Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 430: We've been wrong in the past

430 We were all wrong in the past

Everyone looked quiet.

Hua Zhao gently flicked off the flour from her body. She stood next to Zhou Lihua, and it was inevitable that she would be affected. Or, the curtain dumplings came directly to the two of them.

Ye Ming gently handed Cuiwei to Ye Fang and walked over.

Ye Shen was already standing beside Hua Zhao.

"It's nothing to do with you, let's play with the children." Hua Zhao said immediately, "I have to mix some more stuffing, or I won't have enough to eat in a while."

After talking about nothing, I washed the vegetables and cut the meat.

Ye Shen looked around at the people present and backed out.

Ye Ming stood behind Wen Jing and said nothing.

Ye Shu and Liu Yuegui looked at each other, and hurriedly chased after Hua Zhao to help her out.

A family storm was resolved in a blink of an eye.

Only Zhou Lihua was left standing there, panting like a cow, and it was not easy to have a seizure.

New Year's Eve... The old man finally let them come back, but everything was being arranged, and their whole family had to point to the eldest family...

But if she didn't say a few words, she couldn't swallow this breath, and she was ashamed!

"Brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, what do you mean? You dare to do something to your elders!" Zhou Lihua looked at Wen Jing gloomily.

Wen Jing was already frightened. She had never lost such a big temper before, and she was still in front of the whole family.


"Sorry auntie, Xiaojing has been feeling unwell recently, she must have slipped her hand just now," Ye Ming said.

"Slippery? Do you think I'm a fool? Lifting things on the elders is Slippery? That's how our daughter-in-law of the Ye family is raised? You don't care, and you even help her talk? Do you think you're doing it right? "Zhou Lihua taught a lesson.

Ye Ming smiled. He was sometimes very strange about the third aunt. She understood everything from the outside world, but when it came to herself, it was a completely different standard.

Is she embarrassed to mention the upbringing of the Ye family's daughter-in-law? Look at herself first.

But Wen Jing did something wrong.

"Xiao Jing." Ye Ming looked down at Wen Jing.

Wen Jing immediately said to Zhou Lihua, "Sorry aunt, I was really careless just now. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll clean it for you."

She actually started with the elders! What will others think of her when it is spread out? Scary to think about.

Although she felt that Zhou Lihua was really indebted.... but she shouldn't have come, and the violent Hua Zhao should have come.

"I don't need you, I'll do it myself!" Zhou Lihua patted Wen Jing's hand away and wiped the white face off her body angrily.

Qiu Mei was very discerning, took the broom, swept up the dumplings on the ground, and threw them into the trash can with distress.

If it was in her house, it would just fall to the ground, not to mention that the ground is not dirty, such good meat dumplings must be picked up, wiped, and eaten. But the Ye family would definitely not be so petty.

In fact, she was wrong, Liu Yuegui frequently looked at the dumplings in the trash can, and felt bad. Their Ye family has never been in the habit of wasting food. For so many years, not to mention so much, not a single dumpling has fallen on the ground.

But in front of the two new daughters-in-law, she was too embarrassed to pick out the dumplings from the trash can, she could only stare at Qiu Mei, she really couldn't live a good life!

And quiet, too prodigal.

However, she understands Wen Jing's mood. Today, Zhou Lihua, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, can be regarded as putting salt on people's wounds. It's too much!

It's still good for Hua Zhao, a turmoil made it easy for her to resolve it!

If she hadn't left calmly and had a good head, they would have cried and quarreled now, and this year would have been impossible.

Others have almost the same idea. Miao Lanzhi looks at Hua Zhao now, and it is more pleasing to the eye.

In a while she has to give her a big red envelope alone!

Ye Ming took Wen Jing back to the room.

Closing the door, Wen Jing's tears immediately burst out.

Ye Ming said with a smile: "It's obvious that you hit someone, but no one taught you, but you are wronged?"

"Don't you know why I hit her? Listen to what she said? Open a child and shut a child, just say I can't give birth!" Wen Jing cried in a low voice.

Ye Ming's eyes darkened, he knew it would be like this.

"Xiao Jing, we were wrong in the past. We were very secretive about the topic of children. Instead, you couldn't get over this hurdle. But this is a hurdle. If you can't get over it, you can't get over it. We must face the problem squarely."

Ye Ming said earnestly: "What other people want to say, we can't control it, as long as we don't care, it doesn't matter what they say."

"Does it matter? Are you indifferent?" Wen Jing couldn't help roaring: "Look at how much you like children! You look like a father to other people's children! Does it matter like you? , what should I do?"

Ye Ming's voice was a few degrees colder: "Because I don't have children, so I don't even have the right to like children?"

Wen Jing's face froze suddenly.

Ye Ming added: "Also, that's my brother's child, not someone else's."

"Calm down, come down for dinner later." He went downstairs after saying that.

He knew that the knot in her heart couldn't be solved in a day or two, so take it slow.

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