Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 439: This thing must be

439 This matter must be

"My father has five brothers. My father is the eldest, so he is called Li Da. Several uncles are called Li Er, San, Four, and Five. I also have three aunts, called Da Ya Er Ya San Ya." Li Xiaojiang said honestly.

There is really a man named Li Si.

"What is the name of Li Xiaogang's father?" Xu Mei asked.

"It's called Li Er." Li Xiaojiang said, which he didn't say yesterday.

Xu Mei and Zhang Guilan looked at each other, didn't they?

"The person who came yesterday is in his 40s, over 1.7 meters tall, neither fat nor thin. He looks a lot like you, dressed up properly, rides a new bicycle, and can speak well. Who do you think it is?" Xu Mei asked.

This can be difficult for Li Xiaojiang. Several of his uncles look a lot like him, and their bodies are similar. Except for the fifth uncle, everyone else can be said to be in their 40s.

And everyone in their family can talk.

"It doesn't matter." Xu Mei used to dislike Li Xiaojiang because of the peeping of the Li family, and now he is even more disliked: "When he left, he said he would come back, no matter who he is, take care of your Li Xiaojiang. Family, no one is allowed to come except to pick up the goods! Otherwise, don't come!"

Xu Meizhen regarded Zhang Guilan as a relative, and said without a word.

Zhang Guilan didn't refute her either, that's what she meant.

She is a woman who has changed two husbands, and then there are rumors, do you want children to be human?

"I see, I'll go home and tell them!"

Li Xiaojiang didn't deliver the goods today, so he drove home on a tricycle.

At the entrance of the village, I saw Li Er wearing new clothes, humming a song, and riding out.

"Second uncle! Sure enough, it's you! Did you go to find Zhang Guilan?" Li Xiaojiang shouted when he saw him.

Li Er was stunned for a moment and didn't care: "What are you yelling about? If you don't deliver the goods, what are you doing back here?"

Li Xiaojiang knew about this second uncle, and he just tacitly agreed with him.

"Go! Come with me to see Grandpa!" Li Xiaojiang dragged him back.

After all, Li Er was getting old, and he didn't do farm work for many years. He was not as strong as Li Xiaojiang, so he dragged him to Li Xiaojiang's house.

Li Xiaojiang's grandfather lived with the eldest.

After entering the house, Li Xiaojiang told what happened today.

And Li Er was also a bachelor and admitted it.

"I said, why did your child turn his elbows out? Can't you see the benefits of marrying Zhang Guilan? I'm helping the entire Li family!" Li Er pulled the clothes out of Li Xiaojiang's hands and said angrily.

"But people didn't like you! I told you not to let you go again!" Li Xiaojiang said.

"Why does she despise me? She is a divorced woman with 5 children. It's good that I don't dislike her!" Li Er thought of something and said uncertainly, "You didn't tell her that. Is it my business?"

Li Xiaojiang's neck stalked: "Of course I said it!"

Li Er was really angry this time, he raised his hand and hit: "You really can't tell the difference between abduction and abduction!"

The two fought in the room, of course Li Xiaojiang did not dare to fight back, only dared to block.

But he didn't care, he just looked at Grandpa.

But he found that his grandfather was also disappointed in him.

Marrying Zhang Guilan was really a profitable business, but it was destroyed by Li Xiaojiang. He was really disappointed.

Li Xiaojiang understood, and his heart suddenly sank.

Even the grandfather felt that the second uncle did the right thing.

"Okay!" Li Xiaojiang shouted and pushed Li Er away: "Anyway, they said, if you come again, you will terminate the cooperation! You can figure it out for yourself! The big deal is that I will not do this business and continue to go back and sell melon seeds. !"

After saying that, he turned around and left, riding a tricycle like a wind.

Then Mr. Li said to Li Er: "Then you should stop recently, and you are not allowed to go again until the melon seed matter is settled."

Li Er hummed angrily and said nothing.

"You don't listen to me anymore?" Mr. Li picked up the things at hand and smashed him: "Do you know how important the matter of melon seeds is? You dare to ruin the good things of the Li family, and I will break your dog's legs! "

"Got it~" Li Er said in a long voice. He is really not a scumbag. He has vision and insight, and knows how important the melon seeds are to their Li family. This must be done.

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