436 Desire to Win

Standing at the door, Li Er was very satisfied.

The kitchen of this factory has been surrounded by a separate yard, and the smell of the yard is wafting out, and the taste of braised pork is particularly attractive.

When Zhang Guilan started the braised pork business, Li Xiaojiang told his family when he went back. He also bought a lot and went back to eat with everyone. Everyone praised it and said that Zhang Guilan is a woman who can make money.

Of course, it would be better if the business was handed over to them.

Unfortunately, Zhang Guilan did not agree, she found someone else to cooperate.

what others? From now on, it will be your own.

Li Er tidied up his clothes, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Xu Mei was here today, and her business started today. Just when she was idle, she went to open the door.

"Who are you looking for?" Xu Mei looked vigilantly at the strange man outside the door, not intending to let him in.

Li Er looked at her age, and it didn't look like she was over 30, so it wasn't Zhang Guilan.

"I'm looking for Zhang Guilan." Li Er said.

Being able to call Aunt Zhang's name, Xu Mei became less vigilant, but she still asked, "Who are you? What are you looking for with Aunt Zhang?"

Li Er frowned, a man who works so wide?

Zhang Guilan's situation has been roughly figured out by Li Xiaojiang, and he didn't hide it from his family. He was divorced and had children. Except for a few children and no relatives in the capital, this person was the one who worked for her.

"I'm Li Xiaojiang's uncle." Li Er said.

Xu Mei was stunned for a moment, what did Li Xiaojiang's uncle want to do with Aunt Zhang? Is there anything that Li Xiaojiang won't say by himself?

"Li Xiaojiang just left, if you chase now, you can catch up." Xu Mei said.

"What's the matter with you? I said I came to find Zhang Guilan!" Li Er glared at Xu Mei angrily.

He has a good relationship, that's because Lijia Village is all his own, and he is close to him. He doesn't put on airs with his family. But when it comes to outsiders, Li Er is a little coaxed because he has money.

It's a pity that Xu Mei also has money and temper.

"Find whoever you want? We can't let anyone come in here! Wait!" Xu Mei slammed the iron door and plugged it in.

A few people in the house are frying a new pot of popcorn, and they have taken out the butter. They really can't let outsiders come in now.


"What's wrong?"

Zhang Guilan and Liu Qian both came to ask.

Xu Mei suddenly regretted seeing Zhang Guilan. Yesterday, Hua Zhao invited the Li family to dinner, she knew, maybe this was an appointment yesterday?

"Aiya, Aunt Zhang, I won't do anything wrong, right?" Xu Mei said, "There is someone outside who claims to be Uncle Li Xiaojiang who is looking for you by name. Have you made an appointment?"

Zhang Guilan was stunned, remembering who Li Xiaojiang's uncle was, and suddenly changed his face: "Let him go, let him go, I don't want to see him!"

This attitude made Xu Mei stunned. Zhang Guilan rarely showed such hatred for a person. What happened yesterday?

But it's a good thing, she didn't offend the wrong person.

Xu Mei reopened the door and looked at Li Er proudly: "You heard it just now, my Aunt Zhang didn't see you."

The yard is not big, and people standing in the yard talking outside the door can definitely hear it.

Li Er did hear it, he frowned and looked into the door, only to see Zhang Guilan.

His eyes suddenly lit up, so beautiful...

If you don't compare it with the big girls in the city, only the rural women he has seen, whether they are in their twenties or thirties, are no better than Zhang Guilan.

Zhang Guilan was also a flower in the village when she was young. Later, she withered after being sparred, and then she was brought back by Hua Zhao, which is naturally incomparable to ordinary people.

"Hello, I'm Li Xiaojiang's uncle." Li Er said to Zhang Guilan with a simple and honest smile: "I'm looking for a job."

This Zhang Guilan, he is determined to win.

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