Zhuo Bufan returned from the samsara world and brought another jar of Time Sand.

In addition to being happy, Zhuo Bufan gave Gao Zhan and Yu Baifei two jars of Time Sand each.

"Brother Zhuo, are you really giving it to us?"

Yu Baifei and Gao Zhan were a little bit unbelievable.

They knew how precious this Time Sand was.

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly and said.

"I regret not meeting you two earlier, and we had a great conversation."

"You two don't have to be polite to me, this is my little gift."

Zhuo Bufan doesn't lack this little Time Sand now, but it's good to be able to use the Time Sand to win over two friends who are worth associating with.

Yu Baifei and Gao Zhan didn't say anything polite to Zhuo Bufan, but accepted the Time Sand sent by Zhuo Bufan.

"Thank you, Brother Zhuo, Brother Zhuo is indeed a generous person, I admire you."

Yu Baifei got four jars of Time Sand.

He is now collecting materials for refining magic tools, and Zhuo Bufan's four jars of Time Sand are like a timely help.

"Please come to our Guiyi Sect more often in the future, Brother Zhuo. I will definitely give you a grand reception."

Yu Baifei's gratitude to Zhuo Bufan was beyond words.

Zhuo Bufan waved his hand and smiled when he saw this.

"Brother Yu is too serious. Speaking of which, I really have something to ask you."

"Oh? What is it, Brother Zhuo, please tell me."

"It's like this. I have a friend named Xuanyuan Hao. He joined your Guiyi Sect. If you have met him, I hope you can take care of him."

Zhuo Bufan said casually.

In fact, Xuanyuan Hao doesn't need special care from others.

He is a peerless genius. After entering Guiyi Sect, he may become the second Yu Baifei in the future.

"Xuanyuan Hao? No way, Xuanyuan Hao, who topped the martial arts conference of our Guiyi Sect this year, is Brother Zhuo's friend?"

Yu Baifei knew Xuanyuan Hao.

He is the strongest disciple recruited by Guiyi Sect this year and has joined the inner gate of Deyi Palace.

"Well, he is my friend." Zhuo Bufan did not hide the relationship between him and Xuanyuan Hao.

"Hahaha, that's a coincidence. Before I came, I drank with Xuanyuan Hao and became friends who could talk about anything."

"Xuanyuan also told me that he has a friend who is an extraordinary genius. I think he is talking about you, Brother Zhuo."

It turned out that Yu Baifei and Xuanyuan Hao already knew each other.

Sure enough, birds of a feather flock together.

It was God's will that these geniuses could come together.

"Brother Zhuo, you can rest assured. Xuanyuan is now an inner disciple of our Guiyi Sect. My master is also willing to accept him as a disciple. Maybe after a while, we will be brothers."

"Speaking of which, your friend is really not simple. He has a high talent and has mastered supreme divine power at a young age."

Yu Baifei also praised Xuanyuan Hao.

"I am known as the first little saint, and I must have only a slight advantage over him."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised.

Yu Baifei is actually a little bit stronger than Xuanyuan Hao.

Yu Baifei is the first among the minor saints. Although he is a minor saint, his strength has already surpassed that of the minor saints.

Ordinary great saints may not be his opponents.

So it is not surprising that Xuanyuan Hao can lose to him.

After all, Yu Baifei is Chu Zhongtian's most proud disciple.

It is just unknown who is stronger between Yu Baifei and Zhuo Bufan.

After all, although Zhuo Bufan is on par with Xuanyuan Hao, Zhuo Bufan has infinite means and has unlimited potential if he fights seriously.

And there are plug-ins like the archive door.

"Haha, it seems that my friend will definitely have a bright future in the future."

"Of course, if he becomes our junior brother, he will definitely have a bright future in the future."

"Come on, let's drink a glass for Xuanyuan."

The three of them raised their glasses and drank together again.

In this small gathering, Zhuo Bufan and his friends drank two jars of Wendao wine.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not feel any heartache.

After drinking until midnight, the three of them could not drink anymore.

Zhuo Bufan got up and left the courtyard. There was still one last day of competition tomorrow, so he couldn't stay any longer.

"Brother Zhuo, remember to come to Guiyi Sect often when you are free."

This was what Yu Baifei said to Zhuo Bufan before he left.

As for Gao Zhan, he had already passed out drunk.

Zhuo Bufan returned to his residence with a strong sense of drunkenness.

As a result, he just opened the door, and then stepped into the air, and the whole person actually fell into the abyss.


Zhuo Bufan reacted immediately.

His door was replaced by a portal with a teleportation array.

Zhuo Bufan's body was still falling down, and there was an endless sea below.

Someone teleported Zhuo Bufan to a vast ocean.

Just as Zhuo Bufan was descending, there was suddenly a murderous intent.

Zhuo Bufan looked intently and saw that it was more than a dozen golden flying swords that attacked and killed him.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan stopped falling immediately, and then summoned the Chaos Bell to block this wave of attacks.

He found that behind each golden sword, there was a long chain.

Obviously, these golden swords all came from the same person.

Zhuo Bufan quickly searched for the enemy in the air, and soon, he saw a golden figure under the bright moon.

"Plotting against your grandfather? How dare you!"

Zhuo Bufan was angry, and flew into the sky with a strong sense of drunkenness.

After closing the distance, Zhuo Bufan finally saw the other person's appearance clearly.

The newcomer was a warrior wearing golden armor.

Wearing a full-covering helmet, only a pair of scarlet eyes could be seen.

Behind him, he carried eighteen golden swords on his back, looking like a peacock with its tail spread out.

"Who dares to plot against me?"

Zhuo Bufan shouted.

He was still a little drunk now.

Without answering, the eighteen golden swords behind him flew out again.

Sob sob sob!

The chain passed through the air, making a rustling sound.

The sound of steel rang, playing the prelude to the battle.

The eighteen golden swords, like his eighteen big hands, attacked Zhuo Bufan frantically.

The opponent's offensive was fierce, and each blow had the explosive power to destroy space.

Boom boom boom boom!

Zhuo Bufan's Chaos Bell exploded repeatedly, shocking the universe and making the entire sea boil.

Then, under the influence of alcohol, Zhuo Bufan began to launch attacks again and again like a drunk.

The chaotic attack method was obviously not enough to hurt the opponent.

"No, I'm drunk. I can't hit the spirit at all and use my divine power."

Zhuo Bufan's soul was in a relatively lazy state at the moment. When he was drunk, his mental power could not be concentrated, and it was difficult to condense his divine power.

Zhuo Bufan could only rely on the Chaos Bell to avoid the opponent's attacks again and again.

However, the Chaos Shield of the Chaos Bell was the limit of his roommate's tolerance.

"Boy, why don't you fight back quickly? I can't hold on any longer."

"The opponent is a great sage, you kid should cheer up!"

The "Golden Peacock" who attacked Zhuo Bufan was a great sage with extraordinary strength.

Facing the opponent's crazy stabs and continuous attacks, Zhuo Bufan had to resist.

"Boy, he's going to make the final attack."

The "Golden Peacock" suddenly retracted all the golden swords. The next second, all the golden swords gathered together and formed a super-large stab, ready to launch an attack a hundred times more powerful.

Seeing the opponent's desperate kill, Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to hold back any more.

"Wulian, come out!"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his right hand and grasped it in the air.

A black as ink divine sword appeared in his hand.

With a sword slash, the eighteen golden flying swords turned into scrap iron and shattered into slag!

"At the critical moment, I still have to take action!"

Wulian appeared, and then showed off in front of the Chaos Bell!

Chaos Bell: "Damn!"


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