Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 862 Re-entering the cycle of reincarnation

Opening his eyes again, Zhuo Bufan stood on the familiar boat.

"Young man, you are here again!"

A familiar voice came from his ears. Zhuo Bufan turned around and saw that it was the old man guarding the boat.

"Hello, sir! By the way, I haven't asked you what your name is."

Zhuo Bufan felt that this old man was not simple. He had been staying on this long river of time and seemed to have never left.

The other party had obviously practiced the great way of reincarnation.

The old man thought for a moment, then sighed and said.

"Just call me Mr. Zhou!"

The other party finally did not reveal his identity, but only told Zhuo Bufan a name.

"Mr. Zhou! That kid Zhuo Bufan, meet Mr. Zhou."

Zhuo Bufan introduced himself out of politeness.

"Well, Xiao Zhuo! It's true that heroes emerge from youth. You are the first person to come here in 100,000 years. Once upon a time, there was a young man named Jiang who often appeared here, but now, he rarely comes again."

"I had a great time talking to him, but unfortunately, I feel lonely after he never came again."

Old Zhou stroked his beard and said leisurely.

"Old Zhou, is the young man named Jiang you are talking about called Jiang Taixuan?"

Zhuo Bufan suddenly said so.

Unexpectedly, Old Zhou asked unexpectedly.

"Oh? Do you know him?"

"Yes, he is my master."

The Jiang Taixuan that Zhuo Bufan mentioned is naturally the legendary Emperor Xuan.

In fact, Zhuo Bufan can also guess that the young man named Jiang mentioned by Old Zhou is his master Emperor Xuan.

Only Emperor Xuan has the ability to dig out the sand of time from this long river of time and forge the Tianxuan Tower.

With such an association, it is undoubtedly Emperor Xuan.

"Yes, that young man is Jiang Taixuan. He is just like you, every time he comes, he will dig out some sand of time."

"You two are indeed master and apprentice. Your styles of doing things are so similar. I should have seen it earlier."

Old Zhou laughed.

The reason is that Zhuo Bufan, like Jiang Taixuan, is a porter of the long river of time, and he has to dig sand every time he comes.

Like master, like apprentice.

"Hehe, then Old Zhou, please forgive me for laughing. To be honest, I have never seen my master. I just got his inheritance. I don't know what kind of person my master is."

Zhuo Bufan has never seen Emperor Xuan, and his master is only a nominal master.

After hearing this, Old Zhou fell into memories. After a long time, he said.

"Jiang Taixuan? In my impression, the young man has curly hair and two big dark circles under his eyes. Hua doesn't like to talk much, and has a sense of maturity and shrewdness. Every time he comes, he only greets me once, and then starts digging sand without saying a word."

"He dug for a whole thousand years, and it is said that he refined a magic weapon made entirely of the black sand of time."

"He is simply a genius, and his talent is comparable to that existence."

"It's a pity that for some reason, he never came here again."

"Before he left, he only said one sentence to me."

"What did he say?" Zhuo Bufan asked hurriedly.

After hearing this, Zhou Lao responded: "He said that he was going to protect his homeland and he would not come again."

"Protect the homeland!"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

What he knew was that Emperor Xuan sealed the heaven and earth, cut off the spiritual energy of the cultivation world, and made the cultivation world no longer have immortals.

But now Zhou Lao told him that Emperor Xuan went to protect his homeland.

What homeland was he protecting?

Could it be that the cultivation world threatened his home, so he sealed the entire cultivation world?

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou, for telling me so much about my master. It seems that I don't know my master at all."

"Time is running out, kid, go dig some sand first. I'll have a good chat with you, Mr. Zhou, next time I come."

Zhuo Bufan said, and called out the Chaos Bell.

"Old Bell, sink a little this time and get some white sand out."

Zhuo Bufan threw the Chaos Bell into the River of Time again.

After hearing this, the Chaos Bell sank madly into the River of Time.

However, this River of Time was bottomless. After sinking about a thousand meters, the Chaos Bell couldn't bear it anymore, so it quickly flew up.

When it flew out, it was filled with sand.

Zhuo Bufan found that this time, there was a lot of white sand mixed in the black sand.

Seeing this scene, he was overjoyed.

"You little brat, I was almost washed clean by this broken river. This broken river is so deep that you can't see the bottom." Chaos Zhong complained while handing the dug time sand to Zhuo Bufan. "Thank you for your hard work. This is already very good. This time, there should be about two cans of white sand!" Compared with only a handful of white sand last time, there are two cans this time, which is a very good improvement. "By the way, Mr. Zhou, do you know who dug a lot of white sand from this long river?" Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought of his archive door, and then hurriedly asked Mr. Zhou. The archive door is made of pure white time white sand. Obviously, someone dug a lot of time white sand in this long river of time. If you know who it is, then you can know who refined the archive door. The time white sand used by the three archive doors is more than the black sand needed by the Tianxuan Tower refined by Emperor Xuan. So the person who dug the white sand is definitely not simple.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou closed his eyes and thought seriously for a moment.

Then, he spoke.

"The white sands of time are very difficult to dig because they flow upstream at the bottom of the river. So far, no one knows how deep the long river of time is, and no one has dived into the bottom of the river."

"Therefore, it is unrealistic to dig away a large amount of white sands of time."

"The white sands you have dug up now are just scattered bits floating up from the bottom."

"At the beginning, Jiang Taixuan, your master, also wanted to dig some white sands."

"In the end, he spent a lot of effort and only dug up some insignificant white sands."

"So, digging white sands is not something that ordinary people can do."

"If there is really someone who can dig away a large amount of white sands, it may only be someone like Luo Tian who has become an immortal!"

In the end, Mr. Zhou did not give the answer that Zhuo Bufan wanted.

The white sands of time are countless times more difficult to dig than black sands, and you can't dig them just because you want to.

Although Zhuo Bufan didn't know who forged the archive door, it now seemed that he must be an unimaginable great existence.

In some ways, Zhou Yi felt that the archive door simply surpassed the existence of the innate artifact.

Perhaps, the archive door was really created by an immortal.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou, for answering my questions. Time is almost up, so I'll take my leave first."

Zhuo Bufan didn't think about it anymore, he was about to leave the reincarnation world again.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou squinted his eyes, smiled and nodded.

Then, a ray of light enveloped Zhou Yi, and the next second, he disappeared on the boat.

Seeing Zhou Yi disappear, Mr. Zhou opened his eyes.

"This boy is extraordinary!"


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