419 Business is easy to do

Zhang Guilan, the place where she sells things, has already stepped on it. She has 70% of the business, so she naturally cares.

She didn't plan to go to the train station. Pedestrians might not have containers for fat sausages. Now that it was lunch time at the entrance of the factory, Zhang Guilan took Xu Mei to a nearby family area.

This is a suburb, there are several large factories, and if there are factories, there must be family homes.

Zhang Guilan pushed a bicycle into a family courtyard. It was cold and there were not many people in the courtyard, but there were always a few.

Zhang Guilan walked straight to an old lady who was sweeping the snow at the door, and whispered, "Auntie, I have meat here, do you want to buy some?"

The old lady stood up and stared at Zhang Guilan, her eyes lit up when she saw the bicycle behind her.

"What meat? How is it sold?" The old lady came over and asked.

"There are two kinds, one is pork head meat and the other is fat intestines, both are 1 yuan per catty." Zhang Guilan said.

The old lady's eyes widened: "1 yuan 1 catty? Why don't you grab it?!"

Last year, pork was only 2 cents a pound. This year, after the New Year's Day, it began to rise, reaching 30 or 40 cents, but pork head meat and fat intestines cost 1 yuan a pound? crazy for money!

"Auntie, I don't want a ticket, I want to buy as much as I want, and I've made it well, I can't make a pound of it." Zhang Guilan said and opened two pot lids.

The rich fragrance floated out all of a sudden, making the old lady stunned for a moment. She had never smelled such a fragrant meat, and her craftsmanship was not good, and she had never cooked a dish with such a taste in her life.

But poor craftsmanship doesn't mean she doesn't like to eat delicious food. Smelling this fragrance, the old lady knows that she has to go broke today.

She looked back and forth between the fat intestines and the pork head, and it was difficult to decide.

Zhang Guilan first put the lid on the fat intestines. This is different from pork head meat. It is not fragrant or delicious when it is cold.

"What are you doing with the cover? I can't afford it?" The old lady was still angry, so she bought fat intestines.

"Wait, I'll get a bowl and give me a pound." The old lady turned around and went back to the house, and soon came out again, holding a big sea bowl in her hand.

Zhang Guilan swiftly scooped out a large spoon with a slotted spoon.

The old lady kept her eyes fixed, looked at her big spoon, weighed the bowl again, and nodded with satisfaction.

This woman is real. Although there is some soup in the bowl, it is not much. She can see that this meat is enough for 1 jin with her eyes. Naturally, the weight is only more or less.

The old lady handed over a dollar.

Smelling the fragrance, she doesn't feel expensive anymore.

"Auntie, don't go now, I want to trouble you with something." Zhang Guilan smiled.

"What's the matter?" the old lady asked impatiently. She had to put the meat in the house quickly. She also knew that it was not delicious if it was cold, so she had to let her eldest grandson eat it hot.

"I'll give you another piece of pork head meat, can you help me introduce a few buyers? I don't know who has anyone, so it's not good to knock on someone's door rashly." Zhang Guilan said.

Hearing this, the old lady immediately smiled: "Okay, no problem!"

Zhang Guilan also laughed, and quickly took a piece of pork head and put it in her bowl.

The old lady went back to the house happily, then came out quickly, and took Zhang Guilan to knock on someone else's door.

She is quite trustworthy, not only knocking on other people's doors, but also helping Zhang Guilan sell, saying that the meat is very delicious.

Zhang Guilan also scooped out a piece for people to try.

There is nothing that you have eaten that you will not buy.

Besides, during the Chinese New Year, everyone is worried that there is not enough meat to eat.

Those who were well-off bought three or five catties at a time.

Don't let the meat-ticketed pigs go into the water, they don't meet them a few times a year, and the ones they make are not delicious! This feeling is more fragrant than the braised pork made at home, and everyone is willing.

Moreover, Zhang Guilan gave each person an extra spoonful of braised gravy. Anyone who has tasted it knows that this is also a good thing, and it is very fragrant.

A pair of pig intestines is only a few kilograms in total, and it will be divided into three or four families. The pork head meat looks delicious, and it will be gone soon.

The last one bought less, she wanted 10 catties of pig intestines! She has money! But there was only a pound left in the pot.

"Are you coming tomorrow? When will you come?" the woman asked.

"Come before lunch tomorrow." Zhang Guilan said.

"Okay! Come directly to my house when the time comes! How much is your pot? I'll pack it all!" Not only did she want to eat it herself, she also wanted to take it back to her parents' house for her parents and brothers to taste.

"Hey, great!" Zhang Guilan laughed, no matter who she sells to, she just sells it.

"Bring me some more soup!" said the woman.

"Okay, if you make a round, I will give you a pot of soup." Zhang Guilan said.

The woman laughed, and even sent Zhang Guilan out of the gate of the family's hospital all the way, for fear that she would go back on it.

On the way back, Xu Mei was a little distracted.

"What are you thinking?" Zhang Guilan asked.

"I'm thinking, this business is too good." Xu Mei said.

She thought that she had to beg someone to buy something, just like a beggar.... But the reality is that someone else begged them to sell something!

"Hua Zhao said that this is caused by the imbalance between supply and demand. They can't buy meat themselves, so our products will sell so well. When they can buy meat casually, our business will not be very good. ." Zhang Guilan said.

Xu Mei smiled: "Is there a time to buy a lot of meat? Impossible!"

Zhang Guilan also thinks it's impossible. People in the city can eat one or two catties of meat a month, but when she was in the countryside, she couldn't eat one or two catties a year. How can you just buy meat?

But my daughter said again...

Forget it, take your time.

Zhang Guilan took Xu Mei on a bicycle, went home quickly, and then began to count the money.

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