Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1412 Revolutionary Formula

After a great war, the earth was left in ruins.

In the center of the battlefield, only a lava lake was left.

There were two floating islands floating on the lake, and on the floating islands, two peerless voices and faces were trembling and isolated from the world.

"God of the Earth, Gain, you have fallen!"

"Those who betrayed the Mother of the Earth and the Holy Court should be punished and executed!"

On the floating island on the left, an old man in a red robe, holding an iron-blooded staff cast by iron fire, pointed at the old man with wild black hair and unrestrained arrogance on the floating island on the right.

The old man was naked, skinny, and his ribs were clearly visible. He had heavy shackles on his hands and feet.

He looked like he had just crawled out of hell.

Facing the other party's accusations and random charges, he laughed wildly.

"Lava God Feller, you are the one who has fallen, and the entire Holy Court behind you."

"Sky, earth, forest, ocean! You are trying to dominate the world, trying to control the gods, and trying to change the law of balance."

"Those who blaspheme God, there is no way to heaven and no door to hell."

As soon as the shackled old man named Gain finished speaking, he clapped his hands together.


The clapping sound produced by the clapping seemed to be a ritual to summon the gods.

In fact, the moment the two hands were clasped together, the palms were facing each other, and the whole body would form an arcane energy circuit.

In this way, the arcane formula can be used.

Sure enough, the next second, the old man quickly supported his hands forward, and two arcane formulas appeared in front of his left and right hands.

Then, two huge stone pillars rushed out from the magma lake under his feet, like a dragon out of the sea, and blasted towards the lava god Feller opposite.

Seeing this, the lava god Feller held his staff horizontally and held the left and right ends of the staff with both hands at the same time to form an energy circuit.

Then, a huge arcane formula was formed on the staff.

"You are stubborn, I will give you a chance. Since you don't tell me the revolutionary formula, I will kill you."

"What we can't get, no one else can get."

The moment he finished speaking, the magma lake under his feet began to churn.

The terrifying heat wave swept the entire space.

"Oh no, these two guys still have the strength to fight. I got too close."

Zhuo Bufan didn't expect that these two arcane gods could still fight.

What he didn't expect was that the two of them were so powerful.

Zhuo Bufan hid at the first time and watched the two arcane gods in front of him burst out their final power.

This was also the first time Zhuo Bufan saw a battle between arcane masters at such a close distance.


The stone dragon that turned the river collided with the lava storm, and thousands of fire rains fell from the sky.

The earth shook and the mountain collapsed.

There was no sign of any life around.

"Feler, it's over."

Just when Zhuo Bufan thought that everything was over.

Suddenly, the Earth God put his hands together, and then there was a violent storm, and the earth shook.

Then, the Earth God Gain put his hands together again.

Twelve khaki halos burst out from his body.

"The wrath of the earth, bury him!"

As soon as the voice fell, two huge earth hands made of stone and soil suddenly rushed out from under the feet of the Lava God.

Seeing this, Feller prepared to escape.

However, the next second, he found that his feet seemed to be fixed on the ground and he couldn't move at all.

Then, the two big hands, with both hands clasped together, directly wrapped up the Lava God Feller.

Then, Feller was dragged into the earth.

Bang bang bang bang!

Then, accompanied by a series of loud noises, countless holes were blown up in the earth.

The entire ground began to collapse. Everything on the ground was instantly buried.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan immediately started to run away without stopping.

The ground has begun to collapse. If he doesn't run away, Zhuo Bufan will also be dragged into the battlefield.

"Not good, run!"

Zhuo Bufan cursed in his heart, but he ran faster and faster.

He knew very well that if he ran a step slower, he would also be buried in this disaster.

Finally, Zhuo Bufan ran away desperately and escaped from the battlefield.

When Zhuo Bufan turned around and looked at the battlefield again, he saw a huge sinkhole with a diameter of one kilometer left in the battlefield.

Under the sinkhole, it was all lava!

The previous magma lake has turned into a magma sea. Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan was dumbfounded and stunned.

"This power is not inferior to that of a real person!"

Zhuo Bufan was amazed. He thought that the arcane masters of the Arcane God Realm were similar to the magicians he knew. The power was just so-so.

However, after seeing this result, he was still quite shocked.

"Is this the battle between arcane masters?"

"It's interesting. That old man is very smart."

"Using the law of energy conservation of arcane, he dug out the ground beneath their feet."

"The two floating islands are just two pillars left by the earth god to support the underground cavity."

"After he removed the two pillars, the entire ground collapsed."

Zhuo Bufan saw the way the earth god fought at a glance.

Because all energy in this world follows the law of balanced exchange.

So the earth magician has actually been secretly digging the stone and soil under the ground.

Unconsciously, he had dug a tiankeng with a diameter of one kilometer.

When the time was right, the earth collapsed, and everything came naturally, which was completely within his calculation.

In the end, he buried his opponent under the earth and magma with a move of earth funeral.

"What a great calculation!"

Zhuo Bufan was amazed by the opponent's calculation.

The battle was finally settled.

In the eyes of Fuan at the table, this was just a result of both sides being injured and dying together.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the only earth god Gain who was still standing in the center of the magma lake. The opponent was exhausted and lowered his proud head.

Although he killed his nemesis, he was not able to survive the limit of his life.

After watching this battle, Zhuo Bufan had a better understanding of the arcane.

He could feel that his body was catering to a certain energy under the earth.

However, just as Zhuo Bufan was about to turn around and leave, the Earth God on the floating island in the middle of the magma lake suddenly opened his dark eyes.

"The Son of the Earth, it's actually the Son of the Earth!"

Suddenly, the Earth God Gain's eyes regained a glimmer of light, and then he quickly flew to Zhuo Bufan on the distant shore.

Zhuo Bufan, who was about to leave, suddenly felt someone attacking from behind.

He immediately turned around and looked at the other party, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Not dead?"

Zhuo Bufan thought that both parties had died together, so he was about to turn around and leave.

Unexpectedly, the other party was still alive and so energetic.

"No, it's a last gasp."

Zhuo Bufan saw that the Earth God was filled with countless golden rays of light.

These golden rays of light were actually released from the Bu Tian Stone in his hand.

In other words, the Bu Tian Stone actually gave the Earth God a new lease of life.

"Sacred artifact, you actually still have a holy artifact of the chaotic times?"

"Young man, who are you?"

Gain looked at the sky-repairing stone in Zhuo Bufan's hand and was shocked.

Because he could see at a glance that the stone in Zhuo Bufan's hand that released golden light was the most sacred holy artifact in the Arcane God Realm.

"Sacred artifact of the chaotic times?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the sky-repairing stone in his hand and was a little shocked.

He only knew that this stone was made by Meng Chanyi, but he didn't expect it to be a holy artifact.

And looking at the expression of this old man, this holy artifact is very unusual.

"I'm just a traveler."

Zhuo Bufan didn't feel any malice in the eyes of this old man.

And the other party's deadline is coming, and now it's just a last gasp, so there's no need for him to deceive him at this time.

And there's nothing wrong with Zhuo Bufan saying that he is a traveler. After all, relative to this world, he is indeed a traveler.

After hearing this, the earth god Gain grabbed Zhuo Bufan's shoulder and said excitedly.

"No, you are the son of the earth. I feel the purest power of the earth in you. You are the son of the earth."

"Great, you are not only a son of the earth, but also a pure land that has not been polluted by any filth."

"I will pass on all the arcane arts I have learned in my life to you. Please accept them all."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect that he would encounter such a good thing just after coming to this world.

"Are you serious?"

Zhuo Bufan even had some doubts, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

But the other party said it again solemnly.

"I'm not kidding. I'm almost dying. I want to pass on what I've learned in my life before I die."

"Think of me, the Earth God of Arcane, who has traveled all over the world. I don't care about either the Thunder Pool or the Holy Court."

"These guys coveted my revolutionary arcane formula and imprisoned me in the dungeon of the temple. That was the greatest achievement of my life. How could I hand over such an important formula to these greedy guys?"

"I only have one request. I hope you can use my revolutionary formula to lead my hometown, Famli, out of that burial ground."

"You are the son of the earth, and you have the perfect physique of the Earth's arcane quantum energy that you are born with. You can accept all my achievements in an instant."

"If I hand it over to you, my life will not be buried. My life will also be written in the holy book of this arcane domain."

After Gain finished speaking, before Zhuo Bufan could react.

Suddenly, he roared.


Then, twelve khaki energy halos burst out from his body.

These energy halos wrapped Zhuo Bufan up, and each energy halo contained infinite arcane knowledge.

For a moment, Zhuo Bufan was bathed in the palace of knowledge.

Soon, all the twelve khaki energy halos were absorbed by Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan closed his eyes silently, receiving this unexpected inheritance.

"Amazing, really amazing. Is this the knowledge and power of the peak of arcane?"

"This world is really a world where knowledge is power!"

"Each arcane halo is condensed from countless knowledge."

"Revolutionary formula, the arcane that can change the rules of the world! The only power that can break the law of balance."

"This revolutionary formula can actually change the gravity of the earth, it's amazing."

After a series of inheritances, Zhuo Bufan finally understood why Gain said that the revolutionary formula could change the world.

The revolutionary formula he mastered could actually change the gravity of this world.

After completing the inheritance, Gain, who was in his last moments, finally died again, without the holy light covering his body.

"Young man, I can feel the extraordinary breath in you."

"I believe in my choice. You will definitely lead my revolutionary formula to accomplish a great feat in this world."

"My will will continue to flourish in you."

"Young man, can I know your name?"

Seeing Gain dying, Zhuo Bufan finally stopped being full, and answered honestly.

"I am Zhuo Bufan, from the sky. Don't worry, your will will be passed on by me."

"From today on, I, Zhuo Bufan, will take your name Gain and become famous all over the world."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, Gain smiled slightly.

Then he closed his eyes and never opened them again.

He died, died with a smile.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Gain who died in front of him, and was deeply moved.

He didn't expect that Gain, who didn't know him at all, was willing to pass on everything he had to him.

This trust and willfulness shocked Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan put Gain's body on the ground.

Then he put his hands together and felt the surge of arcane energy in his body.

The arcane energy formed a closed loop through the connection of the palms, and the whole body suddenly became an arcane energy body that could release arcane at any time.

Then, Zhuo Bufan found one of the formulas called earth control in his soul.

A halo condensed between his hands, and then Zhuo Bufan slapped it to the ground.

Suddenly, countless arcane energy quanta gushed out from his hands and entered the earth.

These arcane energy quanta can carry every bit of soil under the earth and then control it freely.

Zhuo Bufan dug a hole in the earth according to his own ideas.

Then he made a hard coffin.

Then, the coffin wrapped Gain up and slowly buried him in the earth.

"Gain, the Earth God, return to your mother's arms!"

"Next, I will continue to walk on in your place."

After Zhuo Bufan buried Gain, he bowed to Gain's tombstone.

Then, he turned and walked away.

From that moment on, Zhuo Bufan changed his pseudonym to Gain.

This name is a new identity for him in this world.

After obtaining Gain's inheritance, it means that Zhuo Bufan's starting point in this world has suddenly risen a lot.

Zhuo Bufan can now suddenly understand why Zhou Lao threw him here.

It seems that Zhou Lao has already guessed this inheritance.

This opportunity was given to him by Zhou Lao.

Then, Zhuo Bufan will start looking for Meng Chanyi and the whereabouts of the Lord of Time.


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