"What are you looking at me for? I don't open a hostel." Hua Zhao said directly: "Will there be a lot of people coming from the Qiu family? Let them come casually and live in the best hostel. We will pay the Ye family."

Qiu Mei and Wen Jing's faces stiffened.

Wen Jing felt even more hatred in her heart. It's true that we have left the Ye family! With this tone, those who didn't know thought she was the eldest daughter-in-law of the Ye family!

But also, her eldest daughter-in-law is just a decoration, and Hua Zhao's words are much better than her eldest daughter-in-law.

Qiu Mei has already laughed: "Second sister-in-law is really a bright person, then I will thank the second sister-in-law first. At that time, there will be many people in our family. I am the first married daughter in the family, and when I came I only said to see relatives, not to get married here."

Zhou Lihua wanted to hold a wedding for them here. She didn't tell Qiu Mei and Qiu's family about this, because she didn't know if it would be possible or not.

Sure enough...Hua Zhao refused to let the house, and the old man refused to borrow the house. If the old man had not transferred their family back in the end, she would be so angry that she didn't want to end the marriage.

Now that they got the news, the Qiu family were overjoyed and decided to watch the ceremony with the whole family.

The Qiu family is a big family in Xijing. There are really a lot of people here this time, not only the direct line, but Qiu Mei's grandparents, uncles and aunts, seven aunts and eight aunts, all want to come.

Their house has a golden phoenix! Married into the high gate of the capital at once, of course they will come to show their faces.

The last time I called, Mother Qiu told Qiu Mei that there were about 30 people. She didn't know how many people could come. She didn't dare to tell Wen Jing this information, for fear that she would make a joke.

But now Hua Zhao said that the Ye family paid, and she was not polite.

Although the travel expenses for more than 30 people are a lot, their Qiu family can afford it, they are not poor people.

However, the Ye family paid, and Qiu Mei felt that she was valued and was very happy.

She doesn't care whether Hua Zhao can be the master or not, thank you first. At that time, in case it doesn't work well, Hua Zhao also has money, so he can make up for it himself.

The advantage of getting acquainted with Wen Jing is that she has a clear understanding of Hua Zhao's information.

As for Wen Jing's stiff face, I'll just give her a "childbirth recipe" to coax her.

Hua Zhao and Ye Shu sat for a while, visited her new home, asked about some wedding preparations, and left.

"I think she really wants to get married." Ye Shu said.

"This is the best." Hua Zhao said.

"It's sister-in-law, why did you get together with her?" Ye Shu wondered.

"Before we entered, they were discussing whether toads should eat raw or live, a few at a time," Hua Zhao said.

Moreover, she looked at Wen Jing's condition not very good, the person's breath was much more chaotic than the last time she saw her, and she had a few particularly large acne on her face, which was a little abnormal, but rather like poisonous thorns.

Ye Shu knew that her ears were good, so she had no doubts, but just sighed: "Sister-in-law is also a pitiful person. If she had given birth to a child early, her life with her eldest brother would not have been what it is now."

The two were already separated from each other, and Ye Shu, who was married, could see it at a glance.

Hua Zhao also saw it and sighed.

"By the way, when will Big Brother come back?" she asked.

Ye Mingnian went to the south for an inspection before it was over. This trip was surprisingly long, and he has not returned for such a long time.

Without him to take care of the children, Cuiwei is really difficult to take care of.

She found that she was not as patient as Ye Ming. When Cuiwei cried and couldn't sleep, her heart collapsed, but unlike Ye Ming, who could still smile softly, she just wanted to cry.

"I don't know either." Ye Shu said. Ye Ming didn't have the habit of going all the way to report her safety. If she wanted to know anything, she had to ask her parents.

The two chatted all the way back home, Miao Lanzhi saw them and asked, "Have you met your third aunt?"

"No." Hua Zhao smiled.

Miao Lanzhi breathed a sigh of relief: "You too, you are so curious, what is there to see in her house? You are not afraid of being peeled off."

"Mom, you don't know about this. My third aunt is not at home, so Qiu Mei is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and she also wants to peel off Hua Zhao's skin." Ye Shu immediately complained: "It's just that our family Hua Zhao is dressed in clothes. It's an iron shirt, and no one can take it off."

"What's going on?" Miao Lanzhi asked immediately.

Ye Shu told the Qiu family that he wanted people to come, and Qiu Mei planned to let people live here.

After thinking about it, she said that the idea was first proposed by the sister-in-law.

Miao Lanzhi's face immediately turned bad, this eldest daughter-in-law really became more and more confused as she lived.

"When the famous brother comes back tomorrow, I will have a good talk with him." Miao Lanzhi said.

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