Hua Zhao looked at her for a few seconds and shook her head: "I'll take them with me."

Wen Jing's face suddenly became embarrassed, half joking and half serious: "You still can't trust me? I can't take care of children for a long time, but it's okay to take care of them for a day and a half. My brothers and sisters are all brought up by me. I will coax the children. And now it's so hot outside, you are anxious and angry, how inconvenient to carry two children? And let them suffer along with them. "

Miao Lanzhi very much agreed with Wen Jing's words this time, but she said, "Don't go, you are not alone, you are honest with the children at home. I will call Ming Geer back to help find them together."

Hua Zhao insisted on going.

Miao Lanzhi didn't want to persuade her mother too much. In the end, she could only agree, but let her wait for Ye Ming to come back and drive her and the child out to find it.

Wen Jing felt that her lungs were about to explode. She was in this home, and her words had no weight, and they didn't trust her at all.


When Li Xiaojiang returned to the village, he heard that Li Er was dying and was in the community hospital.

He turned around and went to the hospital.

Li Er's appearance startled him, he really wanted to kill...

"Gangzi, don't look at it, let's take the second uncle to the hospital!" Li Xiaojiang shouted to Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang's eyes lit up, but he said, "I have no money."

"I have!" Li Xiaojiang said immediately.

Li Xiaogang quickly stood up and said gratefully, "Xiaojiang, you will be my brother from now on!" And his brothers and sisters, after hearing that his grandfather would not give money, also followed.

Li Xiaojiang opened his mouth, wanted to say something, then closed it, and went out to find a doctor.

The two contacted the hospital car and sent Li Er to the hospital.

The Li family had no idea that Li Er had already been abandoned by them. Except for Li Xiaogang, no one was here to accompany him.


Ye Ming hurried back and saw Hua Zhao, without saying a word, he was going to take her away.

Seeing that she was going to take the child, he said, "Let the child go home, maybe we have to go to Li's house and ask what's going on."

At this time, Zhang Guilan should have come back even if he climbed, but he didn't. If the Li family hadn't lied and Zhang Guilan was actually still in their hands, then it would have been more fortunate than luck...

It's almost noon now, and I can give up the idea of ​​going to the road to look for it. I really have to go to Li's house and ask the tree.

At that time, it is really difficult for her to take care of the children in the whole village by herself.

"Okay, put them at home." Hua Zhao said to Miao Lanzhi, "Mom, don't go there and look after the children at home for me."

She was really worried and quiet.

"I'll go to Li's house for you, and you'll look after the child at home! You're still pregnant! What if something happens?!" Miao Lanzhi was even more anxious than her.

"Mom, don't worry, I'll be fine. Their ultimate goal is melon seeds, and they won't do anything to me. Besides, there are big brother and Liu Qian and they are there. If they really want to fight, we can always kill a **** path. Yes." Hua Zhao said.

With that said, Miao Lanzhi was speechless.

Ye Ming said: "I have arranged it outside. A large number of people have already gone to Lijia Village. There will be no conflict at that time. Once there is a conflict, the other party will gather to fight and beat the state cadres and Jun's wife."

This is enough for them to drink a pot without exposing other things.

It is also impossible for him to let the pregnant Hua Zhao risk alone.

Miao Lanzhi was relieved: "That's fine, that's fine."

Wen Jing bowed her head beside her, her teeth were about to be shattered, she was so well-guarded, so comprehensive...

Hua Zhao smiled gratefully towards Ye Ming, but it was nothing more than the pro-eldest brother.

Ye Ming responded with a smile that she deserved.

Wen Jing... Her eyes were instantly focused on the two babies in the stroller, fiercer than ever before.

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