438 So Worry

Li Er paused and glanced at Xu Mei, he had never seen such a disgusting person before!

"What are you looking at?" Xu Meibai glanced at him: "I have never seen such a blind person, and I have told Li Xiaojiang that no one is usually allowed to come except to pick up the goods, don't you know? Or, are you in the end? The Li family? It's not like they lied to us with empty words, right?"

Li Er gritted his teeth: "Of course I am the Li family, otherwise how would I know this place?"

This is the milk powder factory of a commune back then. Later, the commune stopped raising cattle, and the milk powder factory that looked like a workshop closed down.

The Li family belonged to this commune, and the secretary of the commune was a relative of the Li family, so they could borrow this place for use.

"And look at me, do I look like Li Xiaojiang?"

It's really like, the five senses look like a family, otherwise they wouldn't let him in easily.

"Then what's your name? We have to ask Li Xiaojiang tomorrow." Xu Mei still didn't give up. Originally, he said so much about a sentence, but he didn't say his name, so she had to know it.

Li Er paused and said, "My name is Li Si, you can ask him to go."

"Why does it look like a pseudonym? Zhang San and Li Si? Are you kidding me?" Xu Mei didn't believe it.

Li Er is also very innocent. His father likes to use one, two, three or four when he is named. What can he do?

Regardless of the real name or the pseudonym, the question was finished, Xu Mei no longer stopped him, and Li Er left smoothly.

When he went out, his face darkened. They seemed to be extra cautious about him. What did Xiaogang say yesterday? Or, what did Li Xiaojiang say?

So he didn't even dare to say his real name.

This can't tell the difference between the inside and the outside!

He also knew that his wife's taking medicine would not affect him well, otherwise he would have found a good wife for so many years, but the people he was in love with did not agree when they heard that his wife was not taking medicine.


When the person left, Xu Mei said to Zhang Guilan, "Aunt Zhang, I don't think he is a good person, so I didn't let him introduce someone, do you mind?"

"Of course I don't mind. It's really not good to point at the Li family. Who knows if Li Xiaojiang can persuade the Li family. If he can't persuade them, he can't be used in the future." Zhang Guilan regretted.

"By the way, did something happen yesterday?" Xu Mei asked.

Zhang Guilan didn't take Xu Mei as an outsider either. Although things were a bit unpleasant, she still said it.

Xu Mei was furious when she heard it: "I don't think it's right, he must have lied! He is Li Xiaogang's father!" She always felt that the man looked upright, but was actually sneaky.

"I can't.... it doesn't look like it." Zhang Guilan said.

"Auntie, you've seen too few people!" Xu Mei said: "Not all people who kill their wives have a face! I've seen too many people, everyone! They are honest, polite, and good-natured. Sincerely, when my wife dies, she cries like her own mother! But how can there be a good man? How can a good man drive a woman to death?"

People in the hospital have the most say in this kind of thing. They see more in a year than other people in their entire lives.

In this era, divorce is impossible, domestic violence is common, and there are many women who can't think of it.

Zhang Guilan believed: "Then ask Li Xiaojiang well tomorrow."

The next day, Li Xiaojiang brought people to pull the goods again in the morning, and Zhang Guilan and Xu Mei called him out alone.

"Someone came yesterday, claiming to be your uncle. How many uncles do you have, what are their names?" Xu Mei asked.

When Li Xiaojiang heard this, his heart skipped a beat, who is he? So worrying! This is to cut off his fortune!

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