Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 445: better slow down

Qi Shulan quickly arrived at her brother's house, and both her eldest brother and sister-in-law were at home.

When Qi Shulan saw her sister-in-law, she said angrily, "Yo, is my aunt's illness cured?"

Qi Baoguo's daughter-in-law is not a fuel-efficient lamp either, so she immediately replied without changing her face: "I'm getting old, if I have a disease or a disaster, it's not that easy. I'm here to get a few changes of clothes. Get it and go."

After speaking, she really quickly packed up a few clothes and hurried away.

Her relationship with her mother-in-law was not very good. This time her mother-in-law was seriously ill and had a bad temper, so she was unwilling to serve her.

Qi Shulan didn't run on her any more. When she left, Qi Baoguo said, "Hua Zhao brought the medicinal wine today."

"Really?" Qi Baoguo was surprised.

He didn't expect it to be so smooth. Although it took a few days, it was given to them.

"That medicinal wine really works!" Qi Shulan said, "Mom can speak after just one sip! I can move my arms!"

Qi Baoguo stood up excitedly: "It's so amazing!"

"It's just a pity, a small bottle is enough for my mother to drink three days and one sip. I don't know if it will be good after drinking it." Qi Shulan said.

Qi Baoguo sat down again: "It's so little... Then she said she didn't say I'll give it back after drinking?"

"Said." Qi Shulan said, "But I have to wait for the Ye family to squeeze out a little more next month. I want to catch up and drink, no."

Qi Baoguo didn't say anything, and after a while he said, "That's it, that's fine."

Qi Shulan looked at her brother's face, and knew that he might be thinking about it with her, and said softly, "Then my mother's illness, can it be better?"

Qi Baoguo looked at her and said slowly, "It's time to work hard for my sister."

"It doesn't matter if I work hard." Qi Shulan waved her hand: "As long as the time comes, brother, don't forget me. I've been in the current position for more than 10 years, and it's time to change."

"When the time comes, I will definitely change it for you!" Qi Baoguo assured.

Qi Shulan smiled and got up: "Then I'll go back first, Mom can't live without people."

As for photos, brooches, etc., she didn't mention them, they were all trivial things.


Ye Shu rode a bicycle and took Hua Zhao home. Along the way, Hua Zhao's palms were still hot, but the temperature dropped a little, and her heart was more relaxed.

I don't know what this is, is she absorbing the energy of the gem? Or is it just this thing special?

In the past few months, she occasionally went out to the cultural relics store twice, and found a few small jade objects of good quality, but she had never seen any gems.

Chinese people don't like gemstones very much, while foreigners like it. Most gemstone accessories are directly exported for foreign exchange.

After entering the house, Hua Zhao first went to feed the two babies, watched them play for a while and then coaxed them to sleep, and then she went to find her grandfather.

"The medicine has already been delivered to her, and it should be effective." Hua Zhao said, "She seems to be in good spirits, and she still has the strength to curse."

Hua Qiang nodded: "She has a tough temper and can't die, even if the medicinal wine doesn't work, that's her life, and we won't care about it in the future."

"Well." Hua Zhao said, remembering the photo in his pocket, reaching out and handing it to his grandfather.

Hua Qiang looked happy: "I didn't expect to keep one, but it's rare."

He also knew that after he left, those photos of him would definitely not be preserved.

But holding the photo, Hua Qiang also felt that the hand felt wrong. He knew how thick the photo paper was.

He stretched out his hand, and the two photos were separated.

"Huh? It's still attached, I said why it feels a little thick." Hua Zhao said.

Hua Qiang casually opened the photo below and looked at it, and was stunned.

He frowned and stared at the girl in the middle of the photo, frowning more and more as he watched.

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