431 not so much

The New Year's Eve was noisy for half of the time, and the atmosphere was unpleasant, but after that, it was fine. Zhou Lihua didn't dare to tease Wen Jing, Hua Zhao, she didn't dare.

This year has passed peacefully.

From the beginning of the new year, there has been an endless stream of people who come to visit.

Ye Shen also quietly introduced the contacts of the Ye family to Hua Zhao, which are the friendship of the older generation, which are the friendship between the father and Ye Ming, and which are the new friendship formed by medicinal wine.

On the second day of the new year, on the day of returning to her parents' home, Hua Zhao brought her children home with a lot of burdens.

There are too many people who come to visit, everyone has a good relationship, and they all want to see the child. The baby, who is just a month old and a few days old, is forced to open for business and has no time to sleep.

Ye Ming is used to something wrong, and they won't sleep when there are sounds around.

Miao Lanzhi suddenly felt distressed, and rushed Hua Zhao to take the child home to hide. Knowing Ye Family's network is not in a hurry for one or two days.

When Hua Zhao returned home, he immediately heard about the visit of the Qi family, and he even beat Zhang Guilan.

"Let me see." Hua Zhao looked at Zhang Guilan's face, but fortunately, there was no trace of it.

"It was so ruthless! It was so red and swollen at the time!" Da Qin said from the side, afraid that his sister would not know the seriousness of the matter.

"I see." Hua Zhao said to her, "Don't stress it out, slapping your mother in the face, even lightly, won't work!"

"I'm fine." Zhang Guilan said immediately: "That old lady Qi is more serious. I heard that she had a stroke. Now she is awake, but she can't speak, and she can't go down the ground. I'm afraid she will be paralyzed in the future."

The Qi family didn't dare to make trouble, but they had to make it clear to Hua Qiang and Zhang Guilan about Qi Xiaoxian's illness. Maybe they would soften their hearts and let them in.

Hua Qiang was not soft-hearted, and after knowing it, he was stunned for a while and then he was fine.

Zhang Guilan felt uneasy in her heart.

If she hadn't quarreled with her that day, wouldn't she have done this? To paralyze popularity, this is a big sin.

"It's a stroke, that's because she has a basic disease. You can't get angry with a good person. If you don't get angry with her, she will have a stroke one day." Hua Zhao advised: "And it's her who comes to seek anger. It's not our family that was born, the cause and effect relationship must be cleared up, it's not your fault that she is sick."

Zhang Guilan understands the truth, and it does feel a little better to hear her say that, but...

Hua Zhao sighed, some people admit death, that is the three views of others, what she said is useless.

And seriously, it was her grandfather who had a stroke. Maybe my grandfather felt a little uneasy.

Although the two don't like each other, they don't want to communicate with each other, but they are not enemies of life and death. If something happens, they will feel guilty, right?

Hua Zhao found Hua Qiang: "Grandpa, why don't I go see her? Bring her two bottles of medicinal wine? Maybe she'll be fine after drinking it. No, we can't do anything about it."

Hua Qiang sat there silently.

Hua Zhao guessed that it was close to ten. He and Qi Xiaoxian have been husband and wife for decades, and she also gave birth to him.

Put yourself in the shoes and think about it, if you have a stroke, you can't speak, and you spend the rest of your life paralyzed in bed, it would be worse than death.

And if it was Qi Xiaoxian who got sick himself, it would be fine, but he was so angry.

Not so much between them.

Then let her come and go back that day, and if she falls ill in the future, he won't care.

"Then you can take a trip for Grandpa. You don't need to give more, just enough for her to recover. That family is greedy, don't let them get entangled." Hua Qiang said.

"Hey, I'll go right now." Hua Zhao said. Go early for an early treatment, and you can save some medicinal wine.

That's not medicinal wine, it's the energy she has worked so hard to extract from her busy schedule, and it's also very hard~


The arrival of Hua Zhao surprised the Qi family.

"Xiaohua is here, go and sit at the radiator! Is it freezing on the road?" Qi Shulan greeted warmly.

There is no dutiful son in front of the bed for a long time, but it has only been three or four days, and it is not enough. There are 4 people in the Qi family who take turns to take care of them every day, 2 during the day and 2 at night.

Today is Qi Shulan and Qi Linlin during the day.

The first time Hua Zhao saw Qi Linlin, she was really a pretty girl. She stood there tenderly and generously. She was a little less arrogant than Helanlan, and a little more hearty than Wenjing. She looked "really gentle", look Appears to be following Qi Shulan.

Qi Linlin was also stunned for a few seconds when she saw Hua Zhao for the first time. She believes that she is not the most beautiful, but other beautiful women are at most on par with her, not uglier than her, nor more beautiful than her.

But the first time she saw Hua Zhao, she knew that she had taken things for granted in the past.

"Hello, Sister Xiaohua, I'm Qi Linlin, you..." Looking at Hua Zhao's cold eyes, Qi Linlin tactfully retracted the word "cousin".

It was really a turn of feng shui. She never thought that the rural stepson, who was talked down by her aunt and looked down on her whole life, would give birth to such a beautiful daughter. The key is that their Qi family must bow their heads and beg this rural woman now!

"You're here." Qi Linlin naturally took up the unfinished words.

"Hello." After Hua Zhao finished speaking, he looked at the old man on the bed.

The old man was in a drowsiness, but he seemed to hear a sound, just opened his eyes and saw Hua Zhao, her eyes were a little confused.

"Mom, this is Hua Zhao, Dad's granddaughter." Qi Shulan said.

Qi Xiaoxian was immediately excited, staring at Hua Zhao and making a whimper, not knowing what to say.

But Hua Zhao looked more like scolding her.

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