Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1392 Millennium Sacred Scripture (Part 2)

Zhuo Bufan may not have thought that his daughter would one day be able to take on the responsibility of protecting the world.

When he left, the children were just little ones.

Today, Bai Zifan is already a top-notch master in the world of cultivation, and his two daughters are also peerless pride.

As a life, there is no regret.

"Brother, you only know how to bully us. I must complain to my mother."

Bai Zinian said angrily.

After hearing this, Bai Zifan waved his hand and explained.

"I really didn't mean it. I came here this time because of the orders of the two mothers."

"Sister, do you remember what day it is two months later?"

After hearing this, Bai Zinian squinted his eyes and looked confused.

"How do I know what day it is? If you don't tell me clearly, I will never forgive you today."

Facing the fierce and cute Bai Zinian, Bai Zifan quickly explained.

"Two months later, it will be the Millennium Sacred Scripture that our Heavenly Court has established for a thousand years. You have been playing in the human world all day, so you probably don't know about it."

"Today, the Heavenly Court is in full swing. From the lower gods to the two queens, they are all busy for the Millennium Sacred Scripture."

After hearing Bai Zifan's explanation, Yaya and Bai Zinian finally reacted.

They had indeed forgotten such an important day a long time ago.

But after Bai Zifan's reminder, they now remembered it.

"Yes, it seems that the Millennium Sacred Scripture of our Heavenly Court is indeed coming soon."

"Zifan is right, we have been playing in the human world all day, and we really forgot this important thing completely."

Yaya recalled and said quickly.

Bai Zinian, who was standing aside, didn't think it was a big deal after hearing it.

"Isn't it just the Millennium Sacred Scripture? Is it so exaggerated?"

Bai Zifan said after hearing it.

"Sister, since the founding of Heaven, the two queens have worked hard to manage Heaven, and it has been peaceful for a thousand years."

"This is indeed worth celebrating."

"Moreover, we should also repay the hard work that the two queens have put in for Heaven over the years."

After hearing this, Bai Zinian and Yaya felt that it made sense.

"Yes, in these years, when my father was away, the two queens have been in charge of all matters in Heaven. We should repay the two queens."

"Sister, let's prepare a gift for the queens!"

Yaya suggested.

After hearing this, Bai Zinian nodded slightly and replied.

"But what gift should we give?"

"My mothers are the queens of heaven. The whole world belongs to them. They have everything they need."

"So, we want to give a sincere heart."

After Yaya finished speaking, she looked at Bai Zifan on the side and asked.

"Zifan, have you thought about what gift you want to give?"

After hearing this, Bai Zifan replied.

"I want to give you the Qianxie Sword that my father used back then!"

Hearing this, Yaya and Bai Zinian were both stunned.

"No way, brother, you can even get my father's Qianxie Sword?"

"Didn't the Qianxie Sword fly with my father?"

After hearing this, Bai Zifan laughed.

"I found this in a time crack. Maybe it's fate. I didn't expect to find this sword."

The Qianxie Sword was Zhuo Bufan's former sword.

Although Zhuo Bufan didn't practice any sword skills, the Qianxie Sword was indeed his most proud weapon.

Bai Zifan gave Zhuo Bufan's former sword to Bai Su and the others. It can be said to be a very precious and rare gift.

He believed that the two mothers would definitely like it.

After hearing the gift prepared by Bai Zifan, Bai Zinian snorted.

"Brother is so cunning. He prepared such a good gift without telling us."

"I don't care. If you give the Qianxie Sword, I will give the Chaos Bell."

Bai Zinian didn't want to lose to his brother.

The only thing that can rival the Thousand Evil Sword is the Chaos Bell.

After all, the two great artifacts used by Zhuo Bufan were the Thousand Evil Sword and the Chaos Bell.

However, the Chaos Bell, like the Thousand Evil Sword, had long disappeared when Zhuo Bufan ascended.

So it was impossible to find the Chaos Bell.

So Bai Zifan smiled triumphantly and said.

"Then sister, you have to work hard."

"Brother, I will go back to the Heavenly Court first and wait for you to return."

After Bai Zifan finished speaking, he turned into a blue dragon and flew into the sky.

Yaya and Bai Zinian were left behind, unhappy.

"Sister, what should we do? What should we prepare for our mother?"

After listening to Bai Zinian's words, Yaya said.

"Again, we should send our thoughts to our mothers."

"There are still two months before the Holy Scripture. Let's go to the human world again! Maybe we will gain something."

So, Bai Zinian and Yaya began to go to the human world to prepare their grand event gifts.


On the other side, on the fifth floor of the Heavenly Court, which is the area where the gods live.

There are only three supreme beings living on this level. They are the three most powerful people in the world, Qingdi, Baidi, and Xuandi.

All three are the strongest in the world, and they are also Zhuo Bufan's family members.

Since the Yin-Yang world has restored peace, Xuandi has finally had some time.

The person he owes the most in his life is Baidi, so after the establishment of the Heavenly Court, Xuandi has put almost all his thoughts on Baidi.

At the beginning, he had the opportunity to ascend to Daluo Heaven at the same time as Zhuo Bufan.

But in the end, Emperor Xuan decided to stay and accompany his family.

Today, Emperor Xuan can be said to be with Emperor Bai day and night, inseparable.

Of course, Emperor Qing is still as free and easy as ever.

Today, Emperor Xuan summoned Emperor Qing to come back and discuss with him the Millennium Sacred Scripture in the near future.

For Emperor Qing, preparing gifts is not a big deal at all. After all, he has collected countless treasures in the world over the years.

Of course, Emperor Xuan did not ask Emperor Qing to come back to discuss this matter. What they discussed was obviously more important.

"I didn't expect that time has passed so quickly. Almost a thousand years have passed."

Emperor Xuan sighed.

Seeing that Emperor Xuan looked like he had something to say, Emperor Qing couldn't help asking.

"What's wrong, Old Xuan? Why are you so sad about parting today? Didn't you ask me to come back to discuss the Millennium Sacred Scripture?"

After hearing this, Emperor Xuan shook his head and said.

"Today I asked you to come back not only for the Millennium Sacred Scripture. There are some things Xiaoshu and I plan to tell you."

After Emperor Xuan finished speaking, he looked at Emperor Bai and Baishu who were standing beside him.

After hearing this, Emperor Qing immediately became serious, because he felt that Emperor Xuan would be serious about what he said.

"Old Xuan, Xiaoshu, did something happen?"

At this time, Emperor Xuan said.

"Donghuang, I asked you to come here today because I want to tell you something."

"After the Millennium Sacred Scripture, Xiaoshu and I plan to go to Daluotian to find Bufan! After we leave, the Yin and Yang World will be handed over to you to protect."

When Emperor Qing heard this, he was stunned.

"What do you mean? You are going to Daluotian?"

The Qing Emperor thought it was true, after all, Emperor Xuan had chosen not to go to Daluotian.

However, now Emperor Xuan suddenly decided to ascend, which was naturally a bit surprising.

You know, once Emperor Xuan ascends, the Yin and Yang World will no longer be protected.

The Xuan Emperor knew why Emperor Qing was suspicious, so he continued.

"In fact, Bufan might have had an accident."

"He had always been in contact with Susu and the others, but they suddenly lost contact a long time ago."

"Although Susu didn't say it, we all know that they actually care about Bufan's situation in their hearts."

"It's just that they can't ascend to Daluotian with their current abilities, and they have to stay to manage this world."

"If it weren't for this reason, they might have set off and ascended long ago."

"They have suffered so much over the years. So no matter what, I want to help them again."

After hearing this, Baidi on the side also nodded.

"That's right, this time we went to Daluotian to find Xiaozhuo."

"Whether he is alive or dead, we have to find out the reason."

"Otherwise, the two Susu will probably be heartbroken and sick with lovesickness."

It turned out that the reason why Xuandi and Baidi planned to go to Daluotian was to help Baisu and Xuansu find Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan is their son-in-law after all. No matter what he encountered in Daluotian, they should find out the truth.

After hearing this, the Green Emperor also understood the decision of the Black Emperor and the White Emperor.

Then he said.

"Why don't I go with you!"

The Green Emperor said.

After hearing this, the Black Emperor shook his head and replied.

"No, you have to stay in the Yin-Yang world. This world needs a guardian. After Xiaoshu and I leave, the task of protecting this world falls on you."

"So your responsibility is also very important, do you understand?"

"This is why I asked you to come back today, otherwise, Xiaoshu and I could have ascended by ourselves."

The Black Emperor didn't want to explain too much, and he felt that he would not change at all.

After hearing this, the Green Emperor didn't say anything more.

"Okay, I understand."

"But you need to be careful when you go to Daluotian. Daluotian is not like our world, there is the will of heaven there."

After hearing this, the Black Emperor also nodded.

"I understand! Xuan Hao told me before that the Heavenly Dao of Daluotian is brewing a catastrophe."

"So even if it's not for Xiao Zhuo, I must go to Daluotian to take a look. After all, this catastrophe may affect billions of people in our entire world."

Emperor Xuan has decided to go to Daluotian to find out.

Obviously, he didn't know that Zhuo Bufan had returned. After all, when Zhuo Bufan came back, he didn't alarm anyone.


For the next period of time, everyone was preparing for the Millennium Scripture.

And Zhuo Bufan was reviewing everything that had happened in the Yin-Yang world over the past few hundred years.

For him, the focus now naturally fell on the Yin-Yang world.

As for the affairs of Daluotian, he had already forgotten them.

"I didn't expect that so many things happened in the Yin-Yang world during the years I was away."

"Zifan has really grown into a trustworthy adult."

"Ya Ya and Zi Nian have also found the joy of their lives."

"The Kuang Sect is now the world's number one sect. The world is running in an orderly manner and does not need my excessive intervention at all."

Zhuo Bufan was very satisfied after seeing the achievements of Bai Su and Xuan Su over the years.

At this time, Bai Su said.

"Zifan has indeed grown a lot over the years. Now the order of the entire Yin-Yang world is under his management."

"With his current abilities and status, he can definitely be promoted to the position of God King!"

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded.

"Then let's take advantage of this thousand-year holy book to become a god again! Reward where you deserve it, and punish where you deserve it!"

"Now that I'm back, I have to make this world a better place."

After hearing this, Bai Su nodded.

"Zhuo Lang is right. When the Millennium Holy Scripture comes, everyone will be surprised when they see your return!"

After Zhuo Bufan heard this, he reached out and stroked Bai Su's head and said.

"Over the years, I have had to take care of my children and manage the world. Thank you for your hard work."

"I didn't understand it before, but after experiencing it myself, I realized how difficult it is to be a mother."

When Zhuo Bufan said this, Bai Su couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Personal experience? Zhuo Lang, what have you experienced in these years?"

When Zhuo Bufan heard this, he remembered his experience in the female world of reincarnation.

He couldn't help but smile and said.

"If I told you that I was reincarnated as a woman named Jiang Meng, would you believe it?"

"Woman?" Bai Su widened her beautiful eyes and looked at Zhuo Bufan in front of her in disbelief.

"Yes, not only did I reincarnate as a woman, but I also gave birth to a child."

When Zhuo Bufan thought of this, he felt a little ridiculous and sad.

Bai Su was stunned for a while after hearing this.

She didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would have such an experience and become a woman. It was really interesting.

"Sounds interesting. Can you tell me what happened?"

"I really want to listen carefully to your experiences over the years."

Bai Su knew that Zhuo Bufan's experience in Daluotian these years was very exciting.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Well, Xuan Su is not here now. When she is here, I will tell you about my reincarnation in the female world."

For Zhuo Bufan, of those eighteen reincarnations, the one that impressed him most was probably the reincarnation in the female world.

Bai Su nodded after hearing this.

"By the way Zhuo Lang, while my sister is not here right now, I want you to promise me something."

Bai Su suddenly said seriously to Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Zhuo Bufan was stunned for a moment and said.

"Oh? What can't you say in front of Xuan Su?"

Bai Su acted mysteriously, which surprised Zhuo Bufan.

After hearing this, Bai Su replied.

"Over the years, my sister looks very happy on the surface, but in fact she is very lonely inside."

"Although Yaya, Zifan, and Niannian all treat her as their biological mother, they are not my sister's biological children after all."

"So! When you come back this time, work hard and have a baby with your sister!"

It turns out that Bai Su's request was to let Zhuo Bufan and Xuan Su have a child together.

Hearing Zhuo Bufan here, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, I can promise you this task."

For Zhuo Bufan, he came back this time just to enjoy the blessings of being together.

From now on, there will be plenty of time to spend with the second daughter, not to mention one child, but also a group of children.

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