After saying goodbye to Xuanyuan Hao and Zifan, Zhuo Bufan walked along the road and came to the end of the road.

They had inquired beforehand.

Coincidentally, there happened to be martial arts gyms opened by three supreme sects in this black-armored city.

"Fuji Martial Arts School?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the sparse martial arts gym on the corner of the street and couldn't help but pause for a moment.

He was attracted by the name of this martial arts school.

No two martial arts schools, no two, no two, one original intention.

Fuji Martial Arts School means never forgetting the original intention.

Yes, you can only get one, not the other. The so-called one means no two.

"Don't you forget your original intention?"

Zhuo Bufan stood outside the door and suddenly thought of the time when he first came to the world of cultivation.

At that time, he just wanted to survive in the crisis-ridden world of cultivation.

"Where is my original intention?"

Just two words "Bu Er" made Zhuo Bufan think deeply.

At this time, he saw a couplet in the martial arts hall

The best way to achieve peace in the world

Only nonduality is the true scripture

The general principle of getting a palace is this sentence. In this world, there is no such thing as the best of both worlds.

Being too persistent or getting confused.

Only by maintaining one's original intention and attaining one thing is the surest way to understand the great ways of the world.

Just after reading the name of the martial arts school and then reading a couplet, Zhuo Bufan decided that he must enter the First Palace to practice.

He had a premonition that winning the first palace was where he was destined to go.

"Hey, are you here to sign up?"

Just when Zhuo Bufan understood the true meaning of Fuji, someone's shout came from the gate of Fuji Martial Arts Hall.

When Zhuo Bufan came back to his senses, he saw a little girl sweeping the floor, staring at Zhuo Bufan with her big, cute eyes.

She was holding a broom in her hand, with two big balls on her head, and her eyes were as clear as a puddle of autumn water.

"Yes, I'm here to sign up. This is Deichinomiya's martial arts gym in Black Armor City, Fuji Martial Arts Hall, right?"

Zhuo Bufan directly stated his intention.

After hearing this, the little girl held her head high and said straight to the point.

"Do you have money?"

"Money? Is that what you're talking about?"

Zhuo Bufan took out the reward given to him by the He family from the mysterious bone ring. It was a black silver coin, which was considered a very precious currency in this world.

"It's a Daoyuan coin. You actually have a Daoyuan coin."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan took out a bag and said.

"Like this, I have a bag. Can I sign up to join your Fuji Martial Arts School now?"

The reward given to Zhuo Bufan by the He family was this bag of Daoyuan coins.

I heard that this kind of Daoyuan coin is extremely precious. It is the world's top currency and is used all over the world.

The Xu Dynasty only produces a limited number of 100,000 pieces every year, and they are specially awarded to meritorious officials.

Legend has it that the material for forging Daoyuan coins is Daotie. This iron ore can make it easier for people to understand the mysteries of the Dao.

The Daoyuan Palace of the Taoist sect even regarded this Daoyuan coin as a token. Every disciple in the Daoyuan Palace wore a Daoyuan coin.

Therefore, when the little girl saw a bag of Daoyuan coins in Zhuo Bufan's hand, her eyes almost popped out of her head.

"Master, Master, come out quickly, there is a big fat sheep, oh no, another big customer is here."

Zhuo Bufan had black lines all over his head and was extremely speechless.

He was treated as a big fat sheep by others.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan didn't care too much.

His original purpose of coming to Fuji Martial Arts School was to become an apprentice and get a place to go to the First Palace.

After hearing what the little girl with a round head said, an old man with a white beard and a drunkard ran out of the martial arts hall with two ugly-looking apprentices.

The old drunkard smelled of alcohol and had two wine gourds hanging on his left and right waists.

Rosacea, dead fish eyes, typical drunk look.

Next to him, there were two apprentices, one fat and one thin, wearing white training uniforms.

The fat one is very tall, and the thin one is very short. Both guys have bitter faces and hazy panda eyes, as if they haven't slept well.

"Hehehe, little brother, I heard that you are coming to sign up for our Fuji Martial Arts School?"

The old drunkard looked at Zhuo Bufan with a smile.

Zhuo Bufan seemed to see the expression on his face when he first met the old profiteer Chu Mubai.

"Haha, I'm Zhuo Bufan. I've heard about the name of Fuji Martial Arts School for a long time, so I came here specifically to pay a visit today."

"This is my tuition fee. I wonder if I can join the Fuji Martial Arts School and become a martial arts apprentice?"

Zhuo Bufan turned his palm, and then four Dao Yuan coins appeared in his hand.

He endowed the Dogen coin with divine power and threw it at the old man.

As a result, the drunken old man raised his hand slightly without opening his eyes and caught all the Daoyuan coins thrown by Zhuo Bufan.

"This old man is not simple!"

Zhuo Bufan just wanted to test the strength of this drunkard old man.

You won't know the result until you try. Once he tried, he discovered that this drunken old man was not weak, probably not weaker than him.

"You kid, it's just a Dao Yuan coin, I'm afraid it's not enough!"

"You want to enter the First Palace, but you can't get in without paying some channel fees."

This old drunkard made it clear that he wanted to blackmail Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan didn't hesitate after hearing this.

"Mingren doesn't tell secrets. Since the curator has said so, then these are all yours."

Zhuo Bufan is a very free and easy person, he will come back after all his money is gone.

He threw the bag of Daoyuan coins to the drunkard old man.

After the drunkard old man took all the Daoyuan coins, he widened his eyes and grinned.

"Boy, you are quite smart."

"In that case, I will be happy for once. From now on, you will be the apprentice of the Buer Martial Arts School."

"Two months later, if you can stand out from thousands of martial arts schools at the Southern Martial Arts School Conference, you can enter the Deyi Palace."

Zhuo Bufan nodded and clasped his fists after hearing this.

"Thank you, Director. Don't you want to investigate my identity before making a decision?"

"Haha, there is no need for that."

"You are not bad, you are young, but you have a soul in the Sixth Realm. You can enter the top three in the Southern Martial Arts School Conference two months later."

This old drunkard only looks at money, not people.

But what surprised Zhuo Bufan was that the old drunkard thought that with his ability, he could only enter the top three.

You know, this is just a martial arts school conference, and he is not a formal disciple of Deyi Palace.

I don't know what kind of monsters I will meet after becoming a formal disciple.

"Little Broom, take him to the bedroom first. Take him to the Immovable Mountain at night for a test."

"More tests?"

Zhuo Bufan asked.

At this time, the girl with a ball head called Little Broom said to Zhuo Bufan.

"Of course we have to test. Those who can't pass the test are not qualified to enter our martial arts hall."

"Otherwise, do you think there are only four of us in our martial arts hall?"

After hearing what Little Broom said, Zhuo Bufan's head was full of black lines.

"But, you all took my Dao Yuan coins."

The drunk old man said when he heard it.

"These Dao Yuan coins are just to agree that you join our martial arts hall. If you can't pass the test, then you will be expelled directly from the sect."

Zhuo Bufan was speechless.

"Haha, there is such an operation, I'm taught. I don't know what the test is, just take me there now!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to talk nonsense with them.

When he asked about the Buer Martial Arts Hall, he did hear that the Buer Martial Arts Hall had a perverted test.

Because of this test, many people do not come to Buer Martial Arts School to sign up.

They would rather go to another martial arts school in Deyi Palace thousands of miles away.

This is why Buer Martial Arts School is so deserted.

The old drunkard raised his eyes slightly when he heard it, and then grinned.

"Okay, since you want to die, I'll send you there."

"Let's go, old nose, I'll take you there myself."

After the old drunkard finished speaking, he led two ghosts, one fat and one thin, and walked in front with the little broom.

Zhuo Bufan followed closely behind.

The sun set in the west, and the sun was setting.

They came to the back mountain of the martial arts school, entered a mountain forest road, then crossed a stream, and climbed a road affected by gravity.

Finally, they came to the top of the mountain.

In the center of the top of the mountain, there is a circular altar, and on the altar, there is a mysterious stone mill with yin and yang embracing each other.

It absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon, as if it can grind away the passing of time and the darkness of the world...


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