408 Pity the world's parents heart

After the full moon feast, the house is clean.

Ye Zhenguo doesn't live in Huazhao anymore, he lives here, his sons and daughters have to come. It used to be fine, but after discovering Zhou Lihua's thoughts, Ye Zhenguo can't let them bother Huazhao anymore.

What should I do if Hua Zhao is so angry again that he is starving for his great grandson?

Ye Mao and Miao Lanzhi also returned to their home. Years ago, it was time for some relationships to move around. They couldn't be allowed to move around here.

The juniors of the Ye family also have their own circles. They all grew up in the capital when they were young. Now they come back once a year, and they have to move around when they are young.

Even Ye Shen was pulled out by Ye Ming twice.

Ye Shu also came to Hua Zhao to go shopping.

"I don't want to go, it's too cold outside." Hua Zhao said, "And I have to look after the children at home."

"You just finished feeding them, and there are still two hours in between. Let's go and get back quickly. It won't take an hour." Ye Shu advised her: "For the new year, you have to buy new clothes and shoes!"

Hua Zhao was a little moved. She could make her own clothes, but she didn't know how to make leather shoes. She would definitely have to go to her in-laws during Chinese New Year. When there were guests at home, it was not good for her to wear old shoes.

Although she still pays attention to hardship and simplicity, young people are no longer like this. She herself was born in the countryside, and no matter how shabby she is, it makes people laugh.

With 100,000 yuan in hand, I can't bear to buy a pair of new shoes. I really can't get on the table~

Or that her money was deducted by the Ye family? Don't even buy her a new pair of shoes?

"Okay, then go back quickly," Hua Zhao said.

Ye Shu happily took Hua Zhao to the mall on a bicycle.

The sea of ​​people crowded out the feeling of the Spring Festival in later generations.

Hua Zhao was discouraged all of a sudden, she was afraid of being wiped...

Ye Shu was in high spirits, and this time of year was the busiest time of year, which was also a kind of lively.

"Either change place or go home." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Shu looked at Hua Zhao's appearance. When she was pregnant, she only had a long belly and no flesh. After a month of giving birth, she recovered to be like a normal person. She is beautiful and delicate. She can show a good figure in a thick padded jacket. Like a glow in the crowd.

Many people have begun to pay attention to her, and some people's eyes are indeed malicious.

"Okay, let's go to the Overseas Chinese Store." Ye Shu said, there were few people there.

The two retreated, and some people in the crowd were suddenly disappointed.

But one person came after him.

"Wait a minute!" Zhao Dani shouted.

Hua Zhao and Ye Shu turned around and recognized her, Xu Mei's mother.

She was as haggard and old as the last time I saw her, and even more haggard.

Hua Zhao sighed, it seems that Xu Mei's insistence at the beginning did not turn her family over as she expected.

"Aunt Zhao, what's the matter?" Ye Shu asked.

She has no grudges with Xu Mei, and she is also pleasing to Zhao Dani.

"I heard from Xiaomei, you went to see her when she was in the hospital?" Zhao Dani said to Ye Shu.

"Yes." Ye Shu said.

After knowing what happened to Xu Mei, Hua Zhao made more confinement meals, and Ye Shu would send it to Xu Mei.

Xu Mei was not polite, she ate it all, and exaggerated Guilan's good craftsmanship.

But listening to Zhao Dani, she also went to the hospital to see Xu Mei?

"I only found out about Xin'er later." Zhao Dani gritted her teeth and said, "The Feng family is really not human!"

Xu Mei was also born in October of her pregnancy, and she also misses her in her heart, but after Xu Mei got married, the Feng family did too much, and it was not easy for her to contact Xu Mei, and the Xu family did not let her.

She couldn't support Xu Mei, and she didn't have any skills herself... She just cut off contact, so even if her daughter was not doing well in Feng's family, she didn't know.

She didn't even expect that her daughter almost lost her life!

"Auntie, what's the matter with you?" Ye Shu asked again, interrupting Zhao Dani's daze.

"Oh, that's right. She was picked up by the Feng family after she was in the hospital for a few days. They dragged her along, and their attitude was extremely bad! I'm afraid...Xiaomei's health is not good. It's been so many days. , I don't know what's going on..." Zhao Dani had worry and fear in her eyes.

"No..." Ye Shu said hesitantly, "They can't kill people, right?"

"That's impossible to say." Hua Zhao suddenly said: "There are many ways to kill people without using a knife." She saw it a lot when she was a lawyer.

"Let's go, go home, don't buy anything anymore." Hua Zhao said, "Go find someone to visit Feng's house."

It is not suitable for Ye Shu to come directly to the door. It is best not to expose the things they did with Xu Mei at the beginning, otherwise she will have no way to survive in the Feng family.

"Yeah." Ye Shu nodded.

"Thank you, thank you!" Zhao Dani immediately nodded and bowed, thanking Dade.

Hua Zhao sighed again, really pitiful for the hearts of parents all over the world.

Ye Shu sent Hua Zhao home, and immediately found a younger sister of hers. This person was a relative of the Feng family, and it was more suitable for her to come to the door.

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