouted.

He didn't call for people anymore, but negotiated conditions.

The surrounding villagers cooperated and tacitly tightened the circle, layer by layer, if they wanted to drive away, they had to run through the crowd.

It's really not that good to leave.

"Let's open the way!" Liu Qian said. With a few of them in front of the crowd, it was easy for the car to get out.

But it can't be guaranteed.

Hua Zhao suddenly turned around and asked Old Man Li, "Where is Li Er?"

She wants to know who hit Li Er.

The person who took Zhang Guilan away did not send the person home, indicating that it was not their own, so she would not be able to find out who this person was, and she still had to ask Li Er if she knew her.

"It's in the hospital." Old Man Li said.

"I'll go see him and confront him," Hua Zhao said.

Old Man Li sneered: "You want to run, right? Impossible!"

The commune hospital is in the next village, and outside of this village, the Li family is no longer in the world. It is impossible for them to surround Hua Zhao like they are now.

And they don't want to expose the transaction with Hua Zhao, they are really known to everyone, and they can't beg for it.

"Then just use your empty mouth to white teeth, take a pile of chicken blood and say it's Li Er's, and say he's going to die, so I'll believe it? Am I a fool?" Hua Zhao said.

It actually makes sense.... Old Man Li sincerely wanted to negotiate with her, so he naturally had to show his own.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he said to his children and grandchildren, "Go, bring the second child back!"

Anyway, he gave up... let him make some more contributions to the family!

The sons looked at each other and pushed and shoved for a while, and finally the third and fourth left with one son each.

Hua Zhao didn't want to leave, and stood there quietly, communicating with the trees one by one in the direction Zhang Guilan left.

But it was too dark, and they could only "see" the vague outlines.

Fortunately, there is still an outline for her to follow the direction.


Li San and Li Si, who went to the next village, came back soon. Several people rode their bicycles (borrowed) so fast that smoke was coming from behind the wheels.

Before the person got there, he shouted: "The second child is gone!"

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