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Chapter 1393 The Emperor Returns (Part 1)

As time goes by, the long-awaited Millennium Holy Scripture finally arrives.

This is a day worthy of celebration by the whole world, whether it is the gods in heaven or the people on earth, they all celebrate and cheer for this day.

On this day, the Heavenly Court specially opened a passage connecting the Heavenly Realm and the human world, shining this thousand-year grand event on the human world.

On this day, all the strange flowers in the world bloom together, just to welcome this most important moment.

On this day, countless literati and poets all over the world wrote huge works for this thousand-year event.

On this day, the sky is filled with fairies, flying dragons in the sky, and steaming clouds and glowing lights, making the whole world extraordinarily gorgeous.

This is indeed a great day worth remembering, and everyone from heaven to earth is celebrating this day.

Just for the celebration venues, there are nine in heaven and countless in the human world.

On this day, golden snowflakes fell from the sky.

It is the essence transformed from the purest spiritual power. Mortals can absorb it to prolong their lives and benefit endlessly. When cultivators absorb it, their cultivation will greatly increase and their understanding will be enhanced.

"This is the Golden Spirit Holy Snow, the power of the Queen of Day."

Chu Mubai discovered immediately that the golden snowflakes came from Bai Su.

This kind of snow only fell once in Bai Su when Heaven was established.

Because the Golden Spirit Holy Snow spreads over the earth, even for Bai Su, it is a huge drain.

Today, Bai Su specially turned on the Golden Spirit Holy Snow. Apparently, he wanted everyone in the world to feel the benefits of this thousand-year holy ceremony.

Not only Bai Su, but also Xuan Su, as Queen Xuan Tian, ​​also took out countless treasures from her private treasury on this day and rewarded them to the world.

The two queens obviously tried their best to perfectly present this thousand-year event.

After all, for them, this is more than just a holy meeting. It is also a welcome ceremony for Zhuo Bufan's return.

In the Immortal Palace, there are many immortals.

All the priests who had witnessed Zhuo Bufan's ceremony to become gods were gathered together again today.

The entire Immortal Palace became particularly sacred today. Light filled the temple, and divine glory filled the fairy palace.

All the priests are waiting, and they are waiting for the two most important protagonists of this event.

"The sun god has arrived!"

Outside the main hall, the master of ceremonies shouted.

Upon hearing the news of Sun God's arrival, everyone present gave way.

At this time, I saw a man as bright as the sun walking in from outside the main hall of the Immortal Palace.

The moment he walked into Da Dian, everyone in the Immortal Palace was excited.

"It's True Lord Sun. He's finally here."

"The True Lord of the Sun is indeed a talented person, and he is worthy of being the most beautiful man in my God Realm."

"On weekdays, True Lord Sun sticks to the World Wall in order to protect the peace and order of the world. I haven't seen this God of War for a long time."

"Today is different from the past. True Lord Sun is destined to be the protagonist today."

Bai Zifan's arrival shocked everyone present.

He is as dazzling and bright as the sun in the sky.

Today, Bai Zifan was wearing a shining platinum armor, standing there very dazzlingly.

Before the banquet even started, many priests came with their families to chat with them.

Among them, there are many high-level gods who come with the intention of being matchmakers for their children, and the girls they bring with them are more beautiful than the last.

It's no wonder that Bai Zifan is now the law enforcer in the divine realm, the god of war in heaven, the god of the sun, and the guardian of world order.

And the most important thing is that he, Bai Zifan, is no longer just a god of war.

Bai Zifan is still the crown prince and young god, the only son of the Emperor of Heaven, and is likely to be the one who will inherit the divine king of the entire Yin and Yang world in the future.

The most important thing is that Bai Zifan is still alone.

Sooner or later, he will choose the crown prince, which is a golden opportunity for many people.

But Bai Zifan really had no intention of choosing a concubine.

He usually guards the World Wall, so few people in Heaven have seen him. Some people have even only heard of his legend.

Today is a thousand-year event, the most important day in heaven.

No matter what, he had to attend this event.

However, he was so popular that as soon as he entered the main hall of the Immortal Palace, he was surrounded by many people.

And just when Bai Zifan couldn't deal with these priests, suddenly the master of ceremonies called from outside the hall.

"Moon God, Star God is here!"

The arrival of Moon God Bai Zinian and Star God Yaya once again aroused cheers from the audience.

"The Moon God and the Star God are back. These two are the most beautiful twins in our heaven!"

"The Moon God and the Star God also travel in the human world all year round. There must be very few people here who have seen the three gods of the sun, moon and star!"

"The three gods of the sun, moon and stars gather together, this trip is worthwhile."

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Bai Zinian and Yaya ran towards Bai Zifan.

Seeing the arrival of his sister and younger sister, Zifan couldn't help but feel relieved from the sea of ​​suffering.

"Sister, sister, you are here."

Bai Zifan walked towards Bai Zinian and the others.

At this time, Bai Zinian also saw the brother in shining gold and couldn't help but smile.

"What's wrong, brother? The majestic True Lord of the Sun, the young God of War in heaven, can't you still cope with these scenes?"

Bai Zinian knew that his elder brother was usually a taciturn idiot.

On the surface, he looks bright, wise and mighty. In fact, he is a stupid guy who is not good at words and doesn't know how to adapt.

"Isn't it the same for you?"

"It's obvious that he was afraid of facing these elders, so he ran away to the human world secretly."

Bai Zifan mercilessly exposed Bai Zinian's little arrogance.

Bai Zinian snorted immediately after hearing it.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense, be careful or I'll beat you up."

Bai Zinian's fierce and cute appearance made Yaya beside him laugh.

It's always so interesting to watch the brother and sister fighting and playing.

And at this time, the host's loud shout came from outside again.

"The three great gods are here!"

Hearing this call, all the priests in the fairy palace turned their minds and looked at the people walking outside the hall.

Seeing the three gods, the fairy posture is ethereal and makes people lower their eyebrows.

These three great gods are the real leaders of the Yin and Yang world.

They are the big guys who protect this Yin and Yang world.

Before the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the three of them were already the top existences in this world.

After the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the three of them are the actual rulers of the entire world.

Especially after the departure of the world master Zhuo Tiandi, the three of them have the final say in the whole world.

Now, the three gods have arrived at the venue of the grand event, which naturally caused countless shocks.

"Grandpa, grandma, uncle, Nian Nian misses you so much!"

After seeing the three gods, Bai Zi Nian did not bow his head and dare not speak nonsense like others.

Instead, he was the first to run to Emperor Xuan and others, and then threw himself into the arms of Emperor Bai.

After seeing Bai Zi Nian, Bai Di smiled and felt very relieved.

"Grandma misses you children too!"

"My Nian Nian is really more and more like her mother when she was a child, beautiful."

Seeing this, Emperor Xuan on the side could not help but shout in person.

"You girl, why are you still so noisy in this occasion today."

"Just like your father who can't rest."

Emperor Xuan said so, but his eyes were full of love for Bai Zi Nian.

At this time, Bai Zifan and Yaya also came forward and took the initiative to greet the three gods.

"Zifan greets His Majesty the Divine Emperor Xuan!" Although Zifan also wanted to call the Divine Emperor "grandfather" like Nian Nian did.

But in such a solemn occasion, the order of seniority was followed, and he had to be polite.

So when he addressed the Divine Emperor Xuan, he called the name of the Divine Emperor Xuan.

Yaya did the same, and did not dare to neglect it.

"Greetings to His Majesty the Divine Emperor Xuan, His Majesty the Divine Emperor Qing, and His Majesty the Divine Emperor Bai."

The Divine Emperor looked at Zifan and Yaya and nodded contentedly.

"Good children, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you are becoming more and more promising now."

The Divine Emperor was very satisfied with Zhuo Bufan's three children.

Especially Bai Zifan, although he was not Zhuo Bufan's biological son, this child had come all the way without any criticism.

Everyone accepted this child. And Bai Zifan did not disappoint them. He grew up to be a generation of genius who could take on great responsibilities.

Seeing that the three children were promising, the Divine Emperor could also ascend to heaven with peace of mind.

Emperor Xuan and his men came today not only to celebrate, but also to tell Bai Su about his plan to ascend to Daluo Heaven.

"Okay, kids, we are not the protagonists today."

"It's almost time, your mother should come out too!"

Emperor Xuan knew that the protagonists today were the two queens.

Bai Su and Xuan Su were like the yin and yang of the Yin-Yang world.

The two of them had already merged with this world and were inseparable.

So the two queens naturally contributed greatly to the stability of the entire Yin-Yang world for a thousand years.

Although today is the Millennium Sacred Ceremony established by the Heavenly Court of the Yin-Yang world, it is also an important day for the two queens to manage the Heavenly Court for a thousand years.

So today, they are the real protagonists of this grand event.

Everyone is looking forward to the appearance of the two queens Bai Su and Xuan Su.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong!

The ten hundred-year bells marked the beginning of the millennium grand event of this millennium.

As the bell rang, everyone in the Fairy Palace fell silent.

At this time, two rays of light, accompanied by bright stars, slowly descended from the high platform of the Fairy Palace.

Bai Su and Xuan Su, respectively, intertwined with white and black brilliance.

Finally, amid the stunned exclamations of everyone, the two queens appeared on the Fairy Platform.

Today, Bai Su wore a white glazed long skirt, with silver-white daffodils embroidered on the cuffs, a few auspicious clouds drawn with silver threads, and a row of milky white cloud patterns densely packed at the hem.

White auspicious clouds surrounded her body, and a holy white divine ring appeared behind her head, giving people a sense of supreme nobility as the mother of the world.

Today, Xuan Su wore a jet-black flowing narrow skirt, with a hem like a fish tail, and the skirt body shone with infinite bright stars.

Her hair was piled up high, and nine black ink lotuses floated beside her, which also gave people a sense of being high above and sacred as the destiny of heaven.

These are the two most noble queens in the Yin-Yang world.

They are the two most beautiful goddesses in this world, and also the two most powerful goddesses.

They held hands and stood on the fairy platform that the gods looked up to.

The smiles on their faces seemed to be the most beautiful and warmest smiles in the world.

The two women looked at the priests below and were deeply moved.

This thousand-year holy meeting would not have been so perfect without the help of the gods.

Then they smiled at each other, grateful for each other's support and care for each other for a thousand years.

In the past thousand years, when Zhuo Bufan was away, it was the two sisters who knew each other, supported each other, and walked all the way to the present.

Therefore, the relationship between Bai Su and Xuan Su has long surpassed their relationship as Zhuo Bufan's wives.

They have long been inseparable and regard each other as the other half more important than their own lives.

"Sister, you speak first!"

Xuan Su held Bai Su's hand tightly and said in a low voice.

Today, Xuan Su, for some reason, was particularly nervous and flustered.

Bai Su nodded after hearing this, and then looked at everyone present.

When Bai Su turned around, everyone present remained absolutely silent.

At this time, only Bai Su said gently.

"I have so many things to say, but I don't know where to start."

"So in the end, thousands of words converged into the sentence I want to say the most."

"Everyone, thank you. Thank you for helping to build the Heavenly Court over the past thousand years."

"On behalf of the God Realm and my husband, Emperor Zhuo Bufan, thank you all."

After thousands of words, Bai Su bowed to all the gods and immortals present, and all the gods and immortals present knelt down one after another.

How dare they bear the bow of the Queen of Heaven.

However, when the immortals were about to kneel down, they were lifted up by an invisible force.

"Everyone, please accept my daughter's bow!"

It was Emperor Xuan who stopped everyone.

Emperor Xuan understood Bai Su's feelings. After all, Bai Su really wanted to thank everyone present for their efforts over the past thousand years.

After hearing Emperor Xuan's words, the gods present slowly stood up.

But facing the bow of the Queen of Heaven, they still felt a little ashamed.

Especially the evil god Chu Mubai, that guy, who stood up first and said.

"Queen of Heaven, we appreciate your gratitude."

"But you really don't need to condescend to thank anyone present."

"Because we all know that for the past thousand years, the order of the heavens has been able to operate and the world has been peaceful, all because of the silent dedication of the two queens of heaven."

"As an evil god, I have caused a lot of trouble for your work. So here, I should feel ashamed."

"To express my apology, this book will be given to the queen of heaven as my gift."

After Chu Mubai finished speaking, he raised his hand, and saw a book slowly flying from his hand to Bai Su.

When the other lower gods present saw this scene, they were all shocked.

"No way? This guy really gave that book to the queen of heaven?"

"Isn't the old evil god afraid of being demoted?"

Everyone thought that the book Chu Mubai gave out must be the "Yin Yang He Dao Jing".

In public, Chu Mubai gave the queen of heaven a copy of the "Yin Yang He Dao Jing".


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