420 Unreliable

Today's pigs are all thin. A pig produces about 10 catties of intestines, and when cooked, it can weigh about 10 catties. Of course, they can add one or two catties even if the soup is juicy.

And a pig can only produce about 5 pounds of cooked pork head meat.

Zhang Guilan counted and found a total of 18 yuan.

And their cost is 3 dollars.

Earn 15 a day.

And only if they made a pair of pigs into the water. Looking at the hot sales just now, Xu Mei thinks they can sell 10 pairs a day!

That's 150 bucks.

No wonder Ye Shu said she was going to get rich...

Xu Mei was very excited.

Zhang Guilan took out a book and wrote it down seriously, what month, how many pounds, how much and how much it cost.

Then let Xu Mei sign it.

Zhang Guilan has already learned some characters, and the commonly used ones are basically able to write and read. When they go out, they can also take a bus without asking passers-by.

Xu Mei declined politely and signed her name. People are taking her seriously and making a fortune, and she will come here in a proper manner.

After keeping the account, Zhang Guilan asked Xu Mei to go back to rest.

"Come back tomorrow morning, let Liu Qian buy more pigs into the water, and we will sell more." Zhang Guilan said.

"Okay, I'll be there tomorrow morning."

The next day, she came really early, just before dawn.

Liu Qian has not come back.

However, Zhao Xuebing and Sun You both got up and started to work. The more they worked every day, the more they earned, and most of them were mailed back to their families to let them have a good year, leaving only a little for their daily expenses.

In fact, there are no daily expenses. Zhang Guilan has prepared clothes, shoes and socks for them, and they have enough food and drink. They have rice, vegetables and meat, and they don’t have the habit of smoking and drinking.

After chatting with them, Zhang Guilan found that these three people had a lot of brothers and sisters at home, and the family was relatively difficult. They were more or less disabled. So, don't go fast.

For example, Liu Qian, he lost half of the sole of his foot and could not run.

The family is poor and he is disabled, so it is difficult to find a partner, and the parents of the family, why does Zhang Guilan feel a little unreliable?

These Ye Shen's comrades-in-arms, who can be remembered by him, are not unknown people, and the corresponding monthly allowances are also quite large. After a few years, plus the money they have withdrawn from subsidies, they are definitely enough for them to marry a good daughter-in-law. .

As a result, the family had no money, and the money was given to the brothers to marry wives.

Each of them has a lot of nephews and nieces, and they themselves are naked.

Zhang Guilan was worried about them. If they don't pay attention to themselves, they plan to be a bachelor for the rest of their lives?

"It's so early." Liu Xiangqian also got off the bicycle and said to Xu Mei.

"Brother Liu, you're back." Xu Mei smiled embarrassedly. She rarely calls people what brother.

But I chatted with Zhang Guilan yesterday and found out that Liu Qian is one year older than her, and they made a lot of money in this business. Zhang Guilan discussed with her that in the future, a pair of pigs will go into the water and give Liu Qian 1 yuan to work hard.

Xu Mei also agreed.

Look at these nine days, people ran back and forth for dozens of miles to bring the goods back to her before dawn, how hard it was!

Liu Qian also smiled naively: "You go into the house, it's cold outside, I'll clean the pig intestines first."

The first two cleanings were the dirtiest. After he learned it, he would not let Zhang Guilan dry. He would wash it every day without waiting for Zhang Guilan to come.

After rubbing it repeatedly, he didn't do it. He was afraid that he wouldn't get it clean, and he would ruin Zhang Guilan's business.

How could Xu Mei let him do it? Stick to doing it yourself.

"Okay, you can start with me first and learn." Liu Qian also probably knew what happened to Xu Mei. It is rare to see such a woman so miserable.

He also saw Xu Mei's apprehension, and it was fine. Instead of picking up ready-made rice, let her do some work.

It was cold and the other party was still a woman. Liu Qian boiled some hot water to wash his intestines. He usually used cold water himself.

This detail was discovered by Xu Mei, and she was a little moved. Not all the good men in the world died.

When Zhang Guilan came, the 10 pairs of intestines and pig heads that Liu Qian brought back today were cleaned up.

Zhang Guilan also carefully taught Xu Mei how to clean it carefully, and then taught her how to make lo-mei, how to prepare ingredients, and how to set fire.

None of this was hidden from her, nor from the other three big men.

Hua Zhao said that if they want to learn, they will learn, and they will not do it in the future. This is also a craft, and they can make a living at home.

She didn't think about tying these three people here and frying her popcorn for the rest of her life, it would be a bit underpowered.

When she is ready to do a big job in the future, she will have to employ people.

Of course, if they wanted to go back to their hometown and do it themselves, she wouldn't stop them.

The things that are brought out now are all commonplace goods. After a few decades, a random search on the Internet will be a bunch of them, and there is nothing to keep secret from friends.

But outsiders don't know.... Liu Qian and Xu Mei were so moved that they had given them so much trust, they must keep their mouths shut, and they couldn't leak it out even if they were beaten to death!


In the morning, Zhang Guilan and Xu Mei came to the woman's house yesterday.

The back of the bike today is heavier than it was yesterday. Yesterday's stew pot was only filled to the bottom, but today it's full.

The other end is not a pot, but a stew pot containing 20 catties of pork head meat.

There is also a pot in the basket, which contains 10 catties of fat intestines and a few catties of soup.

"Eldest sister, this is 10 pounds of fat intestines, specially prepared for you." Zhang Guilan said, and she prepared it according to the amount of baoyuan she said yesterday.

The woman looked at it, tasted it, and was very satisfied. The taste was the same as yesterday, and she did not fool her.

Then she took out a scale, a basin, and a colander, and personally separated the meat and soup cleanly, and weighed it.

Even more real than yesterday's old lady.

"Don't worry, I'm just like this, and I can't rub sand in my eyes," the woman said.

Zhang Guilan didn't care, and smiled: "I am also, I never lie, say how much is how much."

The woman didn't say a word, but weighed it seriously. She weighed over 11 pounds, more than a pound more than the 10 pounds she said.

This is more than 1 yuan, not a small amount.

The woman was satisfied, gave the money happily, and picked two pig heads.

"The pot in your car is full, right? Let's go, I'll sell it for you." The woman is not unreasonable, she knows how to reciprocate.

Zhang Guilan was happy, and it was worthwhile for her to give her an extra spoon before.

The woman's status in the family's courtyard seems to be higher than that of the old lady yesterday. When she knocked on the door, the other party's shot was generous. After a taste, she started at 5 pounds.

After a few visits, they were sold out again.

In the morning, Zhang Guilan and Xu Mei only cooked 2 pots, more than 40 catties of fat intestines and 20 catties of pig heads.

"Can't you come in the afternoon? It's Chinese New Year, and business is good." The woman said proactively.

"Come back before dinner." Zhang Guilan said.


Even if the business is open, the family home is very large, and it has not been sold out after a few days. Moreover, those who bought it before thought it was good, and they went back to buy it again. Xu Mei felt that they would not be able to get out of this community years ago.

"If a few more people go to other communities to sell together, how much money do we have to make a day!" Xu Mei said, she can't wait for her own avatar technique now, one community is divided into one, one community earns 100 a day, how much is 10 communities?

I can't think about it anymore, my heart is bleeding when I think about it, because she has no skills.

Zhang Guilan is also very distressed: "I will go back and ask my little flower if she has any ideas."

"Yes, yes, ask her! She must have it, but it's really not good. Just like popcorn, we also find an agent." Xu Mei said: "But this time I can't find an exclusive agent, so I will find a few more people to help. We can sell it, the sole agent, I don't think it's very reliable."

She now understands Zhang Guilan's popcorn business, and has seen Li Xiaojiang and the family who followed him to pull the goods.

There were so many shipments every day that Li Xiaojiang couldn't pull it by himself with a tricycle, so he called his uncle or brother to come.

She looked at those people, unreliable.

I just happened to talk to Hua Zhao together.

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