Qi Xiaoxian scolded Qi Shulan and started scolding, without saying a clear sentence, it was almost the same, anyway, the scolding was particularly strong.

Hua Zhao pulled Ye Shen and quickly left.

Qi Shulan didn't dare to chase after her. If Ye Shu came today, she would still dare to hug Hua Zhao's thigh, but it was Ye Shen, so she didn't dare.

"It's really a smog in the family." Far away, Hua Zhao was still angry, angry for his grandfather.

After seeing their means to their biological mother, really don't expect them to have a little sincere affection for Hua Qiang.

"Don't be sad, Grandpa doesn't care." Ye Shen comforted her.

Hua Zhao nodded, she will be very good to grandpa in the future, so that he has no regrets.

"By the way, the preparations for joining the army can begin." Ye Shen said, "The new position will be implemented in about half a month."

Hua Zhao was immediately excited, and she could join the army. From now on, she could meet almost every day, without having to be separated for a long time!

"Where? Has the house been divided? When can I visit? I have to clean up ahead of time." Hua Zhao asked in a series of questions.

Seeing her so happy to be with him, the doting in Ye Shen's eyes overflowed.

"In the suburbs, there must be houses, but I don't know which one is, so I have to ask." Ye Shen said.

"Go quickly!" Hua Zhao urged.

Ye Shen smiled, sent her home, and she went out.

In the evening, I came back and asked Hua Zhao what kind of dormitory she wanted, including buildings and bungalows.

"Of course it's going to be a bungalow! But is the bungalow big?" Hua Zhao asked.

The building, with the current level of materials, is not very soundproof and waterproof. There are two children in her house. When the time comes, the neighbors will not say anything, and they must have opinions in their hearts.

And she is also afraid of having children upstairs, every day, dong dong dong...

So she is still comfortable in the bungalow, and she can't live without plants now, she needs all kinds of plants in the yard.

"The bungalow is quite big, so I guessed that you would like it." Ye Shen said.

Nowadays, people still prefer more buildings, and feel that living in them has a face.

The people living in the building in the new unit are all high-ranking people. According to his current level, he can also live in it, but he guessed that Hua Zhao prefers a bungalow.

He also likes bungalows, he likes to listen to her delicate voice, and he doesn't want her to bear it.

The next day, he went to the unit again and determined that he wanted a bungalow.

The bungalows were built before. The houses are a little old, more than 10 years old, but the quality of the bungalows is no problem, and they are really big.

There is no shortage of land for camps in barren mountains. At that time, the conditions were also difficult, and I also thought of asking Mrs. Jun to grow some subsidized rations in the yard, so the yard was very large. The standard for a piece of homestead was 2 mu. I went to a small house, and there was a lot left.

The fact that it can be so big is also because this camp is special. In fact, few people are qualified to bring their families to accompany the army. A level like Ye Shen has just passed the threshold.

There is only a three-story family building in the entire camp, which can accommodate 18 households. Now there are 15 households, plus 10 bungalows. The bungalows are not full, only half of them live.

Ye Shen is the sixth household.

After making an appointment in the morning, Hua Zhao went to clean up the house in the afternoon.

She was afraid that if she didn't come in person, other people would do bad things with good intentions, repainting the house, repainting the doors and windows or something.

The current paint quality is not good.

They also don't understand how much harm these things can do to children.

If she really painted it, she couldn't even wipe it off. If she wiped it off, it would offend people, so she should do it herself.

The house is in the middle of the yard at the back, separating the yard from the front and the back. Hua Zhao likes it very much.

Now there are no weeds in the yard, but regular vegetables are planted instead.

The house itself is really not big, with 3 large houses, dozens of square meters, plus a small kitchen built separately, it is simple.

Hua Zhao is very satisfied.

And she has also inquired, although this yard does not say that it can be remodeled at will, built into a building or something, but it can't live in one or two rooms or change the layout.

She saw that there were 2 more rooms next door.

The layout of the house is also simple, with the living room in the middle and the bedrooms on both sides.

The walls seemed to have been painted a long time ago, snow-white, with no signs of use. The ground is cement, and it's smooth, with no potholes.

The doors and windows are also beige that has been pulped for a long time and is not old, and does not need to be repainted. Her previous worries are superfluous.

There are wooden tables and chairs in the living room, and beds and wardrobes in the bedroom. It is standard at first glance, and everyone has a unified style.

"Can this be replaced?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Okay." Ye Shen has already inquired.

"That's it."

Hua Zhao is very satisfied with this house, she can move in after filling in some soft furnishings.

"I heard that the new neighbor is coming? Really?" a woman suddenly shouted outside the gate.

Hua Zhao and Ye Shen came out and saw five women standing at the gate with baskets on their shoulders.

Four of the baskets were full, and only one was empty.

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