Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1259: Mufa Star [Subscribe please]

The Shepherd God was invincible, and he turned the huge Giant God Star into a bullet.

The Giant King became a tiny ant on the bullet.

This was the power of the Shepherd God. Facing the Shepherd God, it can be said that the Giant King had no power to resist.

In the eyes of the Giant King, the Shepherd God at this moment was simply heaven.

"Giant King Hake, are you admitting defeat now?"

The Shepherd God looked at the small ball of light in his hand and said lightly.

He had a kind of kingly temperament that was "I am the only one who is supreme".

The Shepherd God was now fully qualified to say such words, because the life of the Giant King was just a thought away.

The Giant King was now completely in the hands of the Shepherd God.

As long as the Shepherd God wanted, he would deliberately crush him to death at any time.

"I surrender."

Only the weak voice of the Giant King's soul was heard from the small sphere.

After hearing this, the Shepherd God threw the small ball in his hand away.

Then he snapped his fingers.

Then, the small ball of earth began to grow rapidly.

In an instant, the Giant Star returned to its original state.

The Giant King Hake also took back all his energy at the first time.

Then, the Giant King led all his tribesmen to kneel on the ground.

They obviously collectively expressed their submission to the Shepherd God.

Sure enough, the giants will only submit to the strong.

Facing such a race, the best way is to conquer them by force.

The Shepherd God, who saw this scene, seemed very calm and composed.

"Very good, I will wait for you on the Shepherd Star."

After the Shepherd God finished speaking, a cloud of green smoke suddenly emerged from his body.

The next second, he disappeared in the air.

When the Shepherd God disappeared, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

The pressure in the void was instantly reduced a lot.

"This is the power of the Shepherd God, so powerful!"

Zhuo Bufan praised from the bottom of his heart.

Of course, it's not that the Shepherd God is too powerful, but that Zhuo Bufan is too weak.

Zhuo Bufan didn't know that his clone, that is, the other half of Zhuo Bufan, was even more terrifying now.

It can be said that even the Shepherd God may not be the opponent of Zhuo Bufan's other half.

Especially when Zhuo Bufan's other half comprehends the law of swallowing, I am afraid that by then, let alone the Shepherd God, even the entire Eternal Star Domain will not be enough for Zhuo Bufan to swallow alone.

Of course, Zhuo Bufan now doesn't know that his other half has become so perverted.

Because he can't sense the existence of his other half at all.

So, Zhuo Bufan now is obviously very aggrieved.

He is too weak, so he doesn't even dare to say a word when encountering a boss-level task.

Seeing the boss leave, Zhuo Bufan also breathed a sigh of relief.

On this side, Yu Ji was also shocked by the powerful divine power of the Shepherd God.

"That's the Shepherd God. How cruel will the next battle be."

Yu Ji didn't feel inferior because of the power of the Shepherd God.

She had different thoughts from Zhuo Bufan.

Yu Ji was thinking that since the Shepherd God was so powerful, how powerful Yuan Zun, who was said to be on par with the Shepherd God, must be.

The battle between the Shepherd God and Yuan Zun might affect the entire Eternal Star Domain, and even instantly disintegrate the entire Eternal Star Domain.

Yu Ji was worried that her race might be destroyed in this war.

"I don't know whether it is right or wrong to join this war."

Yu Ji looked at Zhuo Bufan worriedly.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Yu Ji and understood her concerns.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't say much at this point.

Because he knew very well that he had brought Yu Ji into this fire pit, and anything he said now would only be counterproductive.

And at this time, perhaps doing nothing is the best choice.

At this time, the soldier returned to the warship and found Zhuo Bufan and Yu Ji.

"You two must have seen the divine appearance of our Shepherd God."

"I am not afraid to tell you that what just appeared was not the Shepherd God himself, but just a divine thought of the Shepherd God."

"If the Shepherd God's true body appears, I am afraid that the entire star field will be wiped out."

"Okay, you two, follow me to the Giant God Star to meet our Giant King!"

"The current Giant King must have been completely conquered by the power of the Shepherd God."

After the soldier finished speaking, he took Zhuo Bufan and Yu Ji to fly down the Giant God Star.

After arriving at the Giant God Star, they saw the giant tribe that was as huge as a hill.

This giant tribe is worthy of being a fighting race in the Eternal Star Field. In them, extremely powerful energy surges.

When Zhuo Bufan and his men landed on the ground, all the giant tribes gathered around.

Among them, the giant king Hake looked at the soldier intently.

"Giant King, you have already been defeated by my Shepherd God, what else can you say now?"

The soldier looked at the giant king coldly.

The giant king was huge, as big as a mountain.

Facing the soldier in front of him, he just knelt on one knee and chose to submit.

"I am willing to lead the giants and follow the God of Shepherds."

"Well, let my army enter your Giant Star now. At the same time, you need to follow me to the Shepherd Star to meet Lord Wood God."

Although the soldier was short, he looked very arrogant in front of the giant king.

The giant king was obviously conquered by the Shepherd God and did not object at all.

"Okay, I will go with you to Mufa Star. But you must promise me that you will not allow my people to be enslaved."

"Of course, we are just pure allies. When the war is over, I will keep my promise and make your giant race the most respected race in the Eternal Star Region."

"At the same time, the latest scientific and technological technologies of my Mufa Star will be passed on to you and your people."

After listening to the other party's words, the Giant King finally stopped hesitating and decided.

"I agree, take me to see Lord Mu Shen now!"

"I want to personally admire the greatness of the God of Mufa."

The completely conquered Giant King had no temper to resist at all.

After hearing this, the soldier narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Very good, in that case, then you can go with me to Mufa Star!"

"But you are too big, can you become smaller?"

After the soldier finished speaking, he saw the Giant King began to shrink and shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until finally, it became a huge four-meter tall man.

"This is the smallest state I can shrink to."

The Giant King said.

The soldier looked up at the tall man in front of him, and finally sighed helplessly and said.

"Okay, that's it!"

"Now you follow me back to Mufa Star."

After the soldier finished speaking, he took Zhuo Bufan, Yu Ji and the Giant King and set off on the road back to Mufa Star.

On the spaceship, the Giant King, Zhuo Bufan and Yu Ji introduced themselves to each other.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's background, the Giant King was surprised.

"You are from the Three Emperors Star Region? Then do you know one of the Three Emperors, Wa Huang?"

After the Giant King finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

"Do you know Wa Huang?"

He did not answer the Giant King's question immediately, but asked back.

Because Zhuo Bufan did not know what the relationship between the Giant King and Wa Huang was.

Friend or enemy?

At least Zhuo Bufan had a deep relationship with Wa Huang, and even Wa Huang's eldest disciple Meng Chanyi was his lover in his first life.

After hearing this, the giant king immediately replied.

"Nuwa is the creator god of our giants!"

"Without Nuwa, there would be no giants."

"At the beginning, Nuwa used the five elements of soil to make a group of clay figures in the shape of humans in Yaochi, and then used the sky-repairing technique to revive the clay figures."

"Nuwa created humans?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned after hearing this.

"Yes, the group of clay figures made by Nuwa are exactly our giants."

"Later, the world changed dramatically, and the way of heaven showed its power. Nuwa sent our giants out of the Three Emperors Star Region and asked us to find a place suitable for human survival in this chaotic void."

"After millions of years, we came to this eternal star region. We found a place suitable for human survival."

"But my people don't remember the way we came at all."

"We can't go back to the Three Emperors Star Region, so we can't tell Nuwa this news."

After hearing the words of the giant king, Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

Because Zhuo Bufan suddenly thought that he seemed to have forgotten the way back to the Three Emperors Star Region.

Zhuo Bufan has traveled through several time and space cracks along the way. Now, for him, he has completely forgotten what the way he came from is like.

Let him go back the same way, I am afraid he can't find the Three Emperors Star Region.

Yes, after so many journeys, how can Zhuo Bufan remember the way back?

"Yes, I am afraid I don't remember how to go home."

Zhuo Bufan was stunned.

He walked too far and didn't know how to go back.

However, Zhuo Bufan didn't want to give up and continue to look for the Lord of Time.

Wait until the Lord of Time is found, and then look for the way home.

Zhuo Bufan believes that one day, he will be able to return to Daluotian.

"Don't worry, Queen Wa is very good. If Queen Wa knows that you are still alive, she will be very happy."

"Queen Wa is long-lived, she will live longer than the sky."

Zhuo Bufan simply told the Giant King about Queen Wa.

This made the Giant King think of returning to Daluotian again.

"Then do you know how to go back?"

"Back to the Three Emperors Star Region, back to Mazu Mountain."

The Giant King asked Zhuo Bufan, and Zhuo Bufan shook his head and said.

"It's really hard for me to answer this question."

"To be honest, I have forgotten the way I came. But I believe I can go home."

Zhuo Bufan looked at the Giant King with a smile.

The Giant King said to Zhuo Bufan after hearing this.

"Then can you take us with you when you go home?"

The Giant King suddenly asked.

Zhuo Bufan was slightly stunned after hearing this.

"Take you with you?"

"Yes, take our giants with us. Is that okay? We want to go home too."

The Giant King used an almost pleading tone to ask Zhuo Bufan to take them home.

Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly after hearing this.

Then, he narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Okay, no problem, when the time comes, I will definitely take you home together."

The reason why Zhuo Bufan agreed to the Giant King was actually to take this opportunity to win over the Giants.

He had seen how powerful the giants were. There were probably only a handful of races in the entire Eternal Star Region that were stronger than the giants.

The giants were a fighting race that even the Shepherd God had to personally take on.

Zhuo Bufan chose to make friends with the giants, which would be of great benefit to his future actions in the Eternal Star Region.

Zhuo Bufan is too weak now and needs to find some backers.

And the Giant King Hake is undoubtedly an unshakable backer.

Zhuo Bufan believes that even if he comes to the Shepherd God, the Giant King will be a guest of honor.

In addition to the Giant King, Zhuo Bufan also wants to win over Yu Ji.

Although the mermaids are not as powerful as the giants, there is always a race behind them.

And the tribe leader Yu Ji is also unfathomable.

With these two as backers, Zhuo Bufan believes that he will at least be able to handle the Eternal Star Domain in the future.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's promise, the Giant King laughed heartily.

"Okay, little brother, don't worry. As long as I Hake is here, no one dares to bully you."

Zhuo Bufan was waiting for this sentence from the Ninth Generation Giant King.

"Hahaha, the Giant King is joking."

"I am a guest of honor of the Shepherd God now, who dares to bully me?"

After Zhuo Bufan finished speaking, he looked at the soldier who was closing his eyes to rest.

Zhuo Bufan knew that the guy was not sleeping.


After a while, Zhuo Bufan took the opportunity to slowly establish a deep friendship with the Giant King and the Mermaid King.

The three of them also formed a secret alliance.

In this way, when they arrived at the Mufa Star in the future, they would also be able to reflect on each other.

Finally, after more than half a month of sailing, they finally arrived at the center of the Eternal Star Field, the Mufa Star System.

"Everyone, we are about to arrive at my Mufa Star System. For a long time to come, we will work under the same starry sky."

As they spoke, the starship they were riding entered a dazzling star system.

The star field was colorful and dazzling.

The most important thing was that the entire starry sky was filled with extremely powerful energy fluctuations.

It was a very mysterious energy, and Zhuo Bufan had never felt that energy even in Daluotian.

It was different from the energy breath of Daluotian's spiritual energy, vitality, and mysterious energy.

The energy of this Mufa Star was full of a mysterious and profound power.

When they approached Mufa Star, they realized how magical this Mufa Star was.

The entire Mufa Star is not very big, not even half the size of the previous Giant Star.

But Mufa Star is surrounded by circles of giant energy rings.

Its image is very similar to the armillary sphere that Zhuo Bufan is familiar with.

Of course, this armillary sphere is much larger than the armillary sphere he knows.

Zhuo Bufan counted and found that there were as many as twelve energy-type star rings around Mufa Star, which was extremely terrifying.

He was the first to come to such a strange and magical star.

Just by approaching Mufa Star, Zhuo Bufan felt the energy in his body moving crazily.

This feeling has never been felt even in Daluotian.

"Is this Mufa Star?"

Zhuo Bufan looked at this unparalleled star in front of him, and his heart was horrified.

Seeing the spaceship slowly entering the orbit of Mufa Star, Zhuo Bufan's heart was inexplicably excited.

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