Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 517: It's so outrageous!

Hua Zhao didn't know why she suddenly paid attention to their baskets, she smiled and looked up at the sisters-in-law.

Ye Shen is definitely the youngest cadre who can bring his family.

And the people in front of them are indeed much older than her.

She estimated that the largest was almost 40, and the smallest was twenty-five or six.

The appearance is very simple, and the dress is also very simple, giving her the feeling that she is from the countryside.

She observes others, and others observe them.

It's really a pair of people....the same people, how can they be so different!

It doesn't matter if you are a man, it doesn't matter if you look good or not, it matters if you have the ability.

But this woman, she looks too good-looking, and the floral skirt on her body is about to reach her knees, and half of her legs are so whitely exposed... and the chest, I don't know how to wear it, Just stand up....

Not like a decent person? !

The warm smiles of the two oldest sisters-in-law suddenly disappeared.

Several other people's eyes fell on Hua Zhao, and they also flickered a little.

Their eyes were too direct, Hua Zhao couldn't guess that it was difficult for them to think, she just wanted to roll her eyes.

But they had to squeeze out a smile to respond to them: "Hello, sisters-in-law, I'm new here, my name is Hua Zhao, this is my man, Ye Shen."

Take a look at it, even talking ahead of men, it's not duty.

"Hello, hello." An older sister-in-law responded casually, and pushed a woman in her 20s out: "Xiao Cui, hurry up and pick the vegetables, and take advantage of these two days to dry them quickly, otherwise If it rains in a few days, it won’t be able to dry out, so what will you eat in winter?”

The young woman raised her head and smiled awkwardly towards Hua Zhao, then went into the yard and started picking vegetables from the ground.

Hua Zhao was stunned.

The eldest woman explained: "My surname is Li, you can just call me Sister-in-law Li. It turns out that there are only 5 of us living here, and the yard of the other 5 are empty, and it is a waste to be empty, so we asked the above for instructions, These 5 empty yards are also planted for us, one for each family, don’t mind. Of course, I will give them back to you in the future, but these are still ours in the fields now.”

It turned out to be the same as Hua Zhao guessed.

She smiled and said, "What the sisters-in-law planted so hard is yours, of course. What should I care about? But the sisters-in-law are really capable. They have to plant three or four acres of land by themselves. They are too diligent."

He can speak, and the expression on his face is not fake.

Several women looked much better.

But there was another woman in her 30s secretly curled her lips and said, "We are all from rural areas, we are used to suffering, and we can't compare to your urbanites."

Hua Zhao smiled, as if she couldn't hear her sarcasm: "It's a coincidence, I'm also a rural person."

"Are you from the countryside?"

Several women stared at her in disbelief.

She really didn't have the slightest bit of a village vibe on her body, standing there, she was more in the city than those city women upstairs!

"It's still a rural household registration, and I haven't transferred to the city, but I guess it's okay this time?" She turned her head and asked Ye Shen.

She wanted to transfer the account, but of course it fell under the name of Ye Shen, and Ye Shen also waited for the stability here to transfer directly, otherwise it would be very troublesome to go through a bunch of procedures twice.

He nodded.

A few sisters-in-law believed it. There was nothing to lie about. It is possible for a rural person to lie that they are from the city, but it is unlikely for an urban person to lie that they are from the countryside.

The inexplicable resistance in my heart was a little smaller. It would be better if Hua Zhao could dress more simply.

In fact, Hua Zhao was already dressed very plainly. He was just wearing a small white floral skirt, and the skirt had already exceeded the knee, so it was not too short.

There is nothing out of the ordinary, even the hairstyle is a braid hanging down on the chest.

To blame, only blame the face.

Oh, and this breastfeeding period is a bit less "serious". …

The woman in the field had already picked a basket of eggplant peppers and cucumbers and came out, but the sisters-in-law didn't stay, they said hello and left together.

Even if Hua Zhao was from the countryside, they didn't seem to be able to talk to her.

Listen to that standard Mandarin, the countryside around the capital, right?

It was also difficult for her to understand their dialects from all over the world.

They left, and Hua Zhao also left with Ye Shen.

From the next day, I started to move things here one after another.

Pots and pans, sheets and bedding, clothes and books, move box by box.

She also hit a few shelves to move it over.

The kitchen is dedicated to two, and now it is full of kitchen utensils, various pots, various bowls, and various basins.

The bedroom on the west side is used as a study and a children's playroom, with a whole wall of bookshelves and a third of the books...

Just like these two, the sisters-in-law who came to visit curiously quickly withdrew.

"It really isn't the same as us."

"What on earth does she do? Teaching or cooking?"

"I asked, I don't have a job, I farmed in the village before I got married!" The woman curled her lips.

"Tsk tsk tsk, that's really good luck, she heard that her man is very powerful!"

There is no need to inquire about this, so young people can live in this camp, it is impossible not to be bad.

"If you look like that, you will be lucky."

"No, no, I'd better say goodbye. It's so rude... It's a joke when I go out!"


The conversation faded away and could not be heard.

Hua Zhao rolled his eyes.

But she didn't care much, they were all people who had no intentions on their faces, and it was not difficult to get along with such people.

It's just that the sisters-in-law upstairs haven't seen it yet, so I don't know what kind of people they are.

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