Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1402 The Emperor Arrives

"Wife, you need to relax! I have experience in childbirth. Relaxing is the most important thing."

Xuan Su rolled her eyes after hearing Zhuo Bufan's words.

"My husband, stop talking. It's weird."

Xuan Su knew that Zhuo Bufan had experience in childbirth, but every time she heard this, she couldn't help but laugh and cry.

When Zhuo Bufan accepted reincarnation in the Samsara Tower, he had experienced a reincarnation mission of giving birth.

So Zhuo Bufan really has experience in childbirth.

That's why he is here to comfort Xuan Su.

After hearing this, Bai Su also chuckled.

"Okay, Zhuo Lang, you go out and wait first! Leave this to me and my mother."

There was also Bai Di in the room, so Zhuo Bufan couldn't stay any longer.

Xuan Su lay on the bed and felt the fetal movement.

It seems that the baby in her belly may be born at any time.

Although she is a god, there is no difference between gods giving birth and humans.

And the child of a god is also a god, so giving birth is obviously more difficult and hard.

This kind of thing has precedents in the God Realm.

Zhuo Bufan scratched the back of his head after hearing this, and then said.

"Okay, then I'll go out first."

Zhuo Bufan said, and walked out of the delivery room.

Outside the delivery room, Emperor Xuan, Emperor Qing and others congratulated Zhuo Bufan in unison.

"Congratulations to the Emperor of Heaven, congratulations to the Emperor of Heaven."

Zhuo Bufan was relieved after hearing this.

"Thank you all for your blessings. This emperor represents the non-demon and thanks everyone for their care."

At this time, Bai Zinian and the others also ran over and asked excitedly.

"Daddy, is the younger brother born?"

Upon hearing that the younger brother was about to be born, the three children immediately put down their work and rushed to the Immortal Palace.

Zhuo Bufan saw this and replied.

"Not yet, but it should be soon."

Bai Zinian grabbed her little hand excitedly and said.

"Great, I have a younger brother, I finally have a younger brother."

Bai Zinian has older brothers and sisters, but no younger brothers and sisters.

She actually wants a younger brother or sister.

Now that Zhuo Buyao is about to be born, Bai Zinian can finally be called sister.

She has been looking forward to this day for a long time, so at this moment, Bai Zinian and her three siblings are the most excited except Zhuo Bufan.

"By the way, Daddy, what's your brother's name?"

"I've given my brother a name, how about Zhuo Zinian? He's called Zinian like me, but our surnames are different."

Bai Zinian gave him an even more nonsensical name, and Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Your brother's name is Zhuo Buyao, with the courtesy name Qinglian and the nickname Lian'er!"

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's answer, Bai Zinian, Bai Zifan and others were all stunned.

"Zhuo Buyao? Father Emperor, isn't this the same generation name as you?"

Bai Zifan thought his brother was of the Zi generation, but he didn't expect his father Zhuo Bufan to give him a name of the Bu generation.

The three masters on the side also felt that something was wrong.

"Emperor of Heaven, Zifan is right, the name Zhuo Buyao is too big."

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan insisted.

"That's the name. My son Zhuo Bufan doesn't care about seniority. It's just a name."

"If you think my son can't bear this name, you can call him Qinglian or Lian'er."

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's persistence, the three masters didn't know what to say.

"Since the Emperor of Heaven has said so, we naturally have no objection."

"After Lian'er is born, I hope the Emperor of Heaven will let me take him as a disciple."

The Emperor of Xuan suddenly expressed that he wanted to take Zhuo Buyao as a disciple.

This surprised Zhuo Bufan.

After all, the Emperor of Xuan is his master! Now that he has taken his son as a disciple, Zhuo Bufan and Zhuo Buyao will really become brothers in the future.

The Emperor of Xuan seemed to know what Zhuo Bufan was worried about and smiled.

"Don't worry, Emperor of Heaven, Lian'er will naturally not be my disciple, but my grand disciple!"

"But although he is my grand disciple, I will personally teach him to practice."

The Emperor of Xuan did not plan to take Zhuo Buyao as a disciple directly, but as a grand disciple, just because of a generational issue.

Zhuo Bufan nodded after hearing this.

"I understand. I will thank the Buddha on behalf of Lian'er."

While Zhuo Bufan was talking to everyone, a scream suddenly came from outside the delivery room.

"Ahhh, little bastard, it hurts so much."

The person who made this heart-wrenching sound was naturally Xuan Su.

It is no easier for gods to give birth than for mortals.

Mortals give birth to mortals, while gods give birth to divine fetuses.

Divine fetuses begin to absorb the divine power of the mother from the beginning of pregnancy.

When they are born, the divine nature, divine breath, and divine soul will be absorbed.

Therefore, it is also quite dangerous for gods to give birth.

Especially, Xuan Su is not pregnant with an ordinary divine son, but the son of the Emperor of Heaven.

Zhuo Bufan is the creator of the whole world, the god of the world, and a heavenly existence.

Not everyone has the ability to conceive Zhuo Bufan's child.

Fortunately, Xuan Su is not an ordinary god, but a queen with the divine nature of a higher god.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan had continuously strengthened her body, so there was no problem for Xuan Su to give birth to her baby son, but she would suffer a little.

That was why Xuan Su let out such a heart-wrenching roar.


Another scream was heard.

From the screams, one can feel Xuan Su's pain at this moment.

After all, the divine personality, divine breath, and divine soul are all being absorbed by the child.

Even if she is a queen, she won't be able to bear it if this continues.

Zhuo Bufan outside was also anxious at this moment.

Although he is the Emperor of Heaven, he cannot interfere in this production casually. Because it is natural for a child to absorb energy and nutrients from its mother when it is born.

If you change it on your own, it may have a huge impact on your child's future growth.

So Zhuo Bufan can only worry now.

He can only believe in his wife and children, so that they can be safe.

I have to say that Xuan Su is also a great enough woman.

You must know that the child she gave birth to was not an ordinary child, but the child of the world god.

So for Xuan Su, although it is painful, it is worth it.

It would be worth dying to give birth to a son for Zhuo Bufan. Therefore, Xuan Su at this moment was also very desperate.

After feeling how desperate his child was, Zhuo Bufan finally stopped hesitating.

"Everyone, please wait outside the Immortal Palace!"

"This emperor wants to ban the entire Immortal Palace!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't want anyone to disturb Xuan Su's production, so he snapped his fingers and moved all the priests present outside the Immortal Palace.

Immediately afterwards, a huge golden energy shield completely enveloped the entire fairy palace.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan also continued to transfer the divine power of creation to the Immortal Palace and to Xuan Su.

Of course Zhuo Bufan would not let anything happen to Xuan Su.

He not only wants a son but also a wife.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan must keep Xuan Su no matter what.

With Zhuo Bufan's help, Xuan Su gradually stabilized.

After this continued for three days and three nights, all the energy of creation in the world began to automatically gather into the Immortal Palace.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

"My son can actually mobilize the world's creation! This has at least one-tenth of my power."

Zhuo Bufan was greatly shocked, because she could feel that the being about to be born in the Immortal Palace was born with one-tenth of his world power.

In other words, as soon as Zhuo Buyao was born, he was a candidate for world god.

It is also the only one who, besides being extraordinary, can mobilize the power of creation between heaven and earth.

He is worthy of being Zhuo Bufan's son.

Although some words may sound unfair to others, it is undeniable that Zhuo Buyao is definitely Zhuo Bufan's most outstanding child.

In a certain way, his future will definitely surpass Bai Zifan and the others.

After all, he is the son born after Zhuo Bufan became the World God.

He was born with the power of the world god.

"It's born, the baby is born!"

Soon, Bai Su walked out of the fairy palace holding a child with holy light all over his body.

Suddenly, the energy between heaven and earth began to become happy.

It seems that because of the birth of this child, the whole world has become happy.

Zhuo Bufan stood there blankly, feeling extremely excited inside.

He watched Bai Su walking towards him step by step. The child in his arms did not cry or fuss, but stared at him with his eyes.

Those smart eyes are exactly like Zhuo Bufan.

"Zhuo Lang, the child is born and my sister is safe."

Bai Su smiled and looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of him.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he was suddenly deeply moved and felt like crying.

At that moment, Zhuo Bufan was trembling all over and was at a loss.

Seeing this scene, Bai Su slowly brought the child in her arms to Zhuo Bufan, and then smiled at Zhuo Bufan.

"Zhuo Lang, Lian'er knows that you are his father! Give him a hug!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan slowly raised his hands.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a little scared, fearing that he might accidentally break the little guy in his arms.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan suddenly remembered the little daughter he gave birth to when he was reincarnating in the world.

Children are truly the most beautiful gift and gift in this world.

Even Zhuo Bufan, who was the Emperor of Heaven, was extremely happy at that moment.

"Lian'er, Lian'er!"

Zhuo Bufan took the child from Bai Su's arms.

Zhuo Buyao opened his big round eyes and did not cry or make any fuss. He just stretched out his little hand and grabbed Zhuo Bufan's nose.

Then, the little guy burst into laughter.

"This little guy looks exactly like Zhuo Lang when he smiles."

"From now on, he will be as handsome as Zhuo Lang!"

Bai Su said happily.

Although this child is not her biological child, Bai Su will still treat him as kindly as if he were her own.

Just like Xuan Su treats his children.

"Dad, I also want to see my brother, let's see my brother too!"

Outside the Immortal Palace, Bai Zinian and the others saw the birth of Zhuo Buyao, and they were so excited that they called out outside the protective shield.

Seeing this, Zhuo Bufan quickly removed the shield.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Zinian and other priests poured into the Immortal Palace.

Everyone rushed to see the little prince.

"Wow, so cute. Is this our little brother?"

"Daddy, I want to hug you too!"

Bai Zinian should be the most excited.

In a way, Zhuo Buyao and Bai Zifan have the same blood.

They are all Zhuo Feifan's biological children.

Zhuo Bufanjian Bai Zinian was so excited that he carefully handed the child in his arms to Bai Zinian.

"Nian Nian, be careful." The biological mother Bai Su on the side did not forget to remind her.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan said to Bai Su.

"Susu, I'm going to see how Xuansu is doing."

Zhuo Bufan has not forgotten his biggest hero today, Xuan Su. If Xuan Su had not worked so hard, he would not have such a lovely son.

After Zhuo Bufan handed the child to Bai Su and the others, he turned around and entered the delivery room of the Immortal Palace.

In the delivery room, Bai Di was still giving Xuan Su the final treatment.

This time Xuan Su spent all his divine power in order to give birth to Zhuo Bu Yao.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan immediately transferred his divine power to Xuan Su.

"Your Majesty is here!"

After Bai Di saw Zhuo Bufan, he quickly stood up and said.

"No need to be polite, mother, just let me do it!"

Zhuo Bufan took over Bai Di's treatment and carefully began to give Xuan Su the final treatment.

Xuan Su was lying on the bed, feeling that she was the happiest woman in the world at this moment.

"Husband, I succeeded. I finally gave birth to a child for you."

For Xuan Su, her greatest happiness is to have a child of her and Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan reached out his hand, touched Xuan Su's forehead, and then placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you, thank you for your hard work."

Zhuo Bufan was very grateful to Xuan Su. The birth of Zhuo Buyao could be regarded as fulfilling a small wish of Zhuo Bufan.

Therefore, Zhuo Bufan was extremely grateful to Xuan Su.

"It is my happiness to be able to give birth to Lian'er for my husband."

"No matter how hard it is, I am willing to do it."

Only in front of Zhuo Bufan can Xuan Su fully show her most gentle side.

In front of the gods, Xuan Su was a queen who could not be messed with.

Compared to Bai Hou Bai Su, Xuan Hou is known among the gods for her clever methods.

"By the way, where is the child? How is the child? Is he okay?"

Zhuo Bufan touched Xuan Su's forehead and replied.

"Don't worry, the child is now being taken care of by Susu."

"The children really like this brother."

"Especially Nian Nian, she is finally no longer the youngest one, so she is particularly excited."

After hearing this, Xuan Su couldn't help but chuckle.

"Really? That would be great."

"Well, have a good rest! And Emperor Xuan also agreed and is willing to accept Lian'er as his disciple."

"Let Lian'er practice well with Emperor Xuan from now on."

"That's really the best thing. Xuan Zun can accept Lian'er as his disciple. That's Lian'er's fate."

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said nothing.

Yes, everything is so beautiful, and I have no regrets in my life.

The arrival of Emperor Zhuo Buyao brought a rare celebration to the divine world.

Zhuo Bufan even granted amnesty to the world and reduced the reincarnation time of Ao Bo, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, by fifty years.

Not only that, Zhuo Bufan also officially announced to the God Realm that he had made the Emperor Zhuo Buyao the Little Spiritual God! Possess the godhead of a lower god.

Zhuo Buyao has also become the youngest god with divine status in the God Realm so far this year.

Although he is only a lower god now, all the priests understand it.

When this little spiritual god grows up in the future, he will most likely inherit the position of Emperor of Heaven and become the next Emperor of Heaven in this world.

After all, he is Zhuo Bufan's only biological prince!

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