The Arcane Realm, the world that the Lord of Time likes to go to the most.

This news alone is enough to surprise Zhuo Bufan.

Because if this is true, maybe the Lord of Time is reincarnating in the Arcane Realm at this moment.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Mr. Zhou in front of him again and asked.

"Mr. Zhou, can you let me enter the Arcane Realm?"

Zhuo Bufan couldn't wait to go to that magical world.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou smiled.

"If you want to go, I naturally have no objection."

"But I want to remind you that every world has its own unique world rules."

"So if you go to the Arcane Realm, everything will start all over again, are you willing?"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded without hesitation.

"Of course, I have already realized this. After all, when I went to the Luotian world before, I also started from scratch."

Zhuo Bufan certainly understood this.

Each world has its own unique rules. If you go to the Arcane Realm, you must follow the rules of the Arcane Realm and start all over again.

Seeing that Zhuo Bufan had realized it, Mr. Zhou couldn't help but smile.

"In that case, I wish you a triumphant return."

"But there is one thing I want to remind you, the Arcane Realm is completely different from the world you are in now."

"That is a brand new world, where humans called arcane masters master the most powerful rule power between heaven and earth."

"This is the same as the spell art you know."

"But arcane is a purer world power."

"When you get there, you will experience another art that is completely different from this world."

After listening to what Mr. Zhou said, Zhuo Bufan became more interested in the Arcane Realm.

"Mr. Zhou, before I leave, I want to ask you one more question."

Zhuo Bufan looked at Mr. Zhou and said.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhou smiled lightly and replied.

"Please go ahead."

Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Mr. Zhou, you have met Fairy Meng, right?"

"She asked you about the whereabouts of the Lord of Time, and you pointed her in the right direction."

"So, the Lord of Time and Fairy Meng are both in the Arcane Realm, right?"

Zhuo Bufan only figured out a very simple question now.

Meng Chanyi must have arrived at the Infinite Thousand Worlds before him.

Here, Meng Chanyi, like him, met Mr. Zhou.

So after meeting Mr. Zhou, Meng Chanyi must have discovered two problems.

The first problem is the truth of the world.

Meng Chanyi must have discovered the truth of the world of the Chaos World, and also knows the relationship between the Yin-Yang World and the Chaos World.

Now Zhuo Bufan can be sure that the Bu Tian Stone in his hand must have been made by Meng Chanyi.

In other words, Meng Chanyi may have guessed that she might return to the Yin-Yang World.

That's why she threw the Bu Tian Stone into the Yin-Yang World.

Meng Chanyi knew where the Yin-Yang World was, but she didn't take the initiative to find Zhuo Bufan.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, Meng Chanyi encountered something more important.

As for this more important thing, Zhuo Bufan could only think of one thing, that is, the Lord of Time.

In other words, Meng Chanyi gave up looking for Zhuo Bufan and turned to looking for the Lord of Time because she knew the whereabouts of the Lord of Time.

With this in mind, it is not difficult to think that the Lord of Time is in the Arcane Divine Realm.

Although Mr. Zhou had always refused to tell the whereabouts of the Lord of Time before.

But now it seems that the Lord of Time must be in the Arcane Divine Realm.

Mr. Zhou did not confirm this, but he did not deny it either.

However, Zhuo Bufan guessed that it was almost certain.

If the Lord of Time that he had been looking for with great difficulty was really in the Arcane Divine Realm, then he would be getting closer and closer to his final goal.

This is also the most accurate news about the Lord of Time that Zhuo Bufan has obtained so far.

Zhuo Bufan understands why Mr. Zhou has always refused to tell the truth.

After all, once someone knows which world the Lord of Time has gone to, the immersive reincarnation experience of the Lord of Time may be ruined.

He does not have the courage to disturb the reincarnation of the Lord of Time.

Therefore, this old Zhou has been hiding something from Zhuo Bufan.

But now, Zhuo Bufan still got some information from him.

"Then next, I'll trouble old Zhou to send me off."

After Zhuo Bufan confirmed that Meng Chanyi and the Lord of Time were in the Arcane Realm.

He couldn't wait to go to that world.

After hearing this, old Zhou raised his sleeves and waved them. A golden light enveloped Zhuo Bufan and sent him to the Arcane Realm.


The Arcane Realm, one of the billions of worlds in the infinite world.

As old Zhou said, this is a super large world.

The whole world has no spiritual energy, but the arcane power between heaven and earth.

The source of this arcane power is called arcane energy quantum.

Arcane energy quantum can form different arcane through different construction methods.

And arcane follows the most basic law between heaven and earth, equal exchange.

How much you pay, how much you get back, this is arcane.


After Zhuo Bufan passed through the black and white realm of the Arcane Divine Realm, lines of information about the Arcane continued to emerge in his mind.

These messages were obviously given to Zhuo Bufan by Mr. Zhou. They could help Zhuo Bufan find the world of arcane and a suitable way of survival.

When Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes again, he found himself standing on a scorched earth.

That's right, under his feet was a piece of scorched earth that had just burned.

As far as the eye could see, there was endless black scorched earth.

The corpses of countless animals were burned into charcoal, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of tar and smoke.

"What happened here?"

Zhuo Bufan realized that he was thrown into a dangerous place.


At this moment, a violent roar came from the end of the earth.

Then the earth began to tremble, and then only saw a series of sharp mountains like blades, suddenly rising from the ground, instantly changing the terrain.

However, those sword mountains and sword forests had not yet completely erupted, and only saw the terrifying lava and flames flying in the air.

Bang bang bang bang!

This is the collision between the earth and the raging fire.

Zhuo Bufan, who was very experienced, could tell at a glance that two strong men were fighting.

"Is this the power of arcane? It is indeed completely different from the aura I am familiar with."

"In the air, I can clearly feel the suffocating energy fluctuations."

Zhuo Bufan did not expect that he would encounter a battle between two strong men as soon as he came to this world.

In this case, he would certainly not rush forward to seek death.

The best way is to hide aside and wait and see.

Zhuo Bufan estimated that the center of the battlefield was at least more than 20 kilometers away from him.

And the safe area should be outside the range of 10 kilometers.

In other words, the battlefield of these two arcane masters is enough to affect within 10 kilometers.

Of course, considering that they are fighting and shifting the battlefield, the best viewing distance is where Zhuo Bufan is currently.

However, because the distance is too far, Zhuo Bufan can't see what is happening in the center of the battlefield.

He knows that the battlefield at this moment is completely a war.

Various big moves that change the terrain have made the sky dark and the sun and moon dark.

Once upon a time, Zhuo Bufan could also turn the world upside down and cover the sky with a snap of his fingers.

But in this world, he is just an ordinary person.

So, in order to protect his life, Zhuo Bufan can't be reckless and must develop slowly.

Now the only thing Zhuo Bufan can count on is the sky-repairing stone in his hand.

What surprised Zhuo Bufan was that after taking this sky-repairing stone to this world, he could still use it.

Zhuo Bufan carefully studied this sky-repairing stone and found that this sky-repairing stone was not simply created by the sky-repairing technique.

On this sky-repairing stone, there are strange patterns, which are very complicated. But it is the most common composition of curves and straight lines.

"Could it be that this is the arcane formula? It was explained in the information that Mr. Zhou gave me."

"The release of arcane requires the combination of arcane formulas."

"This is somewhat similar to the talismans in the spiritual world." "It's just that the pattern of the talisman is born with it and belongs to the power of the door."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the sky-repairing stone in his hand and was surprised.

"Does this mean that Fairy Meng has mastered some amazing arcane arts?"

"This Heaven-Repairing Stone is a stone created by Fairy Meng using the combination of Heaven-Repairing Arts and Arcane Arts."

Zhuo Bufan was somewhat shocked.

He did not expect that Meng Chanyi had made quite remarkable achievements in this world.

Speaking of which, he had not seen Meng Chanyi for many years.

It has been at least ten years. Zhuo Bufan has never seen Meng Chanyi since they parted in the world crack in the chaotic world.

But he will never forget this woman.

This woman took the risk of entering the road of reincarnation in order to help him find the Lord of Time.

Zhuo Bufan remembered Meng Chanyi's kindness in his heart.

"I am here, I am here to find you, can you sense it?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at the battlefield in the distance with the Heaven-Repairing Stone in his hand.


In the battlefield, there was another great catastrophe that shook the earth today.

It can be said that the battlefield has completely fallen and has become a hell-like scene.

Ordinary people may have already fled and sought a place to hide after seeing this scene.

However, Zhuo Bufan did not flee, but stayed where he was, waiting for the end of the battle.

Zhuo Bufan knew that the battle between the strong must end in a loss for both sides.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan did not want to profit from it.

After all, the strong who were both injured were not comparable to him.

Zhuo Bufan did not intend to be a fisherman who profited from it.

As a strong man's intuition, he knew that after the battle was over, his opportunity would also come.

Although this is a brand new world, it does not mean that Zhuo Bufan must start all over again.

If he can make a connection with these masters, then it will not be in vain.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan believed that Mr. Zhou would not put him here for no reason.

Mr. Zhou brought him here, and there must be an opportunity waiting for him.

After all, Zhuo Bufan had reached unimaginable heights, so he was familiar with many routines.

So, Zhuo Bufan was waiting.

He was waiting for the end of this battle.

At the end of the battle, the earth was already torn into pieces and riddled with holes.

There were gullies and rifts everywhere, as well as lava and magma rivers.

However, the power of the battle gradually weakened, and it was obvious that both sides had reached the point of exhaustion.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan began to slowly move towards the center of the battlefield.

As Zhuo Bufan continued to move towards the center of the battlefield, he found that the closer he got to the center of the battlefield, the more he found that the ground was unrecognizable.

Zhuo Bufan was shocked as he moved forward.

This was completely different from the spiritual energy of the cultivation world and the vitality of the chaotic world.

This was the power of the arcane quantum.

There were many khaki particles and fiery red particles in the air.

The two particles represent two different powers of arcane quantum.

The khaki particles are the earth element arcane quantum.

The fiery red particles are the fire element arcane quantum.

The two arcane quantum represent the aura of two powerful masters of the arcane domain.

In other words, these two arcane masters are the earth and fire masters!

The earth element arcane quantum gives people a strong and calm feeling.

The arcane quantum of the fire element gives people a crazy and passionate feeling.

Zhuo Bufan immersed himself in the perception of the two arcane quantum, trying to understand the so-called arcane in this world.

Arcane is a power that follows the iron law of energy conservation.

The pits on the ground turned into created mountains.

The lava under the ground turned into a rain of fire.

To put it bluntly, arcane is a kind of energy carrier.

Earth arcane relies on transferring the underground land into a mountain.

Fire arcane relies on transferring the fire source underneath into a firestorm.

"The so-called arcane follows the principle of energy conservation."

"In this way, all the material energy in this world will not increase or decrease."

"In other words, if you master the method of transfer, you can master the laws of this world."

"It's like a physical and chemical formula. The equal sign in the middle of the formula determines the equality of energy and matter on both sides."

"I seem to have some clues about the arcane of this world."

"Find the equal sign between everything, this is the so-called arcane."

"What a wonderful world, a world of equality."

Zhuo Bufan understood it quickly and had a preliminary understanding of the arcane realm.

Zhuo Bufan has a new understanding of the arcane.

That is to find the equal sign.

This world is an equal world. You are born rich, but your fate is unfortunate.

You are born poor, but your life is peaceful.

This is the equality of life.

What you get, you will lose relatively.

And what you lack, you will get relatively.

Zhuo Bufan only needs a famous saying, God closes the door for you, but opens another window for you.

This sentence may be just empty talk in other worlds, but it is absolutely applicable in this world.

If you lose, you will gain, and if you gain, you will lose.

Everything is based on equality.

This is the world of arcane, the world of equality.

I think I should know how to play in this world.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly, and at this time, he had already walked to the center of the battlefield.

In the center of the battlefield, there was only a lava lake.

In the middle of the lava lake, there were two floating islands.

On the floating island, stood two people who were exhausted.

They were the people Zhuo Bufan was looking for.

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