Li Xiaojiang went out and dragged Li Xiaogang, who was not sober, home.

They came on a tricycle, and he wasn't afraid that he would fall.

Halfway through the ride, Li Xiaojiang became angrier the more he thought about it. He looked back at Li Xiaogang, who was in a drowsy state.

Li Xiaogang just grunted in pain and didn't wake up.

When I got home, my family was all there. They were all waiting for Li Xiaojiang to discuss the news about melon seeds.

Li Xiaojiang just remembered, the melon seeds have not been mentioned yet, how can there be a chance! There's no such face!

"What's wrong with Xiaogang?" Li Er asked, looking at Li Xiaogang in the car.

"Drink too much." Li Xiaojiang said angrily.

"Who? Can you drink like this?" Li Er wondered. He knew his son's drinking capacity was a little worse than him. 2 catties of liquor was an appetizer. Who could make his son unconscious?

Li Xiaojiang ignored him, went into the room and said to his grandfather, "I was warned, and next time, the cooperation will be terminated!"

A word made the house fry.

"what happened?"

"What next time?"

"How dare she?!"

The crowd asked in vain.

The Li family is a big family. They have always advanced and retreated together. They help each other when they have advantages and make a fortune together.

This time the popcorn is also, Li Xiaojiang gave half of the share to several uncles.

Now they can earn nearly 2 yuan for a pound of popcorn, a real huge profit. Saying they want to stop is just as uncomfortable as ending their lives.

"As I said at the beginning, we are only responsible for selling! We are not allowed to try other people's formula ideas! What about you? It's both inquiring and peeping, when they are all fools?" Li Xiaojiang said angrily: "Why don't people dare? Think There are a lot of people doing this business! Today she gave me an ultimatum, if I find this situation again, I will replace it!"

Several uncles of the Li family immediately bowed their heads guiltily.

When Mr. Li saw it, his grandson really didn't wrong them.

These short-sighted people!

How hard is it to sell something? They just helped to sell, and they divided 40% of their profits. They have encountered "idiots". If they don't hurry up, they will be gone in a few days. Want to go it alone? Don't even see if you have that ability.

"As I said before, you are not allowed to 'steal'!" Old Man Li said angrily, "If you really want to make a fortune, you should research the formula yourself. After researching it, you can count on your skills. The other party has nothing to say, but you must not steal! Then It's killing the chicken and taking the eggs!"

No one in the house spoke.

Why didn't they study it? It's not because I've been studying for so long, and many things have failed, that's why I moved my mind.

Butter was something they had never heard of before, and of course they couldn't even think of it.

"The people who went to pick up the goods with me before, don't have to go, change people." Li Xiaojiang said: "People are worried, no need."

The situation was serious, and no one raised any objections. Anyway, there are a lot of people in the family, so it's fine to change a batch.

"And Xiaogang, you don't have to go in the future." Li Xiaojiang said.

This time, Li Er quit: "Why? We Xiaogang definitely didn't think about it! We don't care about the recipe of the popcorn."

Li Xiaogang was not among the people sent to peep before.

Because Li Er misses more.

With Zhang Guilan, what is there? What's the point of surreptitiously calculating? These people are not as bad as him!

Li Er was very proud, thanks to his dead wife.

"You don't care about recipes, you care about people!" Li Xiaojiang directly stated his thoughts: "But you died of this heart, Xiaogang drank too much before, and directly pointed at people to call them mother, and called them mothers. Terrified, I personally told him not to let him come to the door, or I won't have to come!"

Li Er was stunned, what should I do?

"Yo, second brother, you have a good idea." said the third child of the Li family.

"Actually, this is a pretty good idea," the fourth said.

"Second brother, if you really marry someone and get the formula, you have to share it with your brothers." The fifth said.

"Haha, easy to talk about!" Li Er smiled smugly.

"You! Grandpa!" Li Xiaojiang called out to Mr. Li angrily.

"Don't mess around!" Mr. Li said immediately: "People said that Xiaogang would not be allowed to go, and he will not be allowed to go in the future, otherwise it will be really annoying, and no one will make money!"

The Li brothers responded quickly, and this is true.

But Li Er was still not reconciled, and he answered his face. He went to shake his son when he got home, but Li Xiaogang was tortured so badly today that he couldn't wake up.

If you can't ask for specifics, don't ask.

The next day, watching a few rearranged people pulling goods out, and after waiting for a while, Li Er also changed into new clothes, washed his face, shaved his beard, and rode out on a well-polished bicycle.

He knew the location of the abandoned factory.

The person pulling the goods had already left, and Li Er went to knock on the door with confidence.

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