Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1403 Roasting a giant dragon

Three years have passed since Zhuo Bufan's son Zhuo Buyao was born.

In three years, the crown prince in the cradle has become a famous troublemaker in the God Realm.

He reaches for the moon in the sky and catches turtles in the sea.

Zhuo Buyao, who is favored by the entire God Realm, keeps testing the edge of the Heavenly Rules.

Everyone dotes on him too much, whether it is the two queens or the three brothers and sisters.

Even the priests of the entire Heavenly Court dote on the little prince.

He is now becoming more and more lawless.

Zhuo Bufan realized that if this continues, Zhuo Buyao may become more and more perverse.

So he made a decision, a decision that the entire God Realm could not accept.

He retained Zhuo Buyao's godhood and then sent him into reincarnation.

And unlike half of the reincarnation, Zhuo Bufan actually let Zhuo Buyao reincarnate in six ways.

Zhuo Bufan, who made this decision, was undoubtedly very cruel.

He was so harsh to his only biological son.

So much so that Bai Su and Xuan Su, who had always been here, didn't quite understand.

"Husband, have you really decided?"

As Zhuo Bu Yao's biological mother, Xuan Su naturally didn't want her son to suffer the six reincarnations.

And Bai Su on the side also said.

"Zhuo Lang, Lian'er is still young, just playing around. If you are really worried, you can hand him over to the father emperor for discipline! There is no need to send him to the six reincarnations."

Bai Su also persuaded.

However, after hearing this, Zhuo Bu Fan said resolutely.

"Madam, there is no need to say more! I hope you understand my good intentions."

"Lian'er is different from other children. He has one-tenth of my world power since he was born."

"It can be said that Lian'er will inevitably affect the future of the world in the future."

"I don't want to wait until he is too stubborn to make changes."

"Reincarnation can hone his character. It can let him experience how precious the life of different lives is."

"Lian'er, who has experienced the six reincarnations, will become more mature and reliable."

Zhuo Bufan has experienced it himself and understands how much reincarnation changes a person.

He grew up to what he is now through constant reincarnation.

Only in constant reincarnation can people grow rapidly.

Zhuo Bufan believes that the Lord of Time must have such an idea, so he will continue to reincarnate.

Zhuo Bufan knows that the people in the heaven are too doting on Zhuo Buyao.

So Zhuo Buyao can't stay in the heaven anyway.

The best thing is to send Zhuo Buyao out of the heaven.

Then letting him enter and stay in reincarnation is undoubtedly the best choice.

"I understand! In this case, let's do as my husband said and send Lian'er to the reincarnation!"

Xuan Su is a very conscious person, and she believes in Zhuo Bufan very much.

Even Bai Su was surprised by Xuan Su's consciousness.

"Sister, you!"

"Sister, don't worry about me. I believe that my husband must have a reason for this arrangement.

Let me tell Lian'er about this matter!"

"If Lian'er wants to hate, she will hate me as a mother."

"He is so perverse and presumptuous now, and I, as a mother, can't escape the blame."

"So, let me handle the matter of sending him to the reincarnation."

Xuan Su is a very decisive person. Since she has decided to do this, she will never regret it.

In addition, in order to protect Zhuo Bufan's reputation, Xuan Su decided to personally kill her relatives for the sake of justice.

After all, it is not an ordinary thing to send Zhuo Buyao to the reincarnation.

Just because Zhuo Bufan is the emperor of heaven, you can't let this little emperor enter the reincarnation casually with a word from yourself.

Zhuo Bufan must give a reasonable reason.

In order to send Zhuo Buyao into the reincarnation, Zhuo Bufan needs a good excuse.

And Xuansu is willing to take the initiative to deal with this matter.

"Xuansu, you don't have to force yourself, just let me do this."

Zhuo Bufan doesn't want Xuansu to bear too much.

After all, letting Zhuo Buyao enter the reincarnation is already difficult for Xuansu.

Now Xuansu has to send Zhuo Buyao into the reincarnation personally, which is definitely not a pressure that ordinary people can bear.

But Xuansu can't let Zhuo Bufan do this kind of thing.

If you want to be a villain, let her do it.

"Sister, let me do it! You don't have to bear this."

Bai Su seemed to know what Xuansu was going to do. What she was going to do next would definitely hurt herself and Zhuo Buyao.

However, after hearing this, Xuansu said.

"No, this matter can only be done by me as a mother."

Please don't interfere with my husband and sister, and forgive my selfishness this time.

I will take care of my child myself.

Xuan Su's attitude was extremely tough. After she finished speaking, she turned into a beam of light and disappeared.

Watching Xuan Su's disappearing back, Zhuo Bufan felt a little uncomfortable.

"Am I too cruel? After all, we all know that no one loves Lian'er more than Xuan Su."

Zhuo Bufan knew very well how much Xuan Su loved Zhuo Buyao.

After all, Zhuo Buyao was her only child. But now, she had to send this child into reincarnation with her own hands.

What Xuan Su endured was definitely a pain that Zhuo Bufan could not bear.


"Your Highness, wait for us, Your Highness!"

A golden light flashed above the South Sea of ​​the Mortal Realm.

Behind the golden light, a group of divine servants were chasing breathlessly.

In the golden divine light, there was a small figure, shouting happily.

"Come on, chase me!"

"Whoever can catch me today, this prince will give him a top-grade fairy sword!"

The small figure was the darling of heaven and earth, the little emperor of the heavenly emperor Zhuo Bufan, Zhuo Buyao.

The little emperor was the most favored one in the world, so no matter what he did, no one would blame him.

The divine servants behind him, when they heard that they were going to give him a top-grade fairy sword, tried their best to chase the golden light.

However, the little emperor was born with divine power and had one-tenth of the world's power.

If he wanted to run, who in this world could catch up with them?

Soon, the little emperor threw all the divine servants thousands of miles away and disappeared in an instant.

After throwing away the divine servants, the little emperor lay leisurely on a white cloud.

"It's so boring! My eldest brother is in seclusion in the Sun Palace."

"My two sisters are also traveling in the human world and have no intention of taking care of me."

"And I am forbidden to contact mortals in the human world. Once I find out, I will be held accountable by the Emperor of Heaven."

"It's so boring to be followed by a group of gods all day long."

"In the divine world, there are heavenly rules everywhere. If you accidentally violate the heavenly rules, you will be punished."

"I heard that there is a world called Daluotian outside the sky. It would be great if I could go and see it."

Although the little emperor Zhuo Bu Yao has only been in this world for three years, he seems to have seen through the world and has no interest in anything.

Perhaps it is because he was born with one-tenth of the world's power.

He has a complete grasp of all knowledge of all things in the world, so he feels very bored.

"Why don't I go to the human world to play with my sisters!"

"When the Emperor of Heaven punishes me, the two mothers will definitely help me."

The little emperor Zhuo Bu Yao is most afraid of his father, the Emperor of Heaven.

Because his father, the Emperor of Heaven, could make him suffer endless loneliness and distress in a moment.

So Zhuo Buyao usually didn't dare to make Zhuo Bufan angry.

But now, relying on the support of his two mothers, the Queen of Heaven, he has become more and more presumptuous.

He planned to violate the rules of heaven and go to the mortal world to play.

It is said that the mortal world is full of fun, and there are not so many rules in heaven.

This is why his two sisters like to play in the mortal world all year round.

"Let's go to the mortal world!"

Zhuo Buyao said, and was about to turn around and head towards the mortal world.

However, at this moment, suddenly from the South China Sea below, a surge of divine power came.

"Oh? What is that?"

Zhuo Buyao looked at the South China Sea below from the clouds.

I saw a huge flying dragon flying over the South China Sea.

In front of the flying dragon, there was a mortal practitioner who was desperately running away.

It was a cute little sister in purple clothes, who looked very much like his elder sister Yaya.

The purple flying sword in his hand turned into millions and attacked the flying dragon behind him.

However, the dragon scales on the flying dragon were indestructible and broke all the flying swords.

"Stinky woman, you came to my South China Sea to steal the dragon ball and you want to escape? I'll kill you!"

As soon as the flying dragon finished speaking, it opened its gluttonous mouth and devoured the female cultivator with an extremely huge devouring force.

Soon, the female cultivator was wrapped by the powerful devouring force and could not move.

"Not good!"

The female cultivator was stunned. Facing the dragon clan, her insignificant cultivation was really unsustainable.

"A thief in the world, killing you will not violate the heavenly rules."

"Become my food!"

The flying dragon knew that one of the heavenly rules was not to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

But if the mortal was wrong first, then he must show his divine power to treat the mortal.

The woman in front of him stole the dragon ball of his dragon clan.

For such a serious crime, even if he killed her, he would not be punished by the heavenly rules.

Therefore, the blue dragon was fearless and began to devour the female cultivator regardless of everything.

Soon, the power and spiritual power of the female cultivator were completely devoured.

Just as she was about to become the prey of the blue dragon, a divine thunder suddenly came from the clouds.


The purple divine thunder fell from the sky and hit the blue dragon's head, piercing its head on the spot.

Then, the blue dragon let out a heart-wrenching scream.


Waves of dragon roars, breaking through the sea, shocked the sea people thousands of miles away, and made them boil.

"Who? Who dares to plot against this prince?"

"I must peel off your skin today."

This blue dragon is obviously a royal family among the South China Sea dragons. He calls himself the prince, and he should be one of the sons of the South China Sea Dragon King.

Hearing this, the little emperor on the cloud fell from the sky, and then with a boom, he landed in front of the dragon prince.

"Hahaha, you dare to call yourself a prince in front of me, you are the first in the Three Realms."


The female cultivator who looked like Sister Yaya was stunned for a moment when she saw this person descending from the sky and saving her child.

After hearing this, the little prince Zhuo Bu Yao turned around and looked at the beautiful little sister, then grinned and laughed.

"Don't be afraid, sister, with this prince here, this demon dragon dare not do anything to you."

After hearing this, the female cultivator was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that she would be protected by a child.


Although she didn't know why the other party wanted to protect her, the female cultivator didn't doubt Zhuo Buyao's ability at this moment.

After hearing this, Zhuo Buyao touched his big head and laughed.

"Because you look like my sister. I can't see my sister being bullied, so this demon dragon must pay the price today."

At this time, the dragon prince also recovered.

He looked at the child in front of him and felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who he was for a while.

After all, he usually stayed in the South China Sea. He didn't even have the godhood and was not qualified to enter the heaven, and he had never seen the little emperor in front of him.

But he felt the divine breath on the other party.

In any case, the other party severely injured him. Even if the king of heaven came today, he would make him pay the price.

"Little bastard, do you know who I am?"

"If you mess with me, Ao Lu, you will die today."

Ao Lu, who claimed to be the dragon prince of the South China Sea, hated the little emperor in front of him at this moment.

Of course, he didn't know the identity of the little emperor, otherwise he would scare him to death.

After hearing this, the little emperor narrowed his eyes, and there was an extraordinary temperament between his eyebrows.

He snorted coldly.

"Ao He? What is your relationship with Ao Hong, the Dragon King of the South China Sea?"

The Prince of the South China Sea was furious when he heard this.

"Shut up, it's the name of the father, but you dare to call it directly?"

"Look, this prince will beat your mouth to pieces today!"

After Ao He finished speaking, he opened his dragon head, revealing his sharp teeth like a sharp knife, and attacked the little emperor Zhuo Buyao.

"Be careful!"

The female cultivator behind him exclaimed.

Zhuo Buyao grinned when he saw this.

"Don't worry, sister, watch how this prince teases him."

After Zhuo Buyao finished speaking, he suddenly clenched his fist, and then punched the dragon head of the dragon prince.

On the spot, the reverse scale on the forehead of the dragon prince shattered into powder with a bang.


The dragon prince Ao He roared.

"My thousand-year reverse scale, my thousand-year reverse scale!"

The reverse scale of the dragon head is the source of the dragon's power.

It can be said that it is the place where all the cultivation of a dragon is condensed.

But now, the center of the dragon's eyebrows was blown up by a punch.

So the dragon prince let out a heart-wrenching scream.

But this is not over yet. Zhuo Bufan looked back at the little sister behind him who looked like his sister, and asked.

"Sister, have you eaten dragon meat?"

The female cultivator has not recovered from the shock in front of her.

After hearing Zhuo Buyao's question, she was shocked.

"Dragon, dragon meat?"

"Yes, have you eaten it?"

The female cultivator shook her head woodenly.

Of course she has never eaten dragon meat. What a joke, the dragon race is one of the most powerful races under the gods. Which mortal can eat dragon meat?

"Little brother, have you eaten it?"

For some reason, the female cultivator asked this question inexplicably.

After asking, she realized that she had said the wrong thing.

When she was about to say something back, she didn't expect the mysterious child in front of her to actually say it.

"Actually, I haven't eaten it either. It's just right that we can eat it together today."


The female cultivator hadn't reacted yet.

Zhuo Bu Yao suddenly opened his mouth, and then spit out the world-destroying pure fire that could burn everything from his mouth.

The next second, the dragon prince who was struggling on the edge of pain was directly burnt.


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