Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 826: The Supreme Sect

The Daxu Dynasty is vast, with a radius of 100 million miles, all of which are its territory.

Among them, there are 36,000 royal cities, and each royal city is guarded by a vassal king, who protects the royal land and no one dares to invade.

However, this huge empire is not as peaceful and harmonious as it seems.

Emperor Tianlong suppressed Daxu with force, so Daxu advocates martial arts, governs the country with martial arts, and respects martial arts.

Walking on the main road of Heijia City, you can see martial arts schools everywhere.

Many martial arts schools are actually opened by some transcendental sects in the mortal world, with the purpose of selecting a group of useful talents every year.

Zhuo Bufan learned from Shashan that there are three most powerful sects in the world.

They are the Taoist "Deyi Palace" that advocates the law of nature.

The legal school "Guiyi Sect" that advocates the law of heaven, earth and man.

And the mysterious school "Taixuan Sect" that advocates the mysterious.

Among them, the highest Taoist school Deyi Palace is in the territory of Daxu.

The name of Deyi Sect comes from the saying that one can get one Dao, but not two.

It is said that Deyi Palace is the source of the power of the Great Dao and the Law of Heaven and Earth.

The ancestor who founded Deyi Palace once created three thousand Great Daos and one billion Small Daos of Heaven and Earth, and was the true king of the Immortal King.

"I want to go to this Deyi Palace to have a look."

Zhuo Bufan said to Xuanyuan Hao.

After hearing this, Xuanyuan Hao narrowed his eyes, and there was a bit of excitement in his eyes.

"I want to go to Guiyi Sect where the Daluo Dynasty is located to have a look."

Xuanyuan Hao learned from Shashan that Guiyi Sect, one of the three supreme sects, was in the Daluo Dynasty in the north of the Daxu Dynasty.

The Daluo Dynasty was an ancient dynasty that was not weaker than the Daxu Dynasty.

It was the oldest empire in the world.

And the Guiyi Sect in its territory was the youngest sect among the three supreme sects.

Guiyi Sect was called the Fa Sect.

If the Deyi Palace of the Dao Sect was to choose only one of the three thousand great Daos,

Then the Guiyi Sect of the Fa School is to return all things in the world to one.

The reason why this young sect is so powerful and can become the supreme in the world is because the founder of the Guiyi Sect is known as the strongest genius in the history of the world.

If the talents in the world are ten, then he alone occupies nine, and the world is divided into one.

When Zhuo Bufan and others heard this sentence "Occupy nine, the world is divided into one", they were indeed shocked.

What kind of person is so perverted?

Shashan also told them that the leader of the Guiyi Sect had already broken through the sky after several reincarnations.

Now this world can revive the spiritual energy and open the road to heaven, all thanks to that legend.

He is also the only flying person in this world for millions of years.

The flying person who has not been forgotten by the world, this person's name is-Luo Tian!

It was he who created the concept of "one point, ten thousand changes, ten thousand changes return to one", he condensed all the great ways in the world, and he founded the peak and undefeated Guiyi Sect.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Hao, who is also a peerless genius, wants to go to Guiyi Sect to pay homage to this legend.

"Go to Guiyi Sect? That's very suitable for you."

Zhuo Bufan was not surprised to hear that Xuanyuan Hao wanted to go to Guiyi Sect.

Finally, he looked at his son Bai Zifan, then touched his head and said.

"Then Zifan, do you want to follow your master or your father?"

Obviously, the paths they choose next will be different, and their fates will change accordingly.

Zhuo Bufan is going to Deyi Palace, while Xuanyuan Hao is going to Guiyi Sect.

So where is Bai Zifan going?

"Master, father, I want to go out alone, I want to go to Taixuan Sect."

Bai Zifan chose to go to Taixuan Sect.

According to Shashan, Taixuan Sect is in the territory of Dayin Dynasty west of Daxu Dynasty.

Taixuan Sect is one of the three sects of Taoism, Dharma and Xuan.

The so-called Xuanxuan, the door of all wonders.

Xuanmen emphasizes that the world is full of flowers, and a single leaf can tell the coming of autumn. The so-called Tao is inaudible, and Xuan is inexpressible.

The founder of Xuanmen is an indescribable legend.

Just like Xuanmen itself, when you talk about him, you feel mysterious.

The ancestor of Xuanmen has experienced thousands of time and space, and traveled through the world.

In the end, he integrated all the worlds he experienced in his life, and then created a big world for himself.

This is the legendary life of the ancestor of Xuanmen, Ye Xuanqi.

Xuanmen produces masters, and there are many masters in this world, all of whom come from Xuanmen.

The disciples who came out of Taixuan Sect seem to have experienced more than ordinary people.

Legend has it that when Taixuan Sect disciples officially enter, they will pass through a door of wonders.

In it, they will experience thousands of disasters and reincarnations.

So the more you experience, the more you get.

Tao, Fa, Xuan!

There is no distinction between the three supreme sects, so there is no problem in choosing any sect.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan chose the Deyi Palace of the Taoist sect.

Xuanyuan Hao chose the Guiyi Sect of the Fa School.

Bai Zifan chose the Taixuan Sect of the Xuan School.

"There should be martial arts schools opened by the three supreme sects in the secular world in Heijia City."

"Shashan said that these sects use these martial arts schools to recruit a group of talented disciples in the secular world every year."

"Since we have made our choice, let's try it too!"

Zhuo Bufan respected Bai Zifan's choice.

He could feel the pressure on Zifan.

Now, his sister, Zhuo Bufan's daughter Bai Zinian, has been practicing with Qing Emperor.

I believe that it won't be long before the returning Bai Zinian will leave his brother far behind.

Bai Zifan has always been the one who protects his sister.

He didn't want to be protected by his sister one day.

So he wanted to practice hard.

With Xuanyuan Hao and Zhuo Bufan, he will never be able to grow up again. He has reached the age where he should go out on his own.

So this time, Zhuo Bufan and Xuanyuan Hao both chose to let go and let Bai Zifan go out and practice on his own.

"Dad, I don't have anything else to say, except that you must ensure your own safety."

Zhuo Bufan said this.

Later, Zhuo Bufan extracted the star tomb from the mysterious bone ring, turned it into a star ring, and gave it to Bai Zifan.

"This is the Tianxing Tomb given to me by Emperor Qing. Now, I will give it to you."

"In the Tianxing Tomb, there should be some inheritance left by Emperor Qing. Dad, I don't have any use for it, so you can take it!"

"If it doesn't work out, Tianxing Tomb can be considered a safe place."

In order to repay Zhuo Bufan, Emperor Qing gave him the Tianxing Tomb.

To be honest, Zhuo Bufan has not had a good look into the Tianxing Tomb so far, so he doesn't know what is in the Tianxing Tomb.

However, Tianxing Tomb, as the ultimate magic weapon of the Qing Emperor, is absolutely extraordinary.

When I leave it to Bai Zifan, I also want to ensure Bai Zifan's safety.

Zhuo Bufan sent Tianxing Tomb.

As a master, Xuanyuan Hao will not be left behind.

Xuanyuan Hao took out a ball of light from his Na Ring and handed it to Bai Zifan.

"My master has nothing for you. You know how to use this world-piercing bead."

"When you encounter danger, crush it, and your teacher will naturally appear by your side."

Xuanyuan Hao was also afraid of the world-piercing pearl for the sake of Bai Zifan's comfort.

Bai Zifan has used this thing before, so he knows how to use it.

Bai Zifan accepted the gifts from his father and master at the same time, then knelt down and kowtowed.

"Thank you father, thank you master."

"Okay Zifan, you have grown up, and I can't keep you by my side forever."

"Go ahead, Dad is proud of you."

Zhuo Bufan, Xuanyuan Hao, and Bai Zifan stood at the crossroads.

Then, they turned and left in three directions.

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