"In the end, this matter is still a misunderstanding." Father Qiu said, "They are brothers and sisters, and they won't do anything..."

"What happened?" Miao Lanzhi squeezed in from behind.

Seeing that Hua Zhao didn't come back after going for a long time, she guessed that something was going on behind her, so she came over to take a look.

I don't know what her eldest son has done, why is her heart unsteady?

"Nothing, nothing!" Qiu Mei's grandmother immediately turned around and dragged Miao Lanzhi's arm, preventing her from coming in.

Ye Shu was by the side and dragged both of them in.

"Mom, look, how can this marriage end?" Ye Shu pointed to the bed and said.

Miao Lanzhi looked at the two people on the bed, and then at the things in Hua Zhao's hand, she didn't come up in one breath, and wanted to faint.

What did her son do!

Miao Lanzhi was so frightened that she couldn't speak.

This expression is normal, the things in front of you are too exciting, but if there is a little bit of wind, the two families can't be human.

This is also the reason why the Qiu family dares to do this.

Regardless of whether it happened or not, Ye Ming married Qiu Mei in the end, and what happened tonight would never be rumored, with his arms folded in his sleeves.

Their family wants face, Ye family wants face even more, this matter will only be resolved internally.

So they have nothing to fear.

It's just that a major accident happened... The Ye family was picked out, and it was their Qiu family who had the accident!

"My family..." Father Qiu said.

Hua Zhao spoke out almost at the same time as him: "Mom, we can't control this matter, call the third aunt to ask."

After dinner, Zhou Lihua went to rest under the pretext of being unwell. Anyway, today is a treat in the big room, and there are people from the big room to accompany her, so it is not rude for her to leave a little early.

She could also see that the Qiu family was here for the big room. Compared with the big room, the Qiu family's compliment to her was just a drizzle.


In addition, she also drank a few glasses, and now she fell asleep early.

"Don't, don't, don't call her! Give us Xiaomei a way to survive!" The fainted Mother Qiu got up from the ground and heard these words, and immediately stopped her.

"It's all like this, you still want our Ye family to marry her? What are you at ease!" Ye Shu pointed to the bed and shouted.

The man's hand is still on Qiu Mei.

He's really drunk and can't move~

Sister-in-law Qiu Mei reacted this time, and immediately rushed over and pulled the man's hand down, and quickly picked up the scattered clothes from the ground and put them on for her own man.

Ye Shu had turned to look for Zhou Lihua, and no one could stop him.

Zhou Lihua was dragged in by her, and Mrs. Qiu Mei was putting on pants for a man.

Zhou Lihua was even more dissatisfied: "In the middle of the night, you brought me to see what this is for!" She still didn't know why, so she couldn't figure out the situation.

Qiu Mei was covered in a quilt and lay inside, she hadn't seen it yet.

Hua Zhao shook the clothes in his hand.

Zhou Lihua looks familiar with this floral coat. She gave the fabric and Qiu Mei wears it every day.

The coat and underwear are in someone else's hands?

Zhou Lihua suddenly thought of something, jumped to the bedside, and saw Qiu Mei who was pretending to be dead.

Qiu Mei could only pretend to be dead, she didn't know anything from beginning to end! Kill her and she won't wake up now!

"Ah!" Zhou Lihua exclaimed.

She looked at Qiu Mei, then at elder brother Qiu Mei who just got dressed, then at Qiu Mei, then at...

"Ah! Your family's shameless shoes! This kind of woman dares to seduce my son! She also wants to marry into the Ye family! You are utterly disgraced! xxxxx!"

Zhou Lihua scolded loudly, scolding anything ugly.

Not only did she scold, she also hit.

Brother Qiu Mei has a daughter-in-law to protect her, but Qiu Mei doesn't, and what she hates most is Qiu Mei, so when she goes up, she catches Qiu Mei's face full of flowers.

Qiu Mei is going to pretend to be dead and can't move...

Fortunately, Mother Qiu rushed over to stop him.

But Zhou Lihua was so mad that no one could stop it, Qiu Mei's hair was pulled down a few locks.

so close! She almost married such a woman as her daughter-in-law.

She really thought that Qiu Mei and her eldest brother had an affair, even if they didn't have one before, they have it now.

She doesn't care whether she wants face or not, she wants face! The news that her family Ye Xing is going to marry a daughter-in-law has spread, and the marriage suddenly ended, how can you explain it to outsiders? For whatever reason, she was humiliated!

Father Qiu and Father Qiu sighed deeply in their hearts, and greeted the three foolish brothers to pull Zhou Lihua away.

"My dear, this is a misunderstanding..." Father Qiu repeated this sentence.

"Bah! Who is your in-law! Who are you? How old are you? Take your shameless son and daughter away! Don't let me see it again! Disgusting!" Zhou Lihua pointed at his nose and cursed.

Father Qiu has lived for decades, and he has never been scolded like this, and he is also angry.

"My son and daughter are innocent, nothing happened! But when two people came to your Ye family, they were drunk and unconscious, and they were at the mercy of others. When such a thing happened, who did it? You Ye family For what purpose?!"

A good rake.

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