The next day, Ye Ming really came back.

He calculated the time, Wen Jing should still be at work at this time, then it would be useless for him to go home, so he happily brought his luggage directly to Hua Zhao.

"Big treasure and little treasure, see what uncle bought for you?" Ye Ming shouted happily when he saw the two children.

As for the two children, there are already countless nicknames, almost everyone has given them nicknames, and there are more than one, everyone calls their own.

What a big boy, a big beauty and a little beauty, a big naughty little naughty, a big cute little cute...

The two little guys were basking in the sun in the house. When they heard his voice, they turned their heads and looked at them. The big eyes were round and bright, and they were all about him.

Ye Ming's heart melted at once, and he ran over to play with them.

However, Hua Zhao looked at the pile of gifts that Ye Ming took out. There were toys, and they were especially "advanced", including dolls, cars, various fashionable clothes, and even a pair of twin babies that could be pushed together. car.

It's almost the same style as decades later, which is absolutely rare at this time.

And these things are rare in the mainland.

"Imported?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Not really." Ye Ming said while holding Cuiwei.

Cuiwei is so smart and caring. He didn't think about which to hug first, but Cuiwei grinned at him and stretched out his arms to hug him. How could he refuse?

"The development of the south is faster than we thought. They have secretly developed by themselves... There are many good things. Of course, the market is also very chaotic and needs to be regulated." Ye Ming said.

Hua Zhao nodded, there was a port city, and this kind of thing has existed since ancient times, and it was impossible to stop it.

The people who live in the mainland are a little rich again, and this money cannot be spent without a ticket in the mainland. Just like no, the tearing and tearing in the past few years has become more and more serious.

But all this prompted the SAR to appear as soon as possible.

Seeing Hua Zhao, Ye Ming remembered another thing: "I promised to help you find someone within 3 days, but I left suddenly. It's been almost 3 months, can you wait? Wait 2 more. God, I will meet those people in person and introduce them to you."

A few years ago, he said that he would help Hua Zhao find a few people to sell braised pork. He originally boasted that he could be seated in Haikou in 3 days, but he broke his promise. No matter what the reason, he was a little embarrassed.

"It's a long-term, profitable business, not less than the past few days." Hua Zhao didn't care.

She likes to make money, but she is not in a hurry.

Only Xu Mei is anxious. She has already found a few people to help sell it. According to her own words, those people are still reliable, but Hua Zhao has never met.

It is not suitable for her to reveal her identity to outsiders. Not yet, just wait another year.

Ye Ming also knew that she probably wouldn't care.

Miao Lanzhi and Ye Shu were both there, and when he had finished raising the child and finished eating, Miao Lanzhi talked about Ye Mingdao for a long time.

When he came out, Ye Ming's face showed nothing.

"Brother's skills are getting deeper and deeper." Ye Shu said while peeking at him.

Hua Zhao nodded: "Or, he already expected it."

Wen Jing has not done one or two things that are unreliable. If there is one more thing, what surprises him?

Ye Ming was really not surprised, he was just a little sad. Once a person's mind has taken a detour, it seems that there is no way to pull it back.

As for Wen Jing's ideological question, he didn't know where to start to persuade him.

However, this incident still had an impact on him. He didn't stay for dinner at night, but went home with the rest of his luggage.

After returning home, he saw the big brother on Wen Jing's face.

He was stunned for a moment, and his eyes suddenly became cold: "What are you eating?!"

This kind of situation, this kind of cell, Wen Jing's appearance of being unhappy about everything, he had seen too many in the early years, so he recognized it at once, and she was eating again.

"I didn't eat anything, I just went out to dinner with my colleagues recently, and I ate too much hot pot." Wen Jing said.

"To be honest." Ye Ming said coldly. When Wen Jing is in a hurry, lying is nothing but a brain. Has she forgotten that she doesn't eat spicy food?

Wen Jing bowed his head, still saying this. She couldn't admit it. After admitting, she knew what Ye Ming would say, and in the end he would force her to give up.

But this time, she couldn't give up anymore. She is over 30, and if she gives up, she will never have children of her own in this life.

Is it really like what Qiu Mei said, the Ye family will finally let her adopt a child of Hua Zhao to raise? Let Hua Zhao's children occupy her home, her man, her property, her property, her everything?

She has worked so hard all her life to contribute to Hua Zhao's children?


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