Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 407: he wants to eat meat

407 He wants to eat meat

Ye Cheng's face was already black and red, and he was about to leave with Zhou Lihua.

However, Zhou Lihua got angry and said with a stubborn neck: "This is the ancestral house of the Ye family, why can she live in us but not us? Dad, you are too partial! The elder brother's family has all the benefits, but we have a mouthful of soup. None! Are you a father like that?"

"I'm your father! You're not my father! How can I be a father, I don't need you to teach me!" Ye Zhenguo shouted, "Get out!"

Zhou Lihua broke the jar and shouted, pulling her neck and shouting, "This yard will not let us live, is there any secret that we are afraid we will know?"

The room was quiet, and Ye Zhenguo didn't yell at her for a while.

Zhou Lihua is more energetic, did she guess right? she said! When the He family asked someone to dig, it was not groundless! Yes, my mother-in-law was a big capitalist back then. What is a capitalist without any background?

And she still remembered that on that rainy night, they admitted it in disguise.

"Okay, there are good things that only belong to the eldest family. We can't even see a hair! Is Ye Cheng your own?"

These words made Ye Zhenguo slump in anger.

Ye Ming hurried over to support him.

"Grandpa, don't be angry. It's not worth it to have the general knowledge of such a brainless person. You have to take good care of yourself, and you have to watch Yunfei and Cuiwei grow up and **** them."

Zhou Lihua didn't care about Ye Ming saying that she had no brains, but shouted like a handle: "Look, I always think about the eldest family, and the other two sons were picked up, and I want to borrow a place for my grandson to get married. Don't give it, it's worse than outsiders!"

"Third aunt." Ye Shen stood up.

Zhou Lihua looked at him with an aura.

In fact, she seldom talked to this nephew. When he was a child, he was cold and ignorant of others, but he spoke and did things in a good manner, and was especially thoughtful.

When she grew up, she became colder and more imposing. She couldn't even open her mouth to chat with him. He looked more terrifying than his father.

"What's wrong?" With Ye Shen staring at her, Zhou Lihua took a step back unconsciously and asked.

"If you just want to borrow a place to get married, Grandpa can lend it to you, which is more stylish and decent than here, do you agree?" Ye Shen asked. The voice was calm, not angry at all.

Ye Shu shrank back on the sofa. This is what grandfather taught them since childhood. The more angry you are, the more calm you need to be. Brothers and brothers are good at learning, but she can't learn it.

Zhou Lihua is already dead and is not afraid of boiling water: "I don't agree, I want the backyard, no, it's a loan! I'll pay the rent!"

It's a bit too much to say, and I can't say it anywhere. If it was the Ye family's house, it would be fine, but it was bought by Hua Zhao with money, she knew that.

"Then I'll tell you, don't borrow it." Ye Shen said, "That's my wife's house, which is mine. I've said it now, no one will borrow it, only Hua Zhao's grandfather and ourselves can live there. children."

He didn't want Hua Zhao to mess with this kind of person again, not to mention being angry, winning or losing would be bad for her reputation.

"Look at what your nephew said!" Zhou Lihua pulled Ye Cheng and cried, "Ye Xing is not an outsider, he doesn't live in vain, and he doesn't live often. When the weather is warm, he will move out, so that he can I don't agree, he doesn't treat us like family!"

Ye Cheng looked bitter.

"You don't have to stir up trouble here." Ye Shen said: "Whether you plan to live permanently or for a short time, you have a good idea. Otherwise, why don't you borrow the place from Grandpa and have to come here? Third aunt, you have changed a lot over the years. "Why do you look so poor and crazy?"

Zhou Lihua's face was so ugly that she was dripping with water.

Ye Shen said to Ye Cheng again: "Third uncle, have you forgotten all the qualities that a daughter-in-law of the Ye family should have? She is now on the verge of danger, no, she has begun to look at money and material things, and she has already begun to receive benefits from others. I'm really disappointed that you can tolerate this kind of thing."

Even a word made Ye Cheng unable to come down from the stage.

He actually let a junior down?

But he was right, Lihua had changed a lot over the years.

But it's all because he's incompetent... The child is old again, and it's time to start a family and start a business, so she's in a hurry.

"Go on! Who said my house is going to be lent to them as a wedding room? I want to be beautiful!" Ye Zhenguo said to Ye Ming, "Go and rent a house for them, love it or not, love it or not, I care about the children. Marriage, I still take care of my grandchildren? Do they have no father or mother?"

That's tough enough.

Zhou Lihua is going to be **** off. Cursing her to death for the New Year?

Hua Zhao wanted to clap his hands to applaud his grandfather.

But Ye Zhenguo didn't finish his sentence: "I'm worried about the marriage of Ye Ming and the three of them? Ye Shen, I didn't even drink a glass of wedding wine! Now I'm stumbling over this stumbling block with me, where's your face? Get out of here! "

Ye Zhenguo smashed a teacup on Ye Cheng. He was really embarrassed to stand here and pulled Zhou Lihua, who was still trying to quarrel, to go out.

His father was right, he really didn't care about his grandson's marriage, he just gave each granddaughter-in-law a greeting.

Even he and his second brother's family didn't drink Ye Shen a glass of wedding wine.

But they came back to let their father do everything, which is really not the rule of the Ye family...

Ye Ming said whatever, soothed Ye Zhenguo and sent him back to the backyard to rest.

Ye Zhenguo has experienced too many storms and waves in his life. He is not really angry about today's incident. Why is he angry when others make trouble?

He is more sad.

A son who cares so much, he doesn't understand his painstaking efforts, he is crooked, and he seems to be abolished.

"Let them all come back, keep it under your nose, don't worry." Ye Zhenguo sighed and said to Ye Ming.

"Okay, I see." Ye Ming thought so too.

Looking at Zhou Lihua's eyes wide open when she sees money now, she doesn't know what will happen in the future, and the third uncle obviously can't control her, or even doesn't want to control her, it's too scary.

Someone must be called back and watched.

Seeing that the grandson understood him and didn't think he was partial to the Ye Cheng family again, Ye Zhenguo finally smiled.

After comforting his grandfather, Ye Ming went to educate Hua Zhao again: "Look, it's all the fault of the big house, you still want to buy it, just be honest for a while!"

Hua Zhao touched her nose. Indeed, if she was too poor, and now her family lived in a small shack of 10 square meters, Zhou Lihua would probably greet her kindly and even give her something.

But can she live in a shack for other people's opinions?

"It's not the house's fault, it's the people's fault, it's her greed, blame me?" Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming nodded: "You are right, but there are a lot of greedy people in this world. When anyone is greedy, don't turn yourself into a fat man and make people coveted."

"Then you can't give up eating because of choking... But I know, I won't buy the house yet." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming sighed deeply, but didn't buy it "first".

"Take care of your daughter-in-law, this is also an eye-opener!" Ye Ming said to Ye Shen.

But it's not a mistake to see money openly. A gentleman loves money in a proper way. As long as he gets the money from justice and fairness, he can like it.

He also likes high officials and great wealth, and he doesn't feel that he is wrong, because he will only seize them in a fair and open manner.

Ye Shen smiled, he naturally knew who his daughter-in-law was.

He took Hua Zhao back to the room.

Today is an important day. Don't be affected by some unimportant people and things.

The child is full moon today, Hua Zhao is also confinement, and she has been clean for many days, he secretly asked his aunt before dinner, and said it was ok...

Eat meat, eat meat! He wants meat! Nothing can stop him from eating meat!

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