Hua Zhao also looked at the photo. There were three young girls on it. The leftmost one could vaguely guess that it was Qi Xiaoxian. Although she was still very young in the photo, she looked like she was in her early 10s, but her eyes were very similar.

And she saw a lot of photos of Qi Shulan when she was a child today, as well as photos of Qi Xiaoxian when she was young, so it's not hard to recognize.

The other two girls were older, in their 1890s and 20s, they were both young and beautiful, but the one in the middle was the prettiest, she was the most beautiful she had never seen before.

A pair of eyes are smart and energetic, the facial features are flawless, and the corners of the mouth that are slightly raised make the whole person gentle as water.

The black and white photos may have diminished her beauty, but they can still amaze everyone, showing how beautiful this girl was back then.

It's just that Hua Zhao looked a little strangely familiar.

Hua Qiang's fingers rubbed repeatedly on the girl's eyebrows.

Hua Zhao also touched her eyebrows, oh~~~ No wonder she is familiar, her eyebrows and outlines are 70-80% similar to the woman in the photo!

It's just that she is more delicate and has a different temperament.

"Grandpa..." Hua Zhao said in surprise, "Do you know the girl in the middle?"

Hua Qiang shook his head slowly, but stopped.

He had a bold idea in his heart, but it felt incredible.

How could Shuzhen know Qi Xiaoxian? Is this too coincidental? And for so many years, he had never heard Qi Xiaoxian mention Shuzhen.

And, is this really Shuzhen?

"Who is Shuzhen?" Hua Zhao asked.

Only then did Hua Qiang realize that he had said these two words.

He thought for a while, called Hua Zhao to sit down together, and said slowly, "Xia Shuzhen, it's your grandma's name."

"Grandma?" Hua Zhao was surprised and stunned.

If it was her grandmother, it would explain why the two of them were so similar.

But if her grandmother had such an identity, how could she have known and married her grandfather?

Grandpa was a native farmer when he first got married.

And if her grandmother was so beautiful, the villagers would definitely mention it when she was in the village.

But the fact is that she became very popular in the village later, seven or eight women chatted with her from time to time, and no one mentioned her grandmother.

Hua Qiang explained: "Your grandma wasn't like this back then. When I met her, she was already disfigured. Both of her faces were burnt, only her eyebrows and eyes were still intact."

It is also because of this that he rescued her, and after marrying her, she hardly went out, and not long after giving birth to the child the next year, the enemy invaded the village and she died...

Therefore, the people in the village have a very weak impression of Xia Shuzhen. Even if they have an impression, they will definitely think that she is an ugly woman with a disfigured face.

Even he wasn't sure if the flawless person in the photo was Xia Shuzhen.

But the eyebrows and eyes are really like, that gentle temperament, more like.

Even though his Shuzhen suffered so much misfortune, she was still gentle and gentle towards him.

Hua Qiang looked up at Hua Zhao, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt the two portraits, especially the eyebrows.

This is also the reason why Hua Qiang accepted it easily after Hua Zhao's appearance changed drastically.

Just based on Shuzhen's eyebrows, she can guess that she is a beauty when she is not disfigured, and her granddaughter is also a beauty like her, what's strange?

"What's your grandma's background? How could she end up in Kuoshan?" Hua Zhao asked.

She also suddenly remembered that she had never heard of her grandmother's relatives.

Hua Qiang had the Hua Shan family as a demon, but there was no news from her grandmother. No one mentioned it, and she didn't remember it.

Hua Qiang shook his head: "She never said her life experience, she only said that she forgot. Even her name, I'm not sure if it's true."

But he knew that it must be a lie. Her behavior and living habits could not deceive anyone. Her family conditions must have been very good back then. It's just that she didn't want to mention it, so he didn't ask.

From the wound on her face, you can tell how tragic she has gone through.

He thought he would wait until she opened up to him, but it turned out to be yin and yang. He couldn't accept it at the time, and he ignored the child like crazy, and joined the army alone to avenge her.

In a flash, it's a lifetime...

"Is that so..." Hua Zhao clicked on the photo: "It doesn't matter, now we have a place to know."

She suddenly remembered that Qi Xiaoxian looked at her in a daze, and when Qi Shulan gave her something, Qi Xiaoxian cried out.

It may not be the photo of Hua Qiang that she is distressed, it may be this one.

And that brooch might also have a story.

Cousin Qi Xiaoxian's best friend?

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