"Bah! Our Ye family harmed you? What do you have to harm us?" Zhou Lihua cursed.

At this point, she is completely on the side of the Ye family.

"You guys, you don't want to get married, you want to repent of the marriage! You just used the insolent method to regret my daughter's innocence!" Father Qiu said.

The motive is quite reasonable.

But Zhou Lihua still doesn't buy it. She wants to regret her marriage, but she hasn't done it yet. Can the eldest family help her? Forget about the good things!

"Who said I don't want to get married? I don't want to get married, I'll bring her to see the parents? If I don't want to get married, I'll clean up the house and arrange the marriage? I'm free?" Zhou Lihua shouted.

"Clean up the house? The Ye family is so sincere to get married in a rented house." Father Qiu said, "Arrange the marriage? How did I hear that the wedding was delayed again and again? It's also sincere!"

Zhou Lihua glared at Hua Zhao immediately, if it wasn't for her unwillingness to borrow the house, she wouldn't have to go out to rent the house, and now people use it as an excuse!

Hua Zhao is really...some people are white-eyed wolves! If it wasn't for Qiu Mei to enter the door, the harm outweighed the benefit, she really wanted to make a pair of this mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and there would definitely be endless good shows in the future.

"What's wrong with renting a house? There are so many people who rent houses and get married. You don't deserve to rent a house in the capital!" Zhou Lihua scolded.

This time, she didn't let Father Qiu speak, she just scolded Qiu Mei for being shameless, and the Qiu family was shameless.

Hearing that, Hua Zhao was upset.

Is there a point? Can this be solved by scolding? She wanted to scold until dawn and she didn't have time to accompany her.

"Third aunt, it's better to inform grandpa and third uncle to come over and ask their opinions." Hua Zhao said.

Zhou Lihua scolded and immediately said yes.

The Qiu family is so shameless, of course she doesn't mind letting people know. She can't wait to let the whole world know! But it involved a little bit of her own son, and she had to worry.

The Qiu family also knew that this matter could not be left alone, and it was imperative to see the Ye family's parents.

But as long as they were killed by an accident, or even framed by the Ye family, they would not be afraid!

It was Ye Shu running errands again, and soon Ye Zhenguo, Ye Mao and Ye Cheng all came.

The three of them only knew that something big had happened on the phone, but they didn't know what was going on.

As soon as I entered the door, I understood, okay, Ye Zhenguo's old face turned red.

Ye Mao and Ye Cheng are a little unbelievable, can't they?

People who haven't seen the scene don't believe it.

But now both Qiu Mei were dressed, Qiu Mei was still lying in that wing, and her eldest brother was dragged to another room.

Ye Ming was also carried to his own wing in the front yard. The second brother and the eldest brother of the Qiu family were thrown together, and Ye Xing slept in the same room.

Get away from them now! Zhou Lihua felt disgusted when she saw her son next to the Qiu family.

Everyone sat in the living room.

"My dear, this is all a misunderstanding." Father Qiu said sincerely.

It would be even better if it could be turned into jade and silk.

Zhou Lihua was about to scold again, but Miao Lanzhi spoke first: "You don't need to cover up the facts here, what happened at that time that several of us saw with our own eyes, can that be explained by a misunderstanding? Even if it was a misunderstanding, it's like that. , our Ye family can't have such a daughter-in-law."

Miao Lanzhi said so, it is absolutely true.

Ye Zhenguo and Ye Mao Ye Cheng were silent.

Father Qiu's expression also changed, and he said sternly, "Then we have to ask, who is the one who ruined the innocence of my son and daughter! This is the Ye family, and today it's your Ye family who took the initiative to treat..."

Hua Zhao interrupted him: "I don't know if you really don't know or if it's fake, the so-called Ye family's initiative to treat guests is because your daughter came to the door and begged me to come. She said that you want to see my grandfather and father-in-law. If you want your face, I'm sorry to say, please take the initiative to invite you."

One sentence made the Qiu family black.

It's true, but it's too ugly to be punctuated by others.

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